Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The most common reasons why people quit karate

"Hey. Wait a minute! I only just started Karate and now you’re talking to me about quitting already. What do you think I am – an undisciplined, unmotivated loser or what?”

OK, maybe you’re right, maybe I shouldn’t talk to you about quitting yet but I think there are some valuable lessons to be learned from the beginning about the different reasons why people quit karate. By knowing this you will know which pitfalls to avoid.

There are some common reasons for quitting karate that are often beyond our control such as lack of money, moving out of the area, illness or injury, change in family circumstances, the death of a loved one, and other unfortunate circumstances. Although all of these are valid reasons I will list in this short article the reasons that are within our control.

Here are some of the most common reasons in no particular order.

· Loss of interest

· Failure on a promotion test

· Disagreements with fellow members and/or instructor

· The curriculum is too hard or too easy

· Feeling like you’re not getting it

· Feeling intimidated and overwhelmed

· Not getting out of it what you want

· Conflict of values

· Karate is not what you thought it would be

· Negatively comparing yourself to others

· Worried about injury

· Lack of control shown by fellow members when sparring

As always there are many more reasons why people quit karate and the list could go on but above are some of the more common reasons. I would venture to say that many of these reasons are self-made and are fear-based. If you are looking to get started in the martial arts then you might want to take a moment for some honest introspection and ask yourself if you are likely to quit for any of the above reasons.

If you are, then it will be even more important that you do your research beforehand and find a school that matches your goals and your values. When you do this, you increase your commitment by the intensity of your preparation, and you help write an insurance policy on your success.

Remember, success comes from preparation, and this is certainly an important element in that preparation that sends a loud clear signal to your subconscious mind that you are out to do your very best in this endeavor.

My own instructor once told me, “Never be afraid of failure if you try your best”. If you follow this advice then quitting the martial arts probably won’t be a viable option, and as the old saying states so clearly, "Quitters never win, and winners never quit."

If you want some more tips on how to make a successful start in your karate practice then check out my FREE Report “Karate for Newcomers: How To Find Out Everything You Need to Know to Start Your Karate Practice”. You will find out how to download it at freekarateinformation. com.

Good luck and best wishes on your journey in karate.

Hydropnics q a the basics of hydroponics

* What is hydroponics?

Hydroponics is commonly referred to as “the cultivation of plants in water.” However, studies show that various media can support the growth of the plant. The definition was broadened to “the cultivation of plants without soil.”

* What is aeroponics?

Aeroponics is classified as a hydroponic method where roots of the plants are continuously or discontinuously place in an environment soaked with fine drops such as a mist or aerosol of nutrient solution.

* What are the advantages of hydroponics?

The most apparent advantage of hydroponics is its manageability to control the plant-growing environment. Other benefits of hydroponics are:

• Restricted supply of enough water only

• Avoid high labor cost than traditional cultivation method

• No need for high cost of soil fertilizer

• Certainty of plant production

* Are there different kinds of hydroponics?

Actually, there are many different types of hydroponics. The major divisions are either media-based or water culture.

Under media-based hydroponics are the following:

• Flood and drain

• Drip system

• Wick Feeding

On the other hand, water culture hydroponics involve:

• Raft Cultivation

• Nutrient film technique

Still, other techniques fall under the water-culture category.

* How much time does a hydroponic garden require?

Starting a hydroponic garden requires time, commitment and dedication. It needs plenty of time if you want to make sure that the plants are in good condition at all times. It will also take you longer to mix the nutrient solutions. From time to time, it is necessary that you check on the pests or diseases that will attack your plant.

The time element also depends on the kind of hydroponic garden you plant as well as how big and complex it is. The time element also depends on the type of plants you want to grow.

* Can I grow hydroponic plants indoors?

Definitely, growing hydroponic plants can also be done in your indoor garden. You just need to maintain a temperature that ranges from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. There must be a sufficient supply of water as well. You'll need to maintain the nutrient solution that you will apply everyday.

* What should I use for a light source?

Light is also one of the requirements for plant growth in a hydroponics system. Most of the cultivated plants need sunlight. However, when you grow plants indoor, artificial light such as bulb light is necessary. The intensity of the light that you are going to use must be high but make sure that it does not significantly raise the temperature.

* Do hydroponic plants grow faster than the plants in soil?

It will depend on how you manage the techniques that you are going to use in hydroponics. If the methods are followed properly, the growth of hydroponic plants will be faster than those planted in soil and the duration could even be longer. It will also vary with the kinds of plants. There are plants that grow faster with hydroponics but there are also those that do not.

Using content to increase website exposure

Numerous websites all over the world depend on their contents to attract attention from their potential customers. However, the process entails a number of key steps to make sure that you succeed in your article marketing:

Autoresponders are a nifty tool. It's quite easy for you to download an autoresponder, list your articles there, and thus send copies to your subscribers. Another good idea is to compile all of your articles into a single ebook, so that individuals who would like to read them all can store them in PDAs and read them at their convenience. By giving your articles to valued customers, you can better attract future traffic to your site.

Send your article to free article directories, hundreds of which will gladly accept and publish copies for free. Since these directories have many thousands of subscribers, your exposure will be greatly increased. A well-written and informative resource box with a link to your website will make the article better, by making it much easier for interested readers to go directly to your website. That is, after all, the point of this exercise.

Ensure that you use research to obtain the most up-to-date information. Use the vast amounts of rare data that can be found on the Internet as references in your articles. To maintain a professional appearance, proofread your articles. Avoid even the smallest of grammar and spelling errors. These errors can easily be avoided by proofreading an article before you submit it.

An excellent way to increase traffic to your own website is to network with similar online businesses. Businesses with similar interests as your own may want to use the articles you publish on their sites. While you should avoid businesses that are in direct competition with you, it is worthwhile to contact others by e-mail or by telephone to offer your content. If they publish the articles, the increased web presence generating traffic on your own website.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Fiber dense food enjoy living a healthy lifestyle

Fiber dense foods are widely available today and recommended by most health experts for a better and more desirable lifestyle. It is essential that you maintain a healthy lifestyle to enjoy your later years and evade any health problems that may be on the horizon in the future. Prevention is better than cure and fiber dense foods can certainly contribute to your active prevention plans. Too many people eat junk food and expect to burn it off. Even if you are adept at losing weight, a burger or chocolate bar will not help you to pass waste through your system. Indeed, they often make up a percentage of the waste that will clog your system in the first place.

The digestive system needs an injection of fiber dense foods in order to work properly. You should get a good dose every day because it helps to remove waste from the body via your system more quickly and effectively. Without fiber, you system would soon become blocked because it would not be able to eliminate waste. With fiber dense foods, the nutrients will be absorbed into the body but the excess products can be excreted properly. For more info see i-highfiberdiet. com/ on Fiber Diet.

Fiber Dense Food: What You Should Eat

There are many products that are considered to be fiber dense foods, and they are not as uncommon as you think. Neither are they dull and boring, but they do taste great! You can identify fiber dense products in supermarkets by looking at the labelling that has to legally be placed on foods these days. You can compare the fiber value of different products as some foods have less fiber than others. More fiber dense foods are whole grain breads, bran cereals and fruits and vegetables. However, you would also have to look at fiber dense foods to make sure that they have lower calorie values because some of them actually have hidden calories to give a product more taste and this could lead to weight gain.

You can choose almost any fruit or vegetable to eat and find that it was a fiber dense food. All fruit and vegetables are completely natural products and so have no unnatural or harmful characteristics. Green vegetables especially are considered fiber dense foods. Having just one portion a day can really aid the mechanics of your system. Incorporating fiber dense foods into your diet will help you to avoid health problems later on in life. You should therefore investigate the options that are out there for you if you value your health and well being.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

The democratic ideal and new colonialism

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful concerned individuals can precipitate change in the world ... indeed, it is the only thing that ever has"

(Margaret Mead)

"Democracy" is not the rule of the people. It is government by periodically vetted representatives of the people.

Democracy is not tantamount to a continuous expression of the popular will as it pertains to a range of issues. Functioning and fair democracy is representative and not participatory. Participatory "people power" is mob rule, not democracy.

Granted, "people power" is often required in order to establish democracy where it is unprecedented. Revolutions - velvet, rose, and orange - recently introduced democracy in Eastern Europe, for instance. People power - mass street demonstrations - toppled obnoxious dictatorships from Iran to the Philippines and from Peru to Indonesia.

But once the institutions of democracy are in place and more or less functional, the people can and must rest. They should let their chosen delegates do the job they were elected to do. And they must hold their emissaries responsible and accountable in fair and free ballots once every two or four or five years.

As heads of the state in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and East Europe can attest, these vital lessons are lost on the dozens of "new democracies" the world over. Many of these presidents and prime ministers, though democratically elected (multiply, in some cases), have fallen prey to enraged and vigorous "people power" movements in their countries.

And these breaches of the democratic tradition are not the only or most egregious ones.

The West boasts of the three waves of democratization that swept across the world 1975. Yet, in most developing countries and nations in transition, "democracy" is an empty word. Granted, the hallmarks of democracy are there: candidate lists, parties, election propaganda, and voting. But its quiddity is absent. It is being consistently hollowed out and rendered mock by election fraud, exclusionary policies, cronyism, corruption, intimidation, and collusion with Western interests, both commercial and political.

The new "democracies" are thinly-disguised and criminalized plutocracies (recall the Russian oligarchs), authoritarian regimes (Central Asia and the Caucasus), or Vichy-like heterarchies (Macedonia, Bosnia, and Iraq, to mention three recent examples).

The new "democracies" suffer from many of the same ills that afflict their veteran role models: murky campaign finances, venal revolving doors between state administration and private enterprise, endemic corruption, self-censoring media, socially, economically, and politically excluded minorities, and so on. But while this malaise does not threaten the foundations of the United States and France - it does imperil the stability and future of the likes of Ukraine, Serbia, and Moldova, Indonesia, Mexico, and Bolivia.

Worse still, the West has transformed the ideal of democracy into an ideology at the service of imposing a new colonial regime on its former colonies. Spearheaded by the United States, the white and Christian nations of the West embarked with missionary zeal on a transformation, willy-nilly, of their erstwhile charges into paragons of democracy and good governance.

And not for the first time. Napoleon justified his gory campaigns by claiming that they served to spread French ideals throughout a barbarous world. Kipling bemoaned the "White Man's (civilizing) burden", referring specifically to Britain's role in India. Hitler believed himself to be the last remaining barrier between the hordes of Bolshevism and the West. The Vatican concurred with him.

This self-righteousness would have been more tolerable had the West actually meant and practiced what it preached, however self-delusionally. Yet, in dozens of cases in the last 60 years alone, Western countries intervened, often by force of arms, to reverse and nullify the outcomes of perfectly legal and legitimate popular and democratic elections. They did so because of economic and geopolitical interests and they usually installed rabid dictators in place of the deposed elected functionaries.

This hypocrisy cost them dearly. Few in the poor and developing world believe that the United States or any of its allies are out to further the causes of democracy, human rights, and global peace. The nations of the West have sown cynicism and they are reaping strife and terrorism in return.

Moreover, democracy is far from what it is made out to be. Confronted with history, the myth breaks down.

For instance, it is maintained by their chief proponents that democracies are more peaceful than dictatorships. But the two most belligerent countries in the world are, by a wide margin, Israel and the United States (closely followed by the United Kingdom). As of late, China is one of the most tranquil polities.

Democracies are said to be inherently stable (or to successfully incorporate the instability inherent in politics). This, too, is a confabulation. The Weimar Republic gave birth to Adolf Hitler and Italy had almost 50 governments in as many years. The bloodiest civil wars in history erupted in Republican Spain and, seven decades earlier, in the United States. Czechoslovakia, the USSR, and Yugoslavia imploded upon becoming democratic, having survived intact for more than half a century as tyrannies.

Democracies are said to be conducive to economic growth (indeed, to be a prerequisite to such). But the fastest economic growth rates in history go to imperial Rome, Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, and post-Mao China.

Finally, how represented is the vox populi even in established democracies?

In a democracy, people can freely protest and make their opinions known, no doubt. Sometimes, they can even change their representatives (though the rate of turnover in the US Congress in the last two decades is lower than it was in the last 20 years of the Politburo).

But is this a sufficient incentive (or deterrent)? The members of the various elites in Western democracies are mobile - they ceaselessly and facilely hop from one lucrative sinecure to another. Lost the elections as a Senator? How about a multi-million dollar book contract, a consultant position with a firm you formerly oversaw or regulated, your own talk show on television, a cushy job in the administration?

The truth is that voters are powerless. The rich and mighty take care of their own. Malfeasance carries little risk and rarely any sanction. Western democracies are ossified bastions of self-perpetuating interest groups aided and abetted and legitimized by the ritualized spectacle that we call "elections". And don't you think the denizens of Africa and Asia and eastern Europe and the Middle East are blissfully unaware of this charade.

Steroids the naturally occurring terpenoid lipids

The naturally occurring terpenoid lipids in animals, plants, and fungi, Steroids are often classified into animal steroids, insect steroids, ecdysteroids, vertebrate steroids, steroid hormones, plant steroids, and fungus steroids. Steroids are found in human beings in the form of steroid hormones, which are further classified as sex steroids, corticosteroids, and anabolic steroids.

Sex steroids are the sex hormones that play important role in creating sex differences and reproduction in humans. They include estrogen or oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Oestrogen and progesterone are produced primarily in the ovary and placenta during pregnancy and testosterone is mainly produced in the male testes. Corticosteroids including glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids are responsible in regulating many aspects of metabolism and immune function.

Anabolic steroids are the most well known steroids. Occurring naturally in human bodies, anabolic steroids play key role in the growth genitals, body muscles, and bones. However, anabolic steroids are also produced synthetically. The synthetically produced anabolic steroids are produced as anabolic steroid drugs or medications.

Synthetically produced anabolic steroids are also known as anabolic-androgenic steroids or AAS. They are actually steroid hormones associated with the hormone testosterone, a strong androgenic hormone produced chiefly by the testes, and it is responsible for the development of male secondary sex characteristics. The main function of anabolic steroids is protein synthesis within cells, which helps in building up of cellular tissue (anabolism), especially in muscles. These steroids also play androgenic and virilizing role. They help in the development and maintenance of masculine features, such as the growth of the vocal cords and body hair.

Thus, anabolic steroids are medically used to enhance bone growth and appetite, to stimulate male puberty, and to treat many chronic wasting diseases, such as AIDS and cancer. They are often used to increase muscle mass and physical strength. However, the synthetic anabolic substances are widely used as performance enhancing drugs. They are extensively used, abused, overused in sports and bodybuilding to increase strength or physique.

However, there are several serious health risks associated with excessive and long term use of anabolic steroids. Some of the side effects linked with anabolic steroid use include adverse changes in cholesterol levels – increase in LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) and decrease in HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), severe acne, hypertension, liver damage, and deadly changes in the structure of the left ventricle of the heart.

Back to school textbook savings

If you are sending your adult children off to college you know that there are three school related expenses which make up the bulk of your budget: tuition, room and board, and textbooks. The first two expenses are mostly fixed and predictable costs, while the third is impossible to predict as well as a potential budget buster. You may not be able to predict textbook expenses, but you certainly can reduce them by following these three important steps:

1. Shop Online. Your college bookstore has an ironclad grip on textbook inventory, right? Well, at one time that was a true statement. Today, thanks to the internet, websites have sprung up that sell new and used textbooks at prices much lower than those found on campus. Shop with those retailers who have clearly outlined payment, shipping and handling, and return policies. Scan auction sites too for additional savings.

2. Shop Retail. The big bookstore retailers as well as some of the office supply stores carry some titles. At the very least your student can purchase all of his or her supplies off campus, saving you big money in the process.

3. Shop Used. Your campus bookstore knows that having used textbooks on hand will keep them somewhat competitive. The trick with textbook publishers is that yearly updates can make used copies obsolete: planned obsolescence in action! Still, when I was in school I had one professor who encouraged students to pick up the “outdated” copies of one book since he knew the cost was outrageous and he planned on referencing it sparingly. Your student may also learn that some of the titles on the professor's list are optional, not mandatory purchases.

Students today no longer have to feel as if they are being “held hostage” by outrageous textbook prices. Have your student shop wisely and your budget will remain on track.

Avoid internet auction fraud with these tips

In the early days of internet auctions you were much more likely to be conned than you are today. Figures from the National Fraud Information Center for the year 2000 stated that 78% of Internet fraud at that time took place on online auction sites. Since then the big sites have taken major steps to make their auctions safer places for their users.

Although it is safer to buy online from auctions today, you still need to be careful when transacting in internet auctions. Here are some tips to ensure you don't get taken advantage of.

Buy from sellers with good feedback scores as this is one of your best protections. This is a feature of internet auctions which can't be compared by other online retailers. This independent rating system will give you a very good indication of which sellers can be trusted. Ensure the seller has carried out enough selling auctions for it to be a reliable indicator.

Pay by credit card, which is usually the safest method. That way, if you have any problems you can seek redress through your credit card provider. This is a facility you wouldn't normally have when buying from a private individual, so use this extra security feature of online auctions.

Use the big name auction sites because they want to protect their reputation. That means they'll take any fraud complaints seriously and deal with the culprits quickly because it's in their best interest to do so. Stay away from the small sites that nobody's heard of.

Make sure you know exactly what the product or service you're buying is worth to you. Do this right from the start and you'll be in a better position to make sure you don't overbid and end up paying more than the item's worth. There are plenty of people who'll testify to having been caught up in a bidding frenzy. Auctions can be exciting and addictive, but it doesn't make sense to pay more for items at an auction than those that can readily be bought elsewhere.

When you place a bid you have entered into a contract with the seller. Think before you bid. Don't place a bid if you don't really want the item. If you don't that bright orange, floral bathroom sink could be yours!

Remember that expression that says buying on internet auction sites - if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Have a great time - but be careful!

Where to find sea doo jet ski parts suppliers to fuel your passion

"When one becomes so passionate with something, that something almost becomes a significant part of his life. A special element that is closely intertwined with his personality that he almost cannot take it away from his system. And in some cases, that something will eventually become a way of life."

I've heard this one from a jet ski enthusiast some years past and incidentally, the thing that he was pertaining to was his precious jet ski. The thing that became his life.

Well, we all have things to attach ourselves to. We only have to find out what.

Sea Doo jet skis are beyond machine powered toys, they are beyond crafts that we ride into the open waters where the wind hits our face and the sun hits our backs. Not all of us may be as enthusiastic as others in this sport but we all know that when we glide the waters at a rate of 50 mph…well that's life!

Sea Doo jet ski has become one of the favorites in the sports world.

For the maximum enjoyment of your personal watercraft, there is only one thing you can do - love it! Well, that's broad actually and there are more than a hundred ways to love your Sea Doo jet ski.

Asking for one good way? Think of upgrading your jet ski.

Sea Doo jet ski parts are not only intended for upgrading though, they can also serve as replacements for other malfunctioning parts and those that need proper tuning up.

If you want upgrading, Sea Doo jets ski has a huge collection of items that will increase not only the performance of your watercraft but also its general representation.

There are various resources of Sea Doo Jet Ski parts. And as always, they can be found in online retailers and local vendors.

Manuals, kits, engines, parts, accessories…name it, shops specializing in Sea Doo Jet Ski parts has them all. In fact, even local shops and jet ski rentals can equip their buyers with a wide storage of Sea Doo stuffs. Because of the efficiency of marketing and merchandising, there is no doubt that Sea Doo stuffs are normally present in most jet ski shops.

However, not all shops can deliver you the services that they initially promised. It would always be good that you go only to authorized dealers of jet ski parts. The services aside, self-respecting Sea Doo jet ski dealers must be able to provide you with complete technical specifications and details on the items you are needing.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Customer service a proactive step

A farm equipment company in Canada is blazing a new trail in customer service. REM Enterprises Inc. of Saskatchewan, Canada has developed a “Charter of Values”. This charter essentially lets customers know what they can expect from the company whether they are a customer or not.

The basics of the REM charter is…

* Joy

* Character

* Integrity

* Honour

One of the statements in regards to character reads, “We are committed to corporate and personal integrity every day, through every transaction, in every relationship.”

I don’t know about you, but this statement alone would cause me to be interested in the company – and I’m not a farmer. Any integrity test is challenged when you do not ultimately make a purchase, but when that integrity remains intact trust is often the reward.

This ‘charter’ bears a striking resemblance to the Arena Football League’s “Fan’s Bill of Rights”. This league-wide document delineates some of the following expectations…

* The events will be wholesome in nature.

* The events will feature fair competition.

* The players will give their best effort.

* Fans will have access to players and coaches for autographs.

* Fans should expect all who are associated with the game to be positive role models.

Certainly there is more to the “Fan’s Bill of Rights”, but I wanted to give you a picture of what extremely positive customer service looks like.

The best customer service does not wait until after something negative happens to respond. No, it looks for ways to reassure customers and prospects that business management already has their best in mind. A statement of what the customer can expect from your company can produce a radical and enthusiastic response from your customer base and tentative interest from those who have grown tired of settling for less.

Of course, all the promises in the world mean nothing if you don’t back them up. Don’t promise the world and then deliver a deserted island. Your customers will notice the difference.

If you make big promises make big deliveries.

The “Charter of Values” REM Enterprises developed was a way to bring the issue of positive customer service to their clients and prospects, but this charter of values was also a way to move their staff to a place where they followed along with the team. When everyone stays on the same page, everyone begins to respond in a way that keeps the client’s needs the focal point first – not bottom line profits.

Interestingly profits seem to be a direct result of making customers the main priority in business. This concept is one of the primary reasons the Arena Football League continues to see strong fan support in the cities in which they play.

If you take just one bit of advice from the marketing articles you read make it this one – be proactive in customer service. When your customer knows you are committed to them they develop trust much faster. When customer trust is first the bottom line will reflect this priority shift.

Visit santa monica california

The beach city of Santa Monica, California with it's average year round temperature of about 68 degrees Fahrenheit, good air quality, 245 acres of state beach, over 3,800 hotel rooms, numerous restaurants and abundant shopping is not only a destination for millions of Southern California day-trippers, it is also a popular destination for vactioners from all over the United States and the world.

The city is also home to the Santa Monica Pier, where you can fish day and night, watch the waves, view the wonders of the undersea world at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium, dance under the stars to music from big name bands and musicians (summers, Thursday nights only), ride the Ferris wheel, ride a carousel horse or a roller coaster, dine in an ocean view restaurant, entertain yourself at an arcade, watch street performers, jugglers and roller bladers, and shop for souvenirs.

For shopping you can go to the Third Street Promenade, an outdoor, pedestrian-only shopping and entertainment destination where you can spend the whole day. There are more shops are on adjacent boulevards and neighboring 2nd and 4th street. You can also visit Santa Monica Place, a tri-level skylit galleria housing 570,000 square feet with 120 shops and eateries. There is more shopping on Pico Blvd., Montana Ave. and Main Street.

There are accomodations in every price range from inexpensive motels like the Travelodge Santa Monica on Pico Boulevard to luxury hotels like the Hotel Oceana Santa Monica, The Fairmont Miramar Hotel, Le Merigot, Shutters on the Beach and Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel.

Dine in an inexpensive coffee shop, have a Fat Burger or some Mexican fast food or dine in more expensive restaurants like Melisse, Valentino, The Lobster, Il Ristorante di Giorgio Baldi, Josie, Chinois on Main, Rockenwagner Brasserie, Sam's by the Beach, The Beach House, Drago and many more.

Check out the male and female weight lifters and body builders at Muscle Beach with it's free weights, rings, parallel bars, balance bar, and other gymnastics apparatus. Play or watch people play chess at Chess Park with its 14 large tables with 4 chess boards per table and 10 small tables with 1 chess board per table. Go surfing in the Pier, Bay Street and Rose Ave. beach areas.

For more information about the city of Santa Monica, California see santamonica. usacitydirectories. com, a directory of links to city of Santa Monica, California guides and directories listing hotels, restaurants, attorneys, information, resources, services, things to do, places to go and more.

Spotting counterfeit designer handbags

You may try to save a few bucks by buying a designer handbag replica, but there are several reasons why it makes sense to buy the real thing:

1. Although replicas may look like the real thing, the workmanship and quality can't be compared to the original.

2. Counterfeiters avoid paying taxes since their businesses are generally operated on a cash basis. Citizens like you and I still have to pay.

3. The sale of counterfeit designer goods has been linked to terrorist and gang activity as well as organized crime. Drugs are often smuggled inside counterfeit handbags.

Spotting a fake

There was a time when it was easy to spot a fake: misspelled logos, cheap leather and shoddy hardware. Now, fakes are starting to look rather good and it’s hard to tell the difference. Here's how to tell what’s real and what’s not:

1. Authentic handbags are purchased from authorized registered dealers. Authentic designer handbags are not sold by street vendors, at home parties, at flea markets, in New York's Chinatown, in Los Angeles' Santee Alley, or at mall kiosks.

2. If you’re considering a Coach handbag, the company’s website provides a list of authorized dealers. Both Coach and Kate Spade give detailed information on spotting replicas of their products.

3. The price. A new Prada handbag will not sell for $50.

4. Country of Origin Labels. The country of origin for Fendi handbags is Italy. If the handbag has a label that says “Made in Taiwan”, it is not the real thing.

Buying designer handbags online

If you're shopping online and find a designer handbag at a price that’s hard to pass up, there’s a way to tell if you're getting an authentic product:

Read the product description carefully. Some online merchants will lure you into their sites by describing their products as original, authentic or genuine. After reading descriptions, you may find such phrases as “inspired by” a particular designer. This product isn’t authentic and the phrase is used to protect the merchant from trademark infringement.

Want to know for sure it’s real?

Buy designer goods from authorized registered dealers only. You can find resources for affordable authentic designer handbags and other luxury goods at Luxewise. com

Does dieting with chitosan work

If you are planning to down Chitoson in a bid to lose weight fast, read on first! You may be wasting your heard earned cash on a diet pill that does not deliver as it should. We do our best to provide accurate and unbiased information and reviews on bodybuilding and weight loss supplements, which we hope will be useful to you. Chitosan is basically a fiber derived from shellfish and it claims to have the ability to dissolve and grab hold of fats and cholesterol in the stomach.

You may have seen some outrageous claims that you can eat whatever you want, and Chitosan will block out all the fat from the media. Sounds too good to be true doesn't it? You're right, it is not all that true. Chitosan is extracted from the shell of crustaceans like shrimp and crab. Contrary to what you might think, Chitosan has been used for over 30 years. It is not some new, revolutionary discovery, or new weigh loss miracle pill. So do not get fooled by the media hype. Note: you shouldn't take Chitosan if you have any type of shellfish allergies.

Chitosan makes grand promises of 'absorbing' fat and preventing it from getting into your body. Is it the ultimate 'Fat Blocker' - or is it? Far from it. Thorough clinical studies on humans have show that Chitosan does NOT work! Initial Chitosan research were done on animals, NOT humans. These studies on animals did show some effectiveness, and did show some fat-absorbing abilities; however no studies have been done on the effects of chitosan on dietary fat absorption in humans.

There were NO substantial studies done with humans (if any) before producing and selling this product to the public. Weight loss experts all agree that Chitosan simply doesn't work. Previous studies done on Chitosan were 'small' studies and were not published in peer reviewed journals. There is no studies that have found Chitosan to effectively block fat in humans. In a 1999 study conducted by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it showed that the Chitosan group who took 8 pills a day for 4 weeks showed no more weight loss than the placebo group.

Because few studies have been done on Chitosan, there are little recorded side effects of Chitosan. No long term studies have been performed on the side effects of Chitosan, and some studies have show Chitosan to prevent effective absorption of minerals and vitamins.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Affiliate marketing with blogs the golden goose

Want to make more money online in an affiliate marketing programme? Here's some advice from a very smart -- and very successful -- guy who does just that:

"I blog at Entrepreneurs-Journey. com and I make about $2,000 USD a month via affiliate products. Here's my advice if you choose to use a blog as part of your affiliate marketing arsenal."


- Blog honestly and consistently. When you blog every day and make the content your own words, and helpful, you build up a very powerful relationship between you and your readers. At a certain point your blog gains the credibility of the recommendation of a friend. After that, sales are a piece of cake.

- Don't hesitate to write over and over about the same product in your affiliate marketing programme. You can come at it from different points of view that way... write about what you expect from the product at first, why you bought it, how you hope to use it, and so on. Then you can tell your cyber-friends out there, (the ones whose trust you've gained through your blog), exactly how the product came through for you. You're basically echoing what any purchaser goes through with any product, not regurgitating a lot of recognizable affiliate marketing jargon. Product reviews are highly sought-after and help make sales for you.

- Make sure everything you blog has content the reader can really use, and are not just sales puff pieces.

- For your affiliate marketing plan, you can attract links with blogs much easier than with normal websites, so do remember your slogan: Blog Every Day!

- As you build up content, it will compound the effect of each single blog, and each article will have a synergistic effect on the whole process.

- Save time every day to work on building a list. Once you have a credible, substantial blog and a list to match, you're in the affiliate marketing business!

Marketing reports that show the purchase of generic cialis and viagra

A market analysis report can provide you with a great amount of information. The market analysis of a product, good or service will show you how that particular element is faring in the market. If the supply for a certain good is in high demand, this will show you that the public deems that good to be of value. A good perceived as value will then give a higher demand to the manufacturers to produce that good. When manufactures are producing a large quantity of a particular good, this will show in the marketing report and will be a hint of the true popularity of a good.

It is our aim to provide you with clear and concise marketing and analysis reports and articles in relation to erectile dysfunction medications. These types of mediations are steadily growing in popularity and more and more men are obtaining these medications via the Internet.

Thorough and complete marketing and analysis articles will provide you with a solid understanding of the production, supply, demand and sales of erectile medications. You will have a better understanding of the numbers of people who are choosing to purchase Generic Cialis and how those purchases affect the marketing of the drug. When the public decides to purchase generic Cialis, this will be reflected in marketing reports. It is our goal to provide you with a clear understanding of this aspect.

Selling your car step by step guide

Selling your car can be surprisingly tricky, particularly if you want to receive the best possible price. Buyers have a huge choice so it’s vital to make sure that your car stands out from the crowd. Some simple tactics, such as making sure you set a fair price, ensuring that your car looks great and using clever negotiation tactics, can be the difference between making a quick sale or being left with an unwanted car on your hands for months.

Setting the Price

Ensuring that you’ve valued your car correctly is the most important aspect when selling a car. Set too high a price and you could end up with a car stuck on your hands for months, whilst setting too low a price will result in a quick sale but knowing that you could have done better. Parkers. co. uk has an excellent used car guide section, where you can quickly receive a reliable price estimate.

Also, take a look through the local classifieds to get a feel for prices. Take into account the number of miles that you car has traveled and whether any extra features have been installed over the years, such as air conditioning or a stereo system.

Preparing the Car

On average clean and polished cars sell for 10% more than the same cars when they are filthy because buyers like to know that the car they are buying has been cared for. Dealers will also pay more for clean cars because it saves them time and money cleaning the car themselves.

For the outside of the car use a good quality car shampoo before polishing the car to create that ‘new car’ shine. Then power spray the tyres and clean alloy wheels. This clean and shiny car exterior will create an excellent first impression.

Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any dust and dirt from inside the car. Dashboards should be cleaned with a ‘low-gloss’ dashboard cleaner. When cleaning the windows remember to be careful around the heater elements in the rear window. Finally, ensure that the car smells nice. In particular remove any cigarette smell.

Where to Advertise

As a generalization when selling a car there are two options available – sell it yourself or sell direct to a dealer. Selling direct to a dealer is a quick and easy way of getting the car off your hands as you don’t have to advertise, deal with buyers, or take the risk of being unable to sell your car for months, during which time your car continues to devalue. Companies such as webuyanycar. com will provide an instant quote online for the majority of used cars.

The downside with selling to a dealer is that you’re unlikely to receive the best possible price. Advertising and selling the car yourself is more time consuming but can also be more profitable. eBay Motors has become one of the most popular ways of buying and selling a used car, so much so that a car is now sold every 2 minutes through the site. When selling through eBay make sure that you include a lot of information about the car along with a couple of photos.

Negotiating the Price

When potential buyers take a look at your car and decide that they are seriously interested in purchasing it the chances are that they will attempt to negotiate the price. This is to be expected because buyers like to think that they are getting a good deal as well. Therefore have a target price and lowest acceptable price in mind before you enter negotiations. If the two offers are some way apart then a moment of silence is often the best tactic. People find silence uncomfortable and awkward, often resulting in them making a compromise offer half way between the two valuations. It’s at this point that you can propose meeting half way between your offer and the new offer, gaining yourself a better deal.

Completing the Deal

Once a price has been agreed the deal still needs to be completed. Ask the buyer for their ID, address, and landline number because sometimes things go wrong in which case it’s good to have a way to contact them. If paid by cheque only let the buyer drive the car away once it has cleared. Finally, write a receipt stating that you are selling the car, and include the details of the car, yourself and the buyer. Write on the receipt ‘accepted as tested and seen’ to cover yourself against any future claims for damages. Then have the receipt signed by both yourself and the buyer, after which a successful sale will have been achieved.

Slow transportation slow destination and slow recreation

In the good old days they used to say "getting there, is half the fun".

In fact, just the other day I heard someone spout this phrase which made me think, how many of us focus our attention on the actual travel to our destination, rather than the destination itself.

When planning a vacation, or just travel in general, we quite often only consider the actual destination and our itinerary during our stay. We simply assume, usually correctly, that the mode of transportation will be a quick jaunt on an airplane. This is especially true for blue-collar workers taking their one or two week vacation time they are given each year.

The old adage, "getting there is half the fun", still rings true today. Sadly, many of us miss much of the wonders and the beauty of the world by simply selecting the most rapid form of travel possible. Instead of selecting the most enjoyable methods.

For example, consider a trip to the Grand Canyon. It's quite easy to set up a flight, book your hotel rooms, and even arrange tours, and guides, all without leaving our desk. Basically, mapping out our entire itinerary in minutes.

However, if you live in the United States, especially anywhere in the Western states, consider what might be on the roads in between. A car trip from Los Angeles to the Grand Canyon can deliver some of the most beautiful views of nature in the world. It can also be extremely interesting in other ways. The bizarre roadside stands with two headed rattlesnakes in a jar, stories of phantoms in the desert, and gas stations that look like they were pulled directly out of an old B-movie.

The point is quite simple. Many of us practice Slow Travel when selecting our destinations. But we don't take the time to consider our mode of transportation to our destination. Our focus is on the destination itself, and the recreation available once we've arrived. All of which are quite important, but let's not forget those two little words: “SLOW TRAVEL”.

We don't call it slow destinations, nor do we call it slow recreation. We call it Slow Travel for a reason. The entire goal of Slow Travel is for each and everyone of us to slow down and enjoy the beauties and the marvels contained in the world around us. Our time on this planet passes extremely fast. Why would we make an effort to make it go faster?

Yes indeed, “Getting there is half the fun”. When planning their next slow travel vacation be sure to remember that phrase. Your entire trip will be much more pleasant and your frame of mind will be much more serene. After all, that is what your vacation time is for. Rest, relaxation, and some serenity. There's no need to be in a hurry, there's no need to race to your destination. It's highly unlikely that its location is going to change. Take the time to enjoy the things found in between.

Until next time,

SlowTravel. com

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Coins paper money or stamps

What should you collect as a hobby; coins, paper money, or stamps?

Which is the best investment?

It’s strange that some people who collect coins, paper money, or stamps, always want some kind of return on their investment. These are the same people who think nothing of buying a new car and then selling it a few years later for a fraction of what they paid for it. A new car loses value as soon as you drive it on the road!

As for investing in paper money, if someone is buying notes and thinking how much will they be able to get when they sell them again, this person has the wrong hobby. Enjoy collecting for the pleasure and for the fun of it.

Coins and stamps are tangible reminders of years gone by. Yet, while coin collecting is flourishing as a hobby, stamp collecting is decreasing in popularity. Many families who inherit stamp collections are more interested in getting the collection appraised than continuing the collection. You can’t collect something if you don’t know what it is.

Stamp collecting dates back to 1840, when the first stamp was issued in England. One of the earliest indications of stamp collecting is an advertisement from an English newspaper in which a young woman wanted used stamps to wallpaper her room. Soon, post offices discovered stamp collectors as a good source of revenue. From there, stamp collecting took off.

There are no rules about stamp collecting. Some people collect stamps from a certain country while others focus on a particular theme, such as flowers, or ships, or buildings.

Unfortunately, stamp collecting has simply lost its appeal to younger people.

Coin collecting, on the other hand, is at its peak in popularity. Rare or modern coins offer history that collectors can hold in their hand, and every period from the past 2,500 years is reflected in coinage.

Stamps disappear and become part of the ground. A coin can be dug up and, while new varieties of stamps are not really being discovered, new types of coins from all over the world are still being found. How many stamps or bank notes do you think you’ll find while out exploring with a metal detector?

Whilst improperly stored coins can degrade and lessen in value, paper money can be damaged by handling, sunlight, or water. All are subject to flood, fire, or other natural catastrophes.

A stock certificate with half of it burned away is just as good as a mint one in terms of its value on the exchange. In fact, as long as ownership can be proven, it often doesn't even matter if the physical certificate exists. The same can’t be said for paper money.

You can insure against these problems, and go to great lengths to maintain proper storage conditions, but all of this costs money and adds to the cost of the investment, often for many years before there is any return at all.

Today, coin collecting is one of the world’s most popular hobbies. Amateur collectors enjoy coins for their beauty and rarity. Added to this is the excitement of searching for and finding specific coins and the challenge of identifying new ones.

Why is coin collecting thriving and stamp collecting dying? Coins are still being used and are still fascinating. It is an investment as well as a hobby. Coins continue to go up in value while many stamps are at the peak value they will ever receive. Furthermore, many are going down in value.

Enjoy your hobby, and consider whatever you invest in it to be pleasure money, the same way you would count money you spent going to ball games, or dining out, or buying new clothes. Then, whatever you or your family get out of your collection is pure profit, whether it is more or less than what you originally paid.

After all, if you spend $20 a week going to the movies, you don't expect to get anything back for your $1,000 a year collection of ticket stubs, do you?

I believe there is room in both the collecting of coins and paper money for both collectors and investors.

The important thing to remember in investing in coins or banknotes is rarity and desirability.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Shred all your debts through credit card debt consolidation

It is not possible for a person to carry cash all the time, so he prefers the plastic money called as credit cards. While using plastic money, he forgets the ill effect of using credit cards. That is, he has to pay a high rate of interest on using such credit cards. Once the person has entered the black hole of credit card interest, then it is difficult to come out of it. So in order to reduce his interest he should limit his usage of credit cards and also should try to consolidate his past credit card debts.

The person can also consolidate his credit card debts through various alternatives available such as credit card debt consolidation loan or a formal and informal credit card debt arrangement. But the credit card debt consolidation loan is advised to be the best way to consolidate the debts. Credit card debt consolidation loan also helps to save lots of money. Your credit card debts carry high rate of interest, but if you take a loan it will carry lower rate of interest. But sometimes it may not be good for every person. Though the loan carries lower rate of interest it leaves the person in the double debt problem.

Debt consolidation loan can be availed in two forms whether the secured loan or the unsecured loan. In the former, the person is needed to keep his security with the lender. The security is also the one of the reasons which let the lender to lower the rate of interest. While in the latter, there is no need to keep any collateral with the lender. Only the person is required to give a proof of his income and employment in order to avail the unsecured debt consolidation loan.

In addition to the various alternatives the person must also consult the debt counselor. The debt counselor will examine his financial position and will analyze his budget. After analyzing the budget he would advice on the best alternative in regard to your status.

Today the Credit Card Debt Consolation is also available online. Consolidating credit card debts through online makes the task simpler and faster. You are only required to provide a brief of your problem and certain financial details. And the people need not to worry regarding the security of the financial details. Because today every website uses certain encryption softwares in order to safeguard the data of an individual.


“Yu-Gi-Oh!” is a popular Japanese animated “franchise” created by Kazuki Takahashi. Originally a hit in Japan, “Yu-Gi-Oh!” has found strong success in the United States, as well, and is one of several Japanese anime and magna that have done well across the ocean, following in the footsteps of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Pokemon. “Yu-Gi-Oh!” has a story line that always involves characters playing one another in a card game called “Duel Monsters.”

“Duel Monsters” is a card game where each player buys, and then assembles, a deck of cards in an attempt to defeat each other. The decks are made of three different types of cards: Monsters, Magic, and Trap cards. The specific use of these cards is what determines each individual hand strength. Since the story line is repetitive and basic by some standards, in the United States “Yu-Gi-Oh!” has done especially well as children’s programming.

“Yu-Gi-Oh!” started as a magna, back in 1996, but has grown at an astounding rate into what can only be described as a global franchise. There have been two additional magna series’ (think sequels), three anime series, two movies, as well as the real-life version of the card game. This has sold millions of cards, not to mention the massive amount of clothing, toys, and even video games. Quite an empire to spawn out of what started out as a simple magna series.

The original series ran from 1996 to early 2004. The manga, which is where the entire “Yu-Gi-Oh!” craze strats, initially focuses on Yugi Mutou as he uses games to fight various villains. Yugi also gets into misadventures with his friends Katsuya Jonouchi, Anzu Mazaki, and Hiroto Honda. It is only later on where the plot arc shifts to include the well known duels between them and villains, and where the arc of the story that is well known and accepted now actually takes hold.

The amazing success of “Yu-Gi-Oh!” shows the continued popularity of magna and anime, and the amazing popularity both can attain, even with audiences outside of Japan. “Yu-Gi-Oh!” followed several other anime and magnas from Japan to the United States, and its strong success in both places is a tell-tale sign that more will follow.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Submit your articles and increase website traffic

If you are trying to find an inexpensive, yet effective way to promote your website and business, whether it is online or not, you should consider an article directory submission. An article directory submission is a chance for you to write an article about a topic relevant to your website and business, rich in keywords, and get the link to your website out there for potential viewers and customers to see.

Before you start looking for websites that offer article submissions, make sure that your article is ready. Aside from keywords, make sure that your article is formatted correctly, your grammar (spelling, punctuation, word usage, etc.) is correct, it is the appropriate length (generally 250-500 words—if it is longer, try dividing it into different articles), and that it offers useful, organized information.

After you have proofed and edited your article, write a brief summary for your article to present with your article directory submission and prepare a resource box. A resource box is what is going to get the traffic for your own website. Keep it short and include the most important information—your name, title, business, a catchy tagline and the main address for your website.

Once you have that taken care of, start searching for websites that will allow you to make an article directory submission.

A few good ones to get you started are

JustArticlesOnline. com ( JustArticlesOnline. com),

BellaOnline ( bellaonline. com/articles/art12838.asp),

and Ezine Articles (ezinearticles. com).

Each website may have its own rules, regulations, and requirements, so be sure to read up on all their information regarding submissions.

People are always looking for content for their websites, so by using an article directory submission, your article is sure to be read, thus your website traffic and sales will increase. Write your article, prepare it for submission, submit it to the best sites for your website, and watch the your website traffic and sales skyrocket.

The camden-county-vocational-school

Billy loved everything about cars. This person loved the roar of the engine to the little parts that made the vehicle run. Since there were not were not any universities or colleges that specialized in automobiles, the only one that could offer this was the vocational school in Camden County where this individual resided in.

Camden County Vocational School has over a thousand students currently enrolled every year. Though majority of those studying are men, it offers courses for women who want to learn and get a better job.

Most vocational schools require the student to request for a brochure online. Billy filled up the application form, left the telephone number and address so that a representative from campus can call and a brochure can be sent.

A few days later, the brochure arrived. There were two programs being offered that could teach Billy to become a better mechanic. The first was automotive body repair while the second was automotive technician.

Billy believed a skilled mechanic should know everything inside and outside of the automobile. Given that this person wasn’t doing anything, this person decided to enroll in both to be able to get certification.

Normally, vocational courses may take from one to two years. Billy was a smart guy and didn’t have any problems with getting a full load. Because of this person’s hard work and dedication, the two were finished in less than 18 months making the student graduate ahead of the rest in the class.

After graduation, this individual applied for work at the local body shop. Given that this individual did an internship while in school and had two degrees, Billy was able to ask for a salary higher than the minimum wage.

The money earned was then invested in buying parts for the roadster that was being assembled by hand in the garage.

Camden County Vocational School also has other courses for prospective students. It offers cosmetology, computer maintenance, carpentry, graphic designer, machine assistant and a lot more.

The courses offered by this school are accredited by an agency under the Department of Education. This means graduates can be sure the certificate earned can go a long way in moving up the corporate ladder.

It is never too late to learn something new. Those who want to go back to school and perhaps make more cash should ask for a brochure and obtain more information.

Shoulder hemiarthroplasty in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

Replacement of the berm in juvenile person idiopathic arthritis is not often performed and at that place rich person been no published series to date. We present nine glenohumeral hemiarthroplasties in eight patients with systemic or polyarticular adolescent idiopathic arthritis. The mean keep up-up was six days (59 to 89 months). The mean age at the time of operation was 32 old age. Surgery took place at a mean of 27 age subsequently diagnosis.

The results indicated excellent easing from painful sensation. At that place was restoration of useful office which deteriorated with time, in part because of progression of the systemic disease in this severely affected group. No patient has required revision to date and in that location has been no radiological evidence of laxation or osteolysis around the implants. We discuss the pathoanatomical challenges unique to this group. In that location was very little space for a prosthetic marijuana cigarette and, in some cases, bony deformity and the belittled size necessitated the wont of custom-made implants.

Arthritis of the shoulder joint is rarely an early feature of jejune idiopathic arthritis. Involvement of the hip joint and stifle is more common and can be treated by arthroplasty.'~8 That of the articulatio humeri is seen later in the course of ongoing systemic or polyarticular puerile idiopathic arthritis with an incidence of 15% at 15 eld from the onset of the disease.9 Persistent arthritis of the immature produces a maldeveloped proximal humerus and glenoid cavity (Fig. Later in the course of the disease, erosion of ivory and cartilage whitethorn cause medial migration and superior subluxation of the humeral head. Consequent dysfunction of the impairs basic daily activities such as toileting and the utilization of crutches or a stick, which English hawthorn be required during rehabilitation later surgical operation on the coxa or knee joint.

If the elbows become involved, the role of the upper limb deteriorates further. Another (case 6) complained of persistent paraesthesiae and annoyance affecting the lateral aspect of her forearm afterwards surgical procedure which did not respond to simple analgesia and physiotherapy. She remains unable to self-toilet effectively because of a poor range of movement and her purpose has deteriorated with time. Peripheral nerve-conduction studies were comparable with those of the contralateral arm and within normal limits. MRI of her cervical spine showed degenerative changes consistent with a C6 radiculopathy, merely she has declined further intervention.

Thither wealthy person been no other significant complications to date. This is a diminished series of patients with no unoperated control group other than the contralateral of four patients with significant arthritic involvement. Our methodology is otherwise reasonable.

Idees pour mariage et lune de miel inoubliable

Alors le divorce, entre l'avocat, les frais de procŠ¹dure, et la durŠ¹e de ce dernier, tous nos bas de laine y passe. Alors assez! Pour vous, les places Š° ne pas manquer pour rŠ¹ussir et votre mariage, et votre lune de miel!

L'endroit incontournable pour un mariage hors norme et Š° bas prix: Las Vegas.

Pour vous marier a Las Vegas, rien de plus simple. Autre que votre billet d'avion, le budget Š¹valuŠ¹ pour un mariage est de prŠøs de $700? Pourquoi hŠ¹siter?

Ces frais incluent: le permis de mariage, Š¹valuŠ¹ Š° $30, la cŠ¹rŠ¹monie civile, $50; la chapelle offrant en gŠ¹nŠ¹ral la cŠ¹rŠ¹monie, les tŠ¹moins spŠ¹ciaux, la limousine et les photos pour un montant se situant entre $200 et $500, a moins de vouloir pour tŠ¹moin Elvis Presley, la Š·a monte un peu plus haut mais pas de grand chose, Votre divorce? Pourquoi pleurer trop longtemps. A Las Vegas, sitфt divorcŠ¹, vous pouvez vous remarier. Alors no woman no cry…

Les endroits de Las Vegas pour se marier:

Une simple cŠ¹rŠ¹monie civile:

Rendez-vous auprŠøs du Las Vegas Marriage Commissioner. Le mariage peut se faire directement au bureau du Commissionner en 30 minutes pour un cout de $50.

Une cŠ¹rŠ¹monie religieuse:

Rendez-vous dans l'une des cŠ¹lŠøbres chapelles. Sobres, classiques ou plus farfelues, il y en a pour tous les goыts!. Vous pouvez mŠŗme trouver de ces chapelles pittoresques Š° l'aspect d'une Š¹glise entourŠ¹es par des jardins de roses le long du Las Vegas strip parmi les casinos, bars et poker palaces. Pour une modique somme de 200 Š° 500 $, vous pouvez acheter un forfait de mariage qui comprend l'utilisation de la chapelle, la cŠ¹rŠ¹monie de mariage, des fleurs, de la musique et des photos. Les forfaits plus coыteux comprennent plus d'extras comme le transfert depuis votre hфtel en limousine ultra longue ou Elvis Presley comme tŠ¹moin.

Les chapelles des casinos:

Pour un mariage mŠ¹diŠ¹val, rendez-vous a l'hфtel Excalibur, sinon MGM Grand a un mariage en montagnes russes, Treasure Island un mariage de pirates Š° bord de son bateau HMS Brittania et le Las Vegas Hilton propose un mariage Star Trek Š° bord du vaisseau spatial Enterprise avec des tŠ¹moins Klingon et des invitŠ¹s Ferengi. Les forfaits des casinos peuvent s'Š¹lever de 350 $ Š° 3500 $ et au-delŠ°. Ils incluent gŠ¹nŠ¹ralement une ou plusieurs nuits dans une suite "lune de miel" de l'hфtel ainsi que des photos, des fleurs, de la musique, des divertissements et mŠŗme une cure beautŠ¹ complŠøte dans leur station thermale.

Puis pour votre lune de miel, rendez-vous sur l'un de paquebots suivants:

Monarch of the seas:

Aussi grand que Statue de la LibertŠ¹, Ses animations pour les enfants sont incomparables. Avec le Monarch, partez Š° la dŠ¹couverte du Mexique. Arretez vous dans les villes de Los Angeles, San Diego, Ile Catalina, et Ensenada en cinq jours. Cinq jours de dŠ¹paysement garantis.

Jewel of the seas:

Mis en service en mai 2004, le Jewel of the Seas est caractŠ¹risŠ¹s par l'allure innovante des super yachts. Il possŠøde un design avancŠ¹ avec ses grandes surfaces vitrŠ¹es dans les espaces publics et des ascenseurs de verre donnant sur l'ocŠ¹an. Au choix, voyagez sur ce paquebot autour des CaraŠæbes ou dŠ¹couvrez l'Europe Transatlantique. Le "must" des CaraŠæbes vous attend aux escales de Fort Lauderdale, Key West, Cozumel, Costa Maya, Georgetown, et en mer. Pour les amoureux de l'Europe, des escales inattendues vous permettront de dŠ¹couvrir Oslo Copenhague et Hambourg sous un jour nouveau, ou encore, toute la Scandinavie, ses fjords et la Russie grŠ²ce Š° des visites Š° Harwich, Oslo, Copenhague, Stockholm, Helsinki, Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, et Tallinn.

Voyager of the seas:

Destination les Antilles. Ce paquebot est le plus grand au monde, et nous faisons grand usage de l'espace disponible. Vous y trouverez plus d'activitŠ¹s et d'expŠ¹riences que vous ne pouvez imaginer. Un mur d'escalade vous attend pour pouvoir pratiquer votre souplesse et votre rŠ¹flexion et dŠ¹couvrir l'ocŠ¹an sus un angle nouveau. Au dŠ¹part de Miami, des escales sont prŠ¹vues Š° Nassau, Saint Thomas, San Juan, Labadie, et deux journŠ¹es en mer avant un retour au lieu de dŠ¹part. DŠ¹couvrez Š¹galement la fameuse patinoire oщ vous pourrez boire un bon chocolat. La vie nocturne y est Š¹galement de mise: les boutiques, les cafŠ¹s et autres animations du s'ouvrent Š° vous. Danser jusqu'au bout de la nuit au Jesters, une boŠ¾te de nuit entraŠ¾nante rŠ¹partie sur deux Š¹tages.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

How to convert word documents into pdf format

So, you want to convert your Word documents into PDF, right? Well, it's not as tough as it might have appeared to you. It is fairly simple. In a few steps the work gets done without much wasting time and effort. But before we actually learn about the conversion process, let's begin understanding that what is a PDF and why do people want to opt for PDF though there are many ways to share documents. First we'll talk about what exactly are PDF.

Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format that is commonly used for sharing Word documents amongst the readers who may not have Word installed on their systems. The format conserves the layout of the document and checks against editing the document when opened using Word. Word by itself does not allow you to save documents in this format. Third-party tools and plug-ins software allow the conversion of Word documents to PDF and convert PDF into a Word document.

Why PDF? Well, the answer is portability on various operating systems without the risk of document being edited and altered. By portability I mean that a document saved in this format can be read on every machine and portable device including Pads. All you need to do is to download Adobe's free reader, and your PDF file can be read on almost any computer. If you want that your file be read on all portable devices, all you need to do is to save your file into a PDF format.

Let us now look at how to create a PDF. There are numerous ways in which you can create your PDF. But the official way is to purchase Adobe Acrobat that is the only authentic tool that will allow you to create, read, edit, and search a PDF with little or no effort. After you install Acrobat, you will notice that it also installs a number of tools, along with a Word macro that makes PDF creation as easy as clinking a button. Alongside, a Windows printer driver is also installed that allows you to create PDF from any printing application. Sounds great, isn't it?

You may also create a PDF online by using the Adobe's on-line solution called Create Adobe PDF Online . You need to subscribe but with a free trial that is on offer you can create your first five PDF for free. Moreover, if you conduct a Goggle search, you may also get a list of a number of programs that offer the same facilities as Adobe and are available either as freeware, shareware or paid. These software vary in the number of features they offer and hence their costs and rating. To select the one that suits your needs the best, it is better to try some.

Another way is the Open Office which is a free suite of office applications, very much like MS-Office, that includes a Word processor like Word . Open Office allows you to read Word documents and also to create PDF. Here the feature set looks quite similar, a bit different from Word and Acrobat, hence there may be issues with compatibility. But it is a well supported open source application with an active and helping user community. Professionally, Adobe is by far the best choice whether you want to convert your Word document into a PDF or convert PDF back to Word format.

What and how to pack for a safe holiday

Safety begins when you pack. To help avoid becoming a target, do not dress so as to mark yourself as an affluent tourist. Expensive-looking jewelry, for instance, can draw the wrong attention.

Always try to travel light. You can move more quickly and will be more likely to have a free hand. You will also be less tired and less likely to set your luggage down, leaving it unattended.

Carry the minimum number of valuables, and plan places to conceal them. Your passport, cash and credit cards are most secure when locked in a hotel safe. When you have to carry them on your person, you may wish to put them in various places rather than all in one wallet or pouch. Avoid handbags, fanny packs and outside pockets that are easy targets for thieves. Inside pockets and a sturdy shoulder bag with the strap worn across your chest are somewhat safer. One of the safest places to carry valuables is in a pouch or money belt worn under your clothing.

If you wear glasses, pack an extra pair. Bring them and any medicines you need in your carry-on luggage.

To avoid problems when passing through customs, keep medicines in their original, labeled containers. Bring copies of your prescriptions and the generic names for the drugs. If a medication is unusual or contains narcotics, carry a letter from your doctor attesting to your need to take the drug. If you have any doubt about the legality of carrying a certain drug into a country, consult the embassy or consulate of that country before you travel.

Bring travelers checks and one or two major credit or debit cards instead of cash. Debit cards are much preferred over credit cards.

Pack an extra set of passport photos along with a photocopy of your passport’s information page to make replacement of your passport easier in the event it is lost or stolen.

Put your name, address and telephone numbers inside and outside of each piece of luggage. Use covered luggage tags to avoid casual observation of your identity or nationality. If possible, lock your luggage.

Consider getting a telephone calling card. It is a convenient way of keeping in touch. If you have one, verify that you can use it from your overseas location(s). Access numbers to U. S. operators are published in many international newspapers. Find out your access number before you go. If you have an unlocked, tri-band or quad-band GSM phone, you will be able to buy a SIM card and use it locally. This will be much cheaper than using your home service and international rates or roaming fees.

Check with the TSA web site to see what the latest rules and regulations are for carry-on baggage.

Fitness yoga accessories for yoga exercises

There are many accessories for Yoga exercises that will serve to make you more comfortable, and help you achieve the most benefit from every Yoga pose that you achieve. Some of the accessories are considered to be props, but there are various mats that will prove to be beneficial to. There are many books written on Yoga that would make perfect accessories to refer to while learning and practicing Yoga.

One of the most common accessories for Yoga will be the apparel and clothing that is worn when going through the various poses of Yogo. Since Yoga is for developing a zest for living through meditation and exercise, the apparel worn for Yogo must be comfortable enough to be worn all day long. Yogo wear is casual wear and for those with busy lives it can also be considered active wear.

There are spiritual charms that can be worn as accessories for yoga because the Yoga experience is based on developing the spiritual side of our being. There are Yoga T-shirts that are designed to make you feel good about yourself and the changes that are occurring in both your mind and your body at the same time. Many of the Yoga shorts are stylish enough for wearing out on the town.

The accessories for Yoga exercises include blankets that can be placed on the floor to make your body comfortable. There are benches that you can use while meditating that provide for comfort and the cushions that are on the benches will also mold to your body to provide a better barrier to lean against when any type of stretching or deep breathing exercises are needed.

The straps used in Yoga are accessories for Yoga stretches, and when used correctly the straps will also help a person maintain a pose for a longer period of time than they would be able to if they did not use this type of accessory. Some people prefer to use sandbags during their workout because they find the added weight helps them to develop toned muscles at a faster rate.

The Yoga balls are often used by people at home for their own personal exercise program. Using the Yoga balls will be difficult at first because they do tend to roll when you least expect them to, but as with any Yoga exercise, controlling muscles takes time and with time, people are able to balance and stretch further with the balls than they ever have before.

All of the accessories used in Yoga will fit into a Yoga bag. These handy bags have been designed to accommodate the width of a Yoga mat and are equipped with plenty of space to store smaller objects. The Yoga mat will provide a center stage for all exercise and it will serve as a focal point during all Yoga meditations and routines. There are massage accessories for Yoga which often helps the body to relax too.

Healthy chicken recipes

People strive to find recipes that provide delicious and healthy food. Health-conscious people focus on preparing low-fat dishes that are delicious and easily prepared. Chicken is an excellent source of protein and at the same time low in fat. Using healthy chicken recipes will significantly lower the blood cholesterol, thereby improving your overall health and fitness level. People love this versatile meat, which can be prepared in various lip-smacking forms.

Be it a healthy chicken salad or any other chicken recipe, choosing the right chicken for your dish is very important. If you opt for the cheap battery-reared chicken, you will get a greasy and stringy dish with a flat taste. These chickens are fed on a high-calorie diet that gives them a lot of fat but no muscle. On the other hand, choosing an organic chicken will give you firm and full-flavored meat. Organic birds are raised on a better diet and roam free under better and more humane conditions. This chicken will obviously cost more but will give you better taste and quality.

To further decrease the level of fat, you can trim off some areas, especially on the thighs, and enjoy a healthier meal. You should never leave raw chicken at room temperature. To prevent contamination, always wash chicken with cold water. Store it in the coldest part of the refrigerator and use within two days. Similarly, cooked chicken shouldn’t be left out for more than two hours. Frozen chicken can easily sit in your freezer for one year without any harm.

A little creativity in your kitchen can whip up new low-fat and healthy chicken recipes for your entire family. If you cannot find a particular ingredient, try replacing it with some substitute and see the all-new dish prepared exclusively by you. While preparing food, follow basic safety rules and avoid accidents in your kitchen. This will ensure you safely prepare tasty meals for everyday consumption focused towards a healthy and long life.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

My kung fu master is 200 years old

OK, if you’re reading my articles regularly, you know that I like learning new martial arts styles. Mostly I’ve focused on the Northern Chinese styles, the ones based around Wudang Mountain. I learned the classical Snake Style Kung Fu as a change up from jiu jutsu, and then learned a bit about the Southern (or “modern”) Snake Style that was created by Master Leung Tin Chu at the turn of the 20th century. Master Leung blended a lot of Shao Lin Kung Fu stances strikes with Wing Chun style fluid motions to create his Snake Style, and when I learned more about it, it got my curiosity piqued about Shao Lin style Kung Fu.

Like the northern styles, Shao Lin Kung Fu is a blend of philosophical techniques, and spiritualism with hard exercise meant to focus the mind and tone the body. Unlike the northern styles, Shao Lin practices focus a lot more on the physical nature of it. Not to the same extent that Tae Kwon Do or Karate do, mind, but much more so than the Wudang internal schools do.

Anyway, after learning about the Shao Lin influences, I had to go find a more “rigorous” source to see what was up. I found a dojo that I could visit as a student, and watched for a while, learning the differences in stances – Shao Lin stances are a lot more open and upright – there’s less of the “tiger crouch” in them, and more of a focus on using the arms and hands to block rather than redirect from what I’d learned. A lot of this is because the Shao Lin Kung Fu styles are built around the presumption of a weapon being in the practitioner’s hand, usually a staff, and that requires a more upright position than I was used to. After having come from jiu jutsu, it felt VERY weird having my center of gravity up so high, when going through the motions.

While there are leg braces and pull-me/push you maneuvers in Shao Lin styles, there are far less of them than there are in the Northern styles. There’s also less of a focus on defenses. Compared to the northern styles, the blocks are much more basic, and less fluid. Shao Lin Kung Fu, even more so than the Southern snake style, emphasizes a variety of punches, and upper body work.

One of the really interesting things about the school that I found, taught by Master Jung, was how limber he was. He seemed to be in his 60s or 70s, kind of stout, and thick around the middle. Yet there he was drilling guys twice his size and young enough to be his grand kids through throws, punches and forms. Hard to believe, I mean, yeah, martial arts movies always have The Old Master who sends the Young Pupil out to do things, but this was the first time I’d seen it in a commercial dojo. Jung looked like he was able to keep up the pace, and was very good at showing the different stances – Tiger Stance, Crane Stance, Snake Stance and Bear Stance are the ones that stuck out in my mind.

Unfortunately, his school was too far away for me to attend regularly – at least, not without breaking commitments to my own school, where I’m an assistant instructor. But still, what I learned there was pretty impressive. If you’re looking for a more action oriented style than traditional Kung Fu, or Wing Chun, Shao Lin schools are well worth looking into!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Benefits of garudasana

'Garuda' means eagle and 'asana' means pose. Garuda known as king birds also happen to be the vehicle of Vishnu. Even though most of the yoga poses aims towards balance and tranquility, by the look of the asana it will be more visible. This asana would help in loosening up your joints. Stretching your muscles would help in making all the parts of your body more fit.

While doing the asana sense of balance would be achieved as you are standing on one foot. It would look similar to you being wrapped by yourself. As this is a standing pose many beginners do not happen to find the right balance, for this they can use the wall to support the back. This can be done with different variations and can be very challenging. You should consult your doctor before doing any of the yoga poses. Even though these are very beneficial it would depend upon your body whether you can manage these asanas.

Even though this may look like a difficult asana but by regularly doing it you may master it and would be able to reap its benefits. The key for all the asanas is that you have to remain in that pose for at least 15 to 30 seconds which would be more beneficial for you. The key areas which this asana focuses are the ankles, calves, thighs, hips and shoulders.

The benefit which you can get from this asana is the strengthening and stretching of you ankles and calves. These areas which may be neglected would be treated well by this asana. The stretch would help your thighs, hips, shoulders and upper back. The pull which is created in this asana would help making you more relaxed. So when you are relaxed the level of concentration also improves as you are also keeping a check on your breathing while doing this exercise. There is balance all over your mind body and soul which keeps you always in check for the better things in life.

Stimulating the body s defenses to fight ovarian cancer

Comediennes such as Gilda Radner and Madeline Kahn, Oscar-winning actresses like Loretta Young and Sandy Dennis, singers Laura Nyro and Dinah Shore, actor Pierce Brosnan’s wife Cassandra Harris, actress Jessica Tandy, former Connecticut governor Ella Grasso, and Martin Luther King’s wife Coretta Scott King all died of ovarian cancer. It’s not just celebrities, politicians or movie stars, who are stricken with ovarian cancer. One in every 55 U. S. women is at risk for ovarian cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates about 22,000 new cases of ovarian cancer will be diagnosed. More than 16,000 women will die because the symptoms are often subtle, and her doctor did not recognize the symptoms soon enough. It is the leading cause of death from gynecologic malignancies, and the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths among women.

Silent and undetected, this cancer often spreads beyond the ovary or ovaries into the abdominal cavity, or by the final stage, into other body organs such as the liver or lungs. Family doctors often fail to properly diagnose “The Silent Killer” until it is too late. Last August, University of California Davis researchers reported 40 percent of women told their doctors about their symptoms for as long as a year before they were correctly diagnosed. A British survey discovered 75 percent of family doctors believed symptoms are only present during the advanced stages of the cancer. By the time women are diagnosed for ovarian cancer, 40 to 50 percent of the patients are in the advanced stage, where there is little hope for survival.

Less than one-half the women diagnosed with ovarian cancer will live five years. About 10 to 14 percent live beyond five years after their diagnosis. Their choices have been limited, mainly reserved to variations of chemotherapy drugs or a new way to delivery the drug. The general public is often unaware of the side effects ovarian cancer patients suffer during chemotherapy. In mid March, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration criticized the safety profile of Eli Lilly’s Gemzar for ovarian cancer patients, saying the 2.8 months increased survival seen in studies of patients taking the drug wasn’t enough to offset the treatment’s increased toxicity which included anemia, neutropenia (a blood disorder) and thrombocytopenia (reduced platelets in the blood). Presently used first-line treatments for ovarian cancer patients include Cisplatin, with associated side effects such as nerve, kidney and/or ear damage, Carboplatin (side effects: nerve damage in the arms and/or legs, joint pain, and/or thrombocytopenia), Paclitaxel (neurotoxicity), or Melphalan, with side effects which include irreversible bone marrow failure, bone marrow suppression).

A woman stricken with ovarian cancer faces first surgery, then chemotherapy. Recent widespread press heralding a new development in treating ovarian cancer, intra-abdominal or intraperitoneal chemotherapy, is just that: more chemotherapy. The “belly bath,” as it has been nicknamed by some television reporters, it has been highly praised because the treatment can extend life by about 16 months more than “regular” chemotherapy. The results were first published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine in December 2005. Most news reports failed to mention that only 40 percent of the women treated with the belly bath were able to complete all six cycles. Why? The therapy relies upon infusions of Paclitaxel and Cisplatin (see side effects in the previous paragraph). According to Dr. Robert Edwards, research director of the Magee-Women’s Gynecologic Cancer in Pittsburgh, “Many women don’t feel well enough to work for the duration of the intra-abdominal (therapy).” Some patients, such as Cindy Pakalnis of Marshall (Pennsylvania) have called the treatments “grueling.”

The unsolved problem of chemotherapy is the reduction in the “quality of life.” While some life extension has been proven, the patient’s life deteriorates. Many patients struggle with balancing the loss in quality of life with the rigors of the therapy. Researchers are actively pursuing new directions that may some day provide new hope for the ovarian cancer patient. A University of Minnesota research study has suggested the use of thalidomide, which would be used in conjunction with chemotherapy, as a prospective means of increasing the likelihood of remission. Minnesota cancer researcher Dr. Levi Downs explained, “It prevents the tumor from making new blood vessels. Without new blood vessels, the tumor can’t sufficiently feed new cells, so the cancer can’t grow.” His randomized trial was small with only 65 patients (only 28 took thalidomide), and more testing will certainly be required.

New Hope for Ovarian Cancer Patients?

One promising technology that has been developed over the past decade is OvaRex® MAb. It was developed by ViRexx Medical Corp., an Edmonton-based company, which trades on the American Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: REX) and on the Toronto Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: VIR). Now licensed to Unither Pharmaceuticals, a wholly owned subsidiary of United Therapeutics (NASDAQ: UTHR), OvaRex® MAb is currently undergoing two identical Phase III trials at about 64 research centers across the United States. One trial has completed enrollment, according to a mid December news release issued by ViRexx Medical Corp.

We spoke with ViRexx Medical Corp’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Tyrrell who was the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta and the Director of the Glaxo Heritage Research Institute. “OvaRex® MAb is our lead candidate for the treatment of ovarian cancer, and is an intravenous infusion of a monoclonal antibody,” he said. Monoclonal antibodies are a new breed of biotech drugs that are extremely specific; that is, each antibody binds to only one particular antigen. In the case of OvaRex® MAb, it is a monoclonal antibody that binds specifically to the CA-125 antigen. Dr. Tyrrell added, “The treatment doesn’t take long, and is given every 4 weeks for the first 3 injections, and then once every 3 months until the patient relapses”.

Dr. Tyrrell talked about the current Phase III studies, “The trials are ongoing. All of the patients have successfully completed their surgery and front-line chemotherapy and are now in what we call the ‘watchful waiting’ period. It is in this phase that we treat the patients with OvaRex® MAb with the hopes of increasing the time to disease relapse.” He explained the recurrence rate is very high in the stage III / IV late forms of ovarian cancer, with a time to relapse of about 10.4 months. Patients who have turned to OvaRex hope to delay that relapse. Tyrrell noted, “In the original study, the average time to relapse was delayed by about 14 months. If we can achieve that difference or better in the current Phase III trials, it would be a major advance for the treatment of ovarian cancer.” He expects an analysis of the current OvaRex® MAb studies to be completed by the second or third quarter of 2007.

What makes OvaRex® MAb different from other immunotherapeutic treatments is, instead of attacking the body’s cancerous cells directly, the monoclonal antibody targets the cancerous antigen in circulation. Some believe it helps retrain the body’s immune system to fight the ovarian cancer cells. The mechanism that reportedly has made OvaRex® MAb effective is how it alerts the body to recognize and fight the CA-125.

ViRexx has addressed the “tolerance problem” a body suffers when it has become inflicted with a malignant tumor. The hypothesis behind the tolerance issue is that the body fails to recognize the CA-125 antigen as harmful. Introducing a foreign antibody, in this case the mouse antibody against CA125, the body’s defense systems are awakened to the ovarian cancer cells. This begins a chain reaction alerting the immune system to battle the invading antibody CA125 complex. The body’s defense systems are reprogrammed to attack the CA-125 antigen and seek to destroy it. Along with that destruction comes the attempt of the immune response to eliminate the cancerous cells from the body.

As with many pioneering scientific breakthroughs, serendipity is what lies behind the OvaRex® MAb story. As one technology was being developed, another – the murine monoclonal antibody treatment for ovarian cancer – came about by accident. We talked to its inventor, Dr. Antoine Noujaim, about the biotech drug’s roots. “It came out of the imaging technology,” the Professor Emeritus of the University of Alberta explained. In the early 1980s, biotech companies, such as Immunomedics and Cytomedics were researching tumors and using antibodies to image the tumors so they could be evaluated in a cancer patient’s body. “I worked with Dr. Mike Longenecker and we established a company called Biomira (Toronto: BRA) in 1984,” Dr. Noujaim recalled. “We had a number of targets and then needed to make specific antibodies.” Part of his effort was to target certain cancers, such as prostate, breast and ovarian cancer.

“We developed antibodies against a mucin, which is really a glycopeptide,” explained Dr. Noujaim. “It’s a peptide that has a lot of sugars on it present in the ascitis fluid from ovarian cancer patients.” That is how Dr. Noujaim and his team developed the very early antibody which is now used for OvaRex® MAb. “We sent some of these antibodies to Professor Richard Baum in Germany for imaging of ovarian cancer patients,” Noujaim remembered. “Dr. Baum phoned back, after some time, and told me, ‘The patients I was imaging here had advanced ovarian cancer and some of them seem to have done quite well after we gave them a couple of shots (of the B43.13 antibody, the clinical name for OvaRex® MAb) to image the tumor.’ I thought he was joking with me.”

This is serendipity at work as Dr. Noujaim explained to us. “Richard was imaging patients that were in the last stages of the disease,” he pointed out. Monoclonal antibodies can be used as diagnostic agents in oncology, when they are radiolabeled with a marker that can be imaged by external detectors. “These patients had maybe four or five months to live. All of a sudden, a year later and they’re still around.” Baum urged Noujaim to investigate this further. Dr. Noujaim recalls him saying, “Something is happening here. I’ve seen hundreds of patients, but nothing like this.” From this encouragement, Noujaim began formulating the potential mechanism of how this monoclonal antibody would work. His sharp mind chased the puzzling questions raised by Dr. Baum’s observations.

At this point of his recollections, Noujaim got excited, “Through sheer serendipity, we were using murine antibodies, not humanized antibodies. We were using foreign antibodies, a small amount of foreign antibodies.” How in the world did Noujaim know to use murine (mouse) antibodies? “Because that was the easiest way to do the imaging at the time,” he replied. “Before you make a chimeric (something derived from two different animal species) antibody, you start with a murine one. If that one works, you humanize the antibody.” From this research, Noujaim founded a company called AltaRex, which was taken public in 1995. “We raised about $30 million and expanded the program.”

The serious effort to develop the antibodies began in 1996. Having conducted trials in Canada and Europe, it was a “massive undertaking” Noujaim told us. “We had over 500 patients injected with the murine monoclonal antibody.” He extrapolated beyond OvaRex® MAb, saying, “We’ve proven completely the mechanism of action on this, how it works. It is so unique it may apply to all of the other antibodies we have.” Noujaim believes it can apply to breast, ovarian, prostate and pancreatic cancer. Indeed, BrevaRex® MAb for breast cancer and multiple myeloma patients has completed Phase 1 trials, and ProstaRex® MAb for prostate cancer patients is at the pre-clinical stage.

“Our studies to date may show that vaccines may slow the growth of the tumor with a very good safety profile,” concluded Dr. Noujaim. Then he added something which bears investigating further, “There is the very original (ovarian cancer) patient who was injected in 1987. She’s in Germany, and according to Dr. Baum she was still alive a year ago.” That’s nearly nine years later! “It’s a matter of great pride for me that some people who received OvaRex® MAb are alive today,” he said.

While the company has licensed, under a royalty agreement, the OvaRex® MAb technology to United Therapeutics, through that company’s subsidiary, Unither Pharmaceuticals, ViRexx has retained rights to most member nations of the European Union and certain other countries. Key ones include France, the United Kingdom and the Benelux countries. ViRexx has also established strategic relationships with DompŠ¹ Farmaceutici, Medison Pharma, Ltd. and Genesis Pharma S. A. for certain European and Middle-East Countries.