Sunday, November 27, 2016

Providence pond - book review

Author, Beresford McLean brings a new novel to his fans, this one delves into a time when British culture dominates over those within Jamaica. Providence Pond’s 500 pages are divided into four parts; each involves four generations of the King family between 1880-1920. The book closes with an afterword that provides insight into some of the issues in Jamaica over the years. Readers may want to read this section first, as it will definitely enrich the experience.

A mysterious Wiseman suddenly appears to a small group of seven individuals from Providence Pond just when matters were about to get out of hand. Asa, an aged shaman-like character, intends to begin a new branch of his “Family” within their community, and this scares some folks who are intimidated by the persecuting officials. But Asa leaves and does not return until much, much later – bringing Congo King and Miss Hene along with him. There are numerous characters in Beresford’s novel but Congo, the co-leader of the new branch of Asa’s Family, is the leading role.

When I began this project, I was under the mistaken impression that it would be about a cultural clash between two peoples. Instead, the story seems to be more about a small group of people in a rural area who have children and the children have children – the readers witnessing all the drama from adultery, romance, jealousy and greed.

Anticipation of a mistaken impression could have lead to my disappointment with some sections of the book. But the transformation of Detective Graham was something I wouldn’t have wanted to miss and I am glad that I read the book through to the end. I was certainly intrigued by the beliefs, culture and drumming – perhaps due to our home-based business, Drum-it Percussion. Sadly, the story did not delve deeply into these subjects. However, the brief glimpses were certainly bright points for me.

Providence Pond is Mr. McLean’s second novel – the first being Broken Gourds – and is currently working on a third book. He is a generous man, deeply involved in numerous charities. Beresford actually emigrated from Jamaica to the United States roughly 36 years ago, and so writing about his homeland obviously slips easily into his novels.

This book would certainly appeal to readers who enjoy rural romance.

Publisher: Anancy Books

ISBN: 0-9753297-1-5

Double whammy the effects of procrastination

Procrastination, like all of your behaviours carries consequences. Whether your behaviour is conscious or unconscious, you will eventually have to deal with the effects. The effects of procrastination are something that we all have to confront and deal with from time to time. It's only natural to procrastinate at times but, the way you deal with your procrastination patterns will determine what effects procrastination has on your life.

One of the most obvious effects of procrastination is the failure to reap the rewards that would come from taking action. When you procrastinate you simple fail to take action on the very things you know will bring you the rewards that you desire. Although you know what you want and even what you need to do to get it, you still have to take action and it's usually at this point where procrastination sets in.

Because the results that you desire are often something bigger and better than what you currently have, you must step outside your comfort zone to get it. You might have to take actions that you are not comfortable with to which your unconscious mind reacts by "protecting" you against that which is uncomfortable. Although the short term effects of procrastination might seem as "positive" the long term effects are almost always negative.

Failing to reap the rewards of taking action can have many knock on effects. Taking action on your ideas and desires is one of your most empowering gifts. It is the process by which you can make the intangible tangible. Through your actions and your behaviour you create or un-create your life. It's not only the direct results of your actions that creates you outcomes, but often the very fact that you are actually consciously affecting the conditions of your life. It not just your actions, but rather your failure to take action that will have a greater effect on the rewards you reap from life. From this point of view the effects of procrastination is not just a direct but also an indirect loss of rewards. Every action is a cause set in motion that affects and build on past and future events to the point where we can never really determine the actual effect of one specific action. More than anything else, action opens you up to opportunity.

Opportunity is rarely the result of you waiting for it. When you put yourself in line with what you want most through your conscious action you expose yourself to opportunity. It's never a case of whether you have opportunities but rather are you noticing the opportunities? But even more importantly, are you using the opportunities or are you procrastinating? One thing is for certain and that is when procrastination becomes a habit you won't even notice all the opportunities on your doorstep. You will live your life in distraction, constantly looking for short term "pleasures" to avoid the real challenges that will cause you to reap the real results. You will always "turn a blind eye" to the real opportunities. Thos who succeed are rarely the people with the most or the most splendid opportunities. They are the people who saw an opportunity where no one else saw it and then they took action to realize it.

Out of all the negative effects of procrastination and indecision the failure to spot and act on opportunity is probably the saddest. So many people with so much talent fail to live up to their true potential because of procrastination. The rewards you reap from life will be either a direct or an indirect result of your actions or your inactions. Not only will procrastination prevent you from reaping the rewards but your inaction will prevent you from even being exposed to opportunity. Opportunity is knocking but you have to take action and at least open the door. Don't let the effects of procrastination stand between what you are and what you can become. As the famous entrepreneur and businessman Victor Kiam once said: "Procrastination is opportunity's assassin."

Choosing the right sports gear and apparel

As Reese Witherspoon’s character in Legally Blonde says “Endorphins make you happy.” This statement propelled a lot of people to get into sports because aside from exercise sports also produce endorphins. In this increasingly cynic world, we all need a dose of endorphins to keep us in within a positive perspective.

There are so many sports to choose from so there is no excuse to get into sports. The perpetual I can’t can be eradicated when you are staring at hundreds of sports up for bid. The key here is to try and try until you find that one perfect sport that you will be so passionate about. In the end, more than the endorphins that will make you happy you will thank your chosen sport for an overall better life.

It all starts with trying out a sport. You can try it alone or drag along a few willing friends to make it more fun. If it does not work the first time then try it for one more time, if it still doesn’t give you the kind of passion you want to feel then move to another sport. If club hopping ahs become such a phenomenon then why not sports hopping. Eventually there will be that one sport that no matter how sore your body feels can still leave you wanting for more. When you have done hat, it is time to look for the right sports gear and sports apparel.

Just like in business, you have to suit up for when you got to the local gym or the health club. So look around and observe what the other people are wearing. If you like what you see and want to be safe then buy exactly the same set but try to accentuate it with your own touch by choosing more vibrant colors for instance.

The most important thing is that you choose a comfortable sports apparel so it would be easier to do those winning moves. As for purchasing the right sports gears, you might have to check with your trainer or any person knowledgeable about the sport you want to pursue before making a purchase.

Sports gear affect a performance a lot so buy those that are right for your level anyway you can always advance in terms of capability and by then you can already spend more gears because of more intricate technologies needed.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Unlocking the cure to peptic ulcer

Peptic ulcer is a health disorder that refers to painful sores in the lining of the stomach called duodenum, the first part of the small intestines. Recent medical studies suggest that the primary cause of peptic ulcer is a bacterial infection. Bacterial infections usually involve the presence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Although not generally not considered a serious health problem, peptic ulcer should never be taken for granted and may lead to a life-threatening condition if left untreated. This condition may bring intense pain and discomfort that may require medication to bring ulcer pain relief. There are also cases of peptic ulcers that were caused by a negative reaction to certain medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

It was once believed that spicy foods and stress were the main causes of peptic ulcers. But after careful study, researchers were able to determine that the said ailment is caused by a bacterium called Helibacter pylori (H, pylori). H. pylori covers and protects tissues in the stomach and small intestines; and then lives and multiplies within the mucus membrane. These bacteria may be transmitted from one person to another by close contact, such as kissing. It can also be contacted through food and water.

Other causes of peptic ulcers may include may include the following:

* Regular use of pain relievers. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) may cause irritation and inflammation on the lining of the stomach and small intestine. Common NSAIDs include aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and ketoprofen. Doctors advise individuals to take NSAIDs only moderately or in the right prescribed amounts in order to avoid digestive upset.

* Smoking. Tobacco may increase the volume and concentration of stomach acid and increase the risk of ulcer because of the nicotine it contains.

* Excessive alcohol consumption. Like NSAIDs, alcohol may also cause irritation and erosion of the mucous lining of the stomach and increase the production of stomach acid.

* Stress. Stress alone is not a cause of peptic ulcers, it is only a contributing factor. This may aggravate symptoms of peptic ulcers and delay healing in some cases.

An ulcer may may or may not have any symptoms. When symptoms occur, they may include burning sensation and gnawing or burning pain in the abdomen, between the breastbone and navel. Bloating, heartburn, bloating, and nausea are additional symptoms that may develop during the different stages of the ailment.

Symptoms which may require immediate medical attention may include:

* Vomiting blood

* Vomiting food eaten hours or days before

* Difficulty swallowing

* Nausea

* Black or tar-like stool (indication that there is blood in the stool)

* Sudden, severe pain in the abdominal area

* Pain that radiates to the back

* Pain that doesn't go away when you take medication

* Unintended weight loss

* Unusual weakness, usually because of anemia

The use over-the-counter medications in the form of antacids and antibiotics are the common methods that are used for temporary ulcer pain relief. Antacids can help neutralize the acidic fluids that the body produces naturally and provide relief. Antibiotics, on the other hand, are used to kill H. Pylori bacteria. These medications are equally effective although it is always important to follow the doctor's instructions to avoid any complications or side effects. Certain medications should be used to a specific number of days and may cause additional side effects if taken for extended periods.

Taking medication for ulcer pain relief should be combined with a healthy diet to prevent the progression of peptic ulcer are active lifestyles and healthy diets. A healthy diet that contains non-acidic food and beverages is essential in keeping this disorder under control. In addition to this, smoking alcohol, and coffee should be avoided when suffering from peptic ulcer. Smoking affects the blood circulation while coffee and alcoholic drinks may stimulate the overproduction of pepsin and gastric acids. The key to peptic ulcer prevention is early detection of this disease. Regardless of what one thinks about what may or may not be causing stomach pain, consultation with doctors once persistent pain occurs is important in early treatment. Nowadays, majority of ulcers may not require any type of invasive medical procedure and can be cured or eliminated through proper diets or prescription medication. Like other health conditions, the key to peptic ulcer treatment is early evaluation and treatment.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The best credit card - shopping for a credit card

Credit cards are just like any form of credit, you should shop around to find the best deal. Depending on your situation, you may want to find a card with low rates, a reward program, or a 0% APR for transfers. Make sure you look at several credit card companies to find the best deal for you.

Comparing Programs

Credit card companies offer several different types of incentives to entice you to open an account with them. These rewards can save you money or earn you trips or cash back. If you plan on always paying off your monthly balance, then a reward program, such as airline miles or cash back, may be for you.

If you plan on carrying a balance on your new credit card, then look for the lowest rate. You will want a no frills card with no annual fees. You can also choose a card with a low introductory fee, usually lasting six months to a year, if you plan to pay off the balance soon.

For transfers, look for offers of 0% APR. These offers typically last for six to twelve months, but they can save you a bundle on interest. However, be aware that rates on these cards can shoot up after the grace period.

Finding Credit Card Companies

I’m sure you have received several credit card offers in the mail this week, but you can find better deals online. The major financing companies offer special reward bonuses and special programs for students or small business owners.

Look at what each credit card company is offering along with their rates. You may also want to choose a card that you don’t already have. While American Express and Discover offer excellent rewards, they aren’t accepted by everyone. Plan on having at least two different types of cards.

Always Watch For Deals

Once you have your credit card, continue to look at credit card offers. You may find an especially low rate or a good rewards program. You can easily apply for the card, then close an old credit card account. While having several different types of credit lines are good for your credit history, too many open credit card accounts can hurt your score.

Fight cancer with these 10 foods

More than a third of all cancers could be prevented by changes in diet and exercise. One of the most important things you can do to reduce your risk is lose excess weight - and one of the best ways to lose weight is through a filling, fiber-rich diet including plenty of fruits and vegetables.

But that's not the reason why the National Cancer Institute recently approved the dietary guidance: "Diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of some types of cancer and other chronic diseases." These foods are packed with antioxidants and other compounds that protect your DNA and fight free radical damage.

Since these substances work synergistically, it's best to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables rather than relying on one particular produce item to serve as a magic bullet against disease. That said, recent studies have uncovered specific benefits in the following foods that would recommend making them a part of any healthy diet.

1. Tomatoes: Lycopene, also found in watermelon and pink grapefruit, has been linked to lower risk of prostate, ovarian and cervical cancer. It also targets the free radical that is implicated in lung and digestive cancers.

2. Broccoli sprouts: One forkful triggers a cascade of antioxidant activity that lasts for days.

3. Berries: Blueberries, cranberries, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, grapes - all rich in anthocyanins that repair and protect DNA.

4. Soybeans: Isoflavones such as genistein may help prevent and treat prostate cancer and may reduce breast cancer risk

5. Tea: Both black and green contain powerful compounds shown in countless studies to lower the risk of several types of cancer.

6. Pumpkin: This unsung super-food is a super-rich source of both beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, two hard-working carotenoids that combat lung and ovarian cancer.

7. Spinach: Popeye's favorite may help ward off cancers of the liver, ovaries, colon and prostate. The active antioxidant lutein is also found in kale and other leafy greens.

8. Garlic: Allium veggies (which also include onions and scallions) work to get your body's own antioxidant defense systems in gear. This process provides protective benefits against stomach, esophageal and breast cancers.

9. Pineapple: The enzyme bromelain may inhibit the growth of malignant cells in both lung and breast cancer, while the phenolic compounds also provide a protective benefit.

10. Apples: Can one a day help keep cancer at bay? Studies show quercetin may reduce the risk of lung cancer and impede growth of prostate cancer cells. Other antioxidants together with pectin help halt colon and liver cancer cell replication.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Will ffas get me banned from google

The webmaster's nightmare. "Oh my god, my listing is gone from google!!!" or yahoo, or msn or any of the big search engines.

We all know that traffic is the life blood of any online endeavor. Without traffic you can't make sales. Search engine traffic is the most reliable source of high quality traffic. High quality being visitors who are looking specifically for the products or services you sell.

FFAs or Free For All links pages are considered low quality traffic sources. IE people randomly surfing, clicking on whatever looks interesting. Not really searching for anything and very unlikely to buy anything.

There is however another role that FFAs play. Bulk submition to FFAs or blasting FFAs creates hundreds of links to your web site. The number of links to your site is part of how google and other search engines rank your site. The more links the higher your ranking.

Now here is the problem. Traditional wisdom among webmasters, internet marketers and internet gurus is that too many FFA links. Considered low quality links, will get you banned from search engines.

In other words, the belief is that if google thinks you are trying to boost your rankings by adding a lot of low quality links they will ban you.

So will they? My only answer has to be, "not in my experience."

Here is a little history of my internet marketing journy. For the longest time I was wasting money on this traffic generating ebook and that traffic generating system. I was getting a pitance of search engine traffic and no google traffic. So I decided "So what if I get banned.". I wasn't getting google traffic anyway, how would being banned hurt me?

I started FFA blasting 3 or more times a week and guess what. Google traffic. Not huge amounts by any means, but google traffic none the less. Not only google iether. Ask. com, yahoo and many others. Even a fair amount of FFA page traffic.

So what am I saying here? It's simple. No one knows how google or yahoo or ask. com ranks web site except google, yahoo or ask. com. The search engines, like any good business, are constantly tweaking and changing their ranking rules. These rules are secret. Any internet marketing guru who claims to have "broken the google code" is either lieing out right or working off old information. Don't believe them.

In my experience making your internet foot print as large as possible is the best traffic generating strategy. Submitting to FFAs is the quickest easiest way to do this.

If you are already making a good living with free google traffic, great don't change a thing. In fact write an article so I can learn your secrets. If you are yet to get your first google hit, start submitting to FFAs. In my experience only good things will come of it.

Good luck in your web marketing.

This article was published using Article Submitter

The buzz about mybloglog

As MyBlogLog itself proclaims, “MyBlogLog is launching this new Communities service to empower authors and readers to operate at the same level.” The purpose of MyBlogLog is to provide a community for readers of the same blog. Instead of being limited to interacting with only the author of the blog (and very limited interaction with other readers through comments), MyBlogLog allows readers to interact directly with each other. MyBlogLog is an interesting concept that is expanding. As the web site continues to grow, it should also become a quality way to drive new visitors to your blog.

As Shoemoney predicted, Yahoo purchased MyBlogLog on January 9th. According to several sources familiar with the deal, Yahoo paid between ten million and twelve million for the social blogging community. According to the guys that created MyBlogLog, Yahoo’s acquisition of the web site means that it is going to pour in a ton of resources, which means that they will be able to roll out a lot of new features. Additionally, they are moving the site to Yahoo’s infrastructure, which means that the occasional slowdown will be completely removed.

Although Yahoo now owns MyBlogLog, they are not going to completely absorb the web site. Instead, they are planning to keep it a separate entity. However, you will be able to register with your Yahoo ID, and the MyBlogLog communities will be integrated with Flickr and Yahoo Answers.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Hide my assets from medicare

In social functions, I always get asked about the new Medicare nursing home qualifications. Seniors become very anxious about having to spend-down their assets with no cap on the amount that they can keep. This unlimited drain on their funds is of major concern to the healthy spouse, and because the sick spouse can’t do anything about getting sick, they become more and more depressed. These folks are of the World War II generation and the market crash of 1929 mentality. If you don’t have the cash you don’t buy it. Most of them got a credit card only because they had to pay their prescriptions over the mail.

Their health and well-being depends on knowing that they can tap into their resources to get what they need or when their grandkids come to visit they want to reward their visit with a few bucks. My mother is of this vintage, and I know that when my kids drop in for a visit, it makes her day. She wants to give them something in return, not because it’s an enticement to come back, but she doesn’t get out enough visits and she values their time, especially in this day of instant gratification with Ipods, Internet, cell phones, video, etc. and because they valued their grandmother more.

So, how can I hide my assets from Medicare is relevant to their lives. My answer is that if they did not do something as far back as five years ago, chances are that trying to do something now, could very well be considered a fraudulent conveyance in order to defraud a potential creditor. For example, if they were to put their son or daughter on the deed of the house without adequate consideration, it would be considered a” fraudulent conveyance” because they did it for less than the fair market value, they received nothing back in return. Or, if they did recognize that they gave away the house to their children it was a taxable gift and taxes are due on the transferor (the person giving the gift has to pay the tax, the person receiving the gift is always after taxes). But like many people they don’t think it through in terms of filing of a gift tax return or fraudulent conveyance. They just do it for their convenience.

The new Medicaid spend down provisions are very restrictive. The intention is that if you (the elderly) have assets, before you qualify for nursing home assistance, they want you to become a welfare recipient. And that’s what seniors are afraid to become. Their generation never asked for assistance if they had a strong back, they worked for their dignity. They don’t want to become “welfare recipients” it a very humiliating concept to them.

Most common mistakes committed by seniors when trying to hide their assets:

1.Naming their children as (Parent’s name “and” Child ‘s name) (Parent name “or” Child’s name) on their savings, checking, investment accounts, or near cash accounts. THIS IS NOT A GOOD IDEA. Too much risk, what if child gets sued, or divorced, or worse dies. You open a new can of worms.

2.Give the house to the children. You name one or more of the children. Again not a good idea. What if the children get sued, divorced, or prematurely dies. There’s too much risk.

3.Cash under the mattress, in between the walls, in the basement, etc. Well it works, but unless you tell someone the hiding place, then what? Or, leave the cash to lose interest or depreciate with inflation?

In God we Trust.

Trusts are the most common and useful legal devices. An “Irrevocable Trust” works best for hiding your assets. Your assets are RE-POSITIONED from you to an irrevocable trust. You “legally” no longer own the assets. This involves the actual transfer of assets to an independent trustee who will independently manage and actually own the assets for the benefit of all beneficiaries. This type of control over assets is not new, it goes back to medieval times when landlords went off to the crusades and left their lands in trust of monks for when they returned. There are specific laws and it’s generally accepted by the judicial system as a legal, acceptable method of protecting one’s assets for legal protection and tax minimization.

Friday, November 18, 2016

A strategy for coming up with a great book title

Go into a bookstore and browse through the titles in the bestseller section. Book publishing companies hire high-priced people to come up with a title or “headline,” because book publishing is a big business; therefore a lot of contemplation goes into making their titles as commercially-viable as possible. Many well-known and highly successful books started out with other titles. According to Dan Poynter, the father of self-publishing:

• Tomorrow is Another Day became Gone With The Wind.

• Blossom and the Flower became Peyton Place.

• The Rainbow Book became Free Stuff For Kids.

• The Squash Book became the Zucchini Book.

• John Thomas and Lady Jane became Lady Chatterly’s Lover.

• Trimalchio in West Egg became Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby.

• Something that Happened became Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men.

• Catch 18 became Catch 22

While you are at the store, notice how the other browsers pick up a book, scan the front and back cover, and then put it down again before going on to another book. The whole process takes about two seconds each. That’s all of the time you have to make an impression on a potential reader. In those two seconds, you must appeal literally to three of the five senses that human beings have, sight, speech, and hearing, and figuratively to the last two, touch and smell.

1) Sight: When someone first comes in contact with your book’s title, it is usually by seeing it on the front cover. So your title must be aesthetically appealing.

2) Speech: If a person stumbles over the words, it will add to the difficult in marketing your book. Even if you are writing only for family members and friends, and you are giving away your book for free, there is still an element of marketing.

3) Sound: Business philosopher Jim Rhone says in order to have effective communication, you must “Have something good to say, say it well and say it often.” Your title will be heard often, but will it be good and will it be said well?

4) Touch: Touch also means to “relate to” or “to have an influence on.” Figuratively, your title must allow itself to touch or be touched by being able to relate to your readers or have some type of influence on them.

5) Smell: Your title should figuratively give off an aroma. In other words it should project “a distinctive quality or atmosphere.” If the aroma the title gives off suggests that very little thought or concern was given to it, people will assume that the rest of the book is the same way.

On a recent Publisher's Weekly Bestseller list, out of 20 books, one had a one-word title; five had two-word titles; four had three-word titles; five had four-word titles; three had five-word titles; one had a seven-word title and one had an eight-word title. The point is, most honchos at major publishing companies believe that the simpler/shorter the title, the better. None of the titles were complex.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The west wing season 5 dvd review

Widely considered one of the best drama series on TV, The West Wing appeared in Fall 1999 to great media fanfare. Surrounded by various individual staffers such as Claudia "C. J." Cregg (Allison Janney), Josh Lyman (Bradley Whitford), Sam Seaborn (Rob Lowe), Toby Ziegler (Richard Schiff), Leo McGarry (John Spencer), and Charlie Young (Dule Hill), the president makes his best attempt to govern the executive branch. The West Wing follows the daily exploits of the president and his loyal staffers as they work to keep the White House efficiently humming. But job stress and personal problems put a strain on each staffer's relationship to his colleagues…

The West Wing (Season 5) DVD offers a number of dramatic episodes including the season premiere "7A WF 83429" in which tensions between Walken and Bartlett's staffs continue to flare while the search for Zoey continues. Meanwhile, the death of Shareef triggers a terrorist bombing at a movie theater in Turkey which kills eighty people including members of the US military… Other notable episodes from Season 5 include "Constituency of One" in which Amy Parker participates in a personal lobbying effort that incurs the wrath of Bartlett, and "An Khe" in which Bartlett deploys an elite SEAL team to help rescue the pilots of a downed Navy plane that crashed in North Korean territory…

Below is a list of episodes included on The West Wing (Season 5) DVD:

Episode 89 (7A WF 83429) Air Date: 09-24-2003

Episode 90 (The Dogs of War) Air Date: 10-01-2003

Episode 91 (Jefferson Lives) Air Date: 10-08-2003

Episode 92 (Han) Air Date: 10-22-2003

Episode 93 (Constituency of One) Air Date: 10-29-2003

Episode 94 (Disaster Relief) Air Date: 11-05-2003

Episode 95 (Separation of Powers) Air Date: 11-12-2003

Episode 96 (Shutdown) Air Date: 11-19-2003

Episode 97 (Abu el Banat) Air Date: 12-03-2003

Episode 98 (The Stormy Present) Air Date: 01-07-2004

Episode 99 (The Benign Prerogative) Air Date: 01-14-2004

Episode 100 (Slow News Day) Air Date: 02-04-2004

Episode 101 (The Warfare of Genghis Khan) Air Date: 02-11-2004

Episode 102 (An Khe) Air Date: 02-18-2004

Episode 103 (Full Disclosure) Air Date: 02-25-2004

Episode 104 (Eppur Si Muove) Air Date: 03-03-2004

Episode 105 (The Supremes) Air Date: 03-24-2004

Episode 106 (Access) Air Date: 03-31-2004

Episode 107 (Talking Points) Air Date: 04-21-2004

Episode 108 (No Exit) Air Date: 04-28-2004

Episode 109 (Gaza) Air Date: 05-12-2004

Episode 110 (Memorial Day) Air Date: 05-19-2004

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Dallas cowboys 2006 preview

Last season for the Dallas Cowboys was bittersweet. On one hand, they managed to rebound from their poor 2004 season. However, they failed to make the playoffs, despite a 9-7 record, by one game. Their archenemy, Washington, picked up 10 wins and made it in. This season has been filled with movement, and the Cowboys are hoping they have the right mix for the 2006 season.

Key Additions

The single most important addition is wide receiver Terrell Owens. He gives the Cowboys speed and a bona fide playmaker. He might also give them headaches and turmoil. See the Eagles of 2005. Owner Jerry Jones loves to gamble and show his Texas flash. This is a huge gambler for the Cowboys, but if it works out, they can smile big when they play the Eagles.


The quarterback position is filled by Drew Bledsoe. He has fourteen years experience. However, this is a good and bad thing. How many more years does he have left in him? He had far too many interceptions last year. Also, there are depth issues with the Cowboys. If Bledsoe fails or gets hurt, the Cowboys will need to rely on backup QB Drew Henson. While he went to NFL Europe for some practice, he’s too green to lead a team to the playoffs.

Running Backs

The running back position is another concern for the Cowboys. They will probably go to a dual system and alternate between Julius Jones and Marion Barber. Jones has been pretty solid—when he is healthy. While Barber can pick up the slack, he’s not a primetime running back. The Cowboys running game is expected to be slightly above average.


The addition of Terrell Owens boosts the receiving core to new levels. If Owens can keep his mouth shut and just play the game, the Cowboys will have a very nice air attack on the field. As mentioned, Jerry Jones took a big gamble, so we will have to wait and see.

Defense & Special Teams

The Cowboys defense is firming up and could be in the top 10 next season. While they won’t shut down anyone, they might now have to. On a scale of 1 to 10, the defense is sitting around a 7 or 8 overall. Health will be a main issue. One can only hope that the special teams play better in 2006. The Cowboys were atrocious in field goal kicking. It cost them games. The arrival of Mike Vanderjagt should yield huge improvements.

2006 Prediction

The Dallas Cowboys have made some key improvements to their team. They have just as good of a shot to win the NFC East as any other team in the division. The NY Giants figure to pose the biggest threat. With the NFC being as soft as it is right now, the Cowboys have a very real shot at the playoffs this upcoming season.

Hormone replacement therapy to alleviate menopausal symptoms

If you have not yet experienced menopause then the terms hormone replacement therapy may sound foreign to you. As the terms suggest, HRT or hormone replacement therapy is a treatment aimed at easing the symptoms of menopause by hormonal replacement.

Menopause is that period in a woman’s life when the body is in the process of changing and these changes are manifested through various symptoms like hot flushes, mood changes, depression, insomnia and night sweating.

A woman in menopausal stage can opt for hormonal replacement therapy is she wants to alleviate the many symptoms of menopause. Hormonal replacement therapy has been found effective in treating menopausal women who became depressed.

There are sectors who believe that hormonal replacement therapy can be used to treat other complications arising from female menopause like diabetes, osteoporosis and heart ailments.

However, some women experiencing menopause do not go for hormone replacement therapy because of the possible side effects of the said treatment. There are those who believe that women taking hormonal replacement therapy have high risks of developing breast cancer. Hormonal replacement therapy has also been blamed for blood clot formations resulting to heart disease.

There are experts, including Dr. John Lee, who believe that hormone replacement therapy expose menopausal women to greater health risks than if they were not taking the therapy. The risk of getting cancer is one of the reason s why most women experiencing menopause opt for natural and alternative treatments for the many symptoms of menopause.

During menopause, the production of a woman’s estrogen and progesterone levels become erratic. These hormones play important roles in maintaining the proper functioning of a woman’s body like bone strengthening and blood cholesterol level maintenance.

During menopause, the production of these hormones decline and this causes bone problems and other ailments. Hormone replacement therapy can bring back the proper levels of these hormones in women and can prevent the risk of getting various menopause-related diseases.

While estrogen replacement has been found effective as a treatment for many years, medical research has shown that it increase a woman’s chances of getting breast and uterine cancer. This led the way to the addition of progestin to hormone treatments.

Women who eat the proper food and lead healthy lifestyles are the ones who are most probably able to experience menopause normally, even without hormone replacement therapy. For those who are thinking of availing of this therapy, it is important to talk this over with their doctors as the latter can give them the pros and cons of getting HRT.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Oakley sunglasses for enhancing personality

Eyes are the most beautiful organ of a human body. There is a saying – eyes speak the mind. But recently, your valuable eyes are being constantly exposed to harmful sun rays, thanks to global warming. Eyes also bear the brunt of increasing pollution level in the atmosphere. All you need is a protective gear for your eyes and there is no better option than to have Oakley Sunglasses with you. In addition to protecting your eyes, they are also a style quotient. You might have seen host of sportspersons sporting exclusive brands of Oakleys. Many film personalities from Hollywood are also their strong endorsers. So what is the specialty of these sunglasses? Read to find out.

Oakley has put a lot of research and technology into the making of these sunglasses. The customers can take pride in possessing such high quality glasses with them. Naturally, they are a bit costly. But there is nothing to be surprised with the kinds of features Oakleys offer. They have Hydrophobic lens coating that keeps water, skin oil and dusts away. The High Definition Optics makes a clear vision possible from all angles and at the same time, stands guard sun, wind and severe side impact. Certain Oakley sunglasses are specially manufactured to absorb the abuse of athletics. The ingredient like Iridium makes your vision possible even under scorching sun. Oakleys also prevent all types of Ultra Violet rays like UVA, UVB and UVC from reaching your eyes through Plutonite lens coating.

The purchase of this elite brand of sunglasses can be done through a leading online garment shop, namely demon-clothing. com. The website also deals in world renowned brands of designer T-shirts, jeans, jackets and of course, sunglasses. Even though the accessories are the best in vogue right now, they are offered at the cheapest prices. You will never face an out of stock problem as every product is always in stock and ready to be sent at your address. So place your order now for designer Oakley sunglasses at demon-clothing. com.

Finding the cheapest service

You've done it, I have done it. At some point we have all combed the Internet trying to dig up the cheapest service rates we can find. Some of us look for discounts in the form of bundled services, while others seek out that holy grail of low rates.

When looking for the cheapest service rates, new technology is worth looking into more often than not. Instead of just searching for low rates, try looking for new ways of getting that service first, then compare rates on those services.

Thanks to modern technology, elective utilities can be much less expensive than ever before. You might try voip service, or satellite tv rather than cable, both of which can save one a significant amount of loot each month.

Another way to pinch a penny is to keep an eye out for promotional offers and special incentives. People sometimes have a habit of thinking this is just another way to get you to "buy something". Maybe so, but is sure is nice to get that rebate a few weeks later.

Sometimes finding the cheapest service is a matter of taste. My grandfather for example wouldn't touch voip service with a ten foot pole for fear the "new fangled" monster might do him in. We all know this type, and pardon me if this is you :)

In closing, when sticking with traditional services, be sure to read the fine print. It isn't always the advertised rate that gets you. 0.02 cents a minute is great for long distance, but not if it's only that rate for 2 hours on Friday afternoon.

Choosing a hotel in torrevieja spain

Torrevieja is one of the most popular vacation hotspots on Spain’s Costa Blanca. It is part of the Alicante Province and located only thirty miles from the Alicante airport serving this popular region of Spain. Bus services from the airport can transport you easily to the city or some of the more expensive hotels in Torrevieja will provide transportation from the airport to the hotel.

Torrevieja offers hotels for every traveler. Luxury hotels are often closer to the local attractions and the coastline’s beaches, which will be a huge plus if you intend to spend a lot of time at the beach. Many luxury hotels have pools, spas, health clubs, babysitting service, dry cleaning service and its own restaurants and bars. As expected, these hotels are the more expensive choice in hotel accommodations. Smaller hotels in the area are generally located further away from the beach and attractions and do not offer as many amenities and additional services. However, even with the lack of amenities, these hotels are generally a good choice if you are looking for basic accommodations at a reasonable price.

If you are staying in Torrevieja for only a short time, you may want to splurge on a more luxurious hotel. A longer stay, however, may be best suited for a lower priced hotel if your vacation budget is somewhat limited. In addition to duration, the location of the hotel is important to consider. If you plan to spend most of your time at the beach, try to find the most hotel most convenient to the beach yet within your price range. Keep in mind, though, that hotels closer to the beach tend to be higher priced.

Finding Torrevieja hotels should not be difficult, as there are several ways to find the hotel that best fits your vacation needs and budget. A travel agent can provide a lot of information on Costa Blanca hotels. Booking your flight and hotel at the same time may result in a better deal. Be sure to call the travel agent in advance to get the best deal on the best hotel for you, especially during the summer months when accommodations book quickly.

If you already know the hotel in which you want to stay, just contact the hotel directly but be sure to still call in advance. You may find that the hotel is full if you wait until the last minute to make the reservation. If you do not know where to stay, hotel reviews are a good place to start. You can find reviews of various hotels on the internet, which typically use a standard rating. Good, basic hotels usually have a three start rating while luxury hotels have anywhere from four to five starts. Many travel sites offer descriptions of the hotel and its amenities as well as pictures. Finally, reading reviews by former guests is a great way to get an idea of the quality of the hotel from the guests themselves.

The madman and the iraqi war

It is the war of the sated against the famished, the obese against the emaciated, the affluent against the impoverished, the democracies against tyranny, perhaps Christianity against Islam and definitely the West against the Orient. It is the ultimate metaphor, replete with "mass destruction", "collateral damage", and the "will of the international community".

In this euphemistic Bedlam, Louis Althusser would have felt at home.

With the exception of Nietzsche, no other madman has contributed so much to human sanity as has Louis Althusser. He is mentioned twice in the Encyclopaedia Britannica merely as a teacher. Yet for two important decades (the 1960s and the 1970s), Althusser was at the eye of all the important cultural storms. He fathered quite a few of them.

Althusser observed that society consists of practices: economic, political and ideological. He defines a practice as:

"Any process of transformation of a determinate product, affected by a determinate human labour, using determinate means (of production)."

The economic practice (the historically specific mode of production, currently capitalism) transforms raw materials to finished products deploying human labour and other means of production in interactive webs. The political practice does the same using social relations as raw materials.

Finally, ideology is the transformation of the way that a subject relates to his real-life conditions of existence. The very being and reproduction of the social base (not merely its expression) is dependent upon a social superstructure. The superstructure is "relatively autonomous" and ideology has a central part in it.

America's social superstructure, for instance, is highly ideological. The elite regards itself as the global guardian and defender of liberal-democratic and capitalistic values (labeled "good") against alternative moral and thought systems (labeled "evil"). This self-assigned mission is suffused with belligerent religiosity in confluence with malignant forms of individualism (mutated to narcissism) and progress (turned materialism).

Althusser's conception of ideology is especially applicable to America's demonisation of Saddam Hussein (admittedly, not a tough job) and its subsequent attempt to justify violence as the only efficacious form of exorcism.

People relate to the conditions of existence through the practice of ideology. It smoothes over contradictions and offers false (though seemingly true) solutions to real problems. Thus, ideology has a realistic attribute - and a dimension of representations (myths, concepts, ideas, images). There is harsh, conflicting reality - and the way that we represent it both to ourselves and to others.

"This applies to both dominant and subordinate groups and classes; ideologies do not just convince oppressed groups and classes that all is well (more or less) with the world, they also reassure dominant groups and classes that what others might call exploitation and oppression is in fact something quite different: the operations and processes of universal necessity"

(Guide to Modern Literary and Cultural Theorists, ed. Stuart Sim, Prentice-Hall, 1995, p. 10)

To achieve the above, ideology must not be seen to err or, worse, remain speechless. It, therefore, confronts and poses (to itself) only questions it can answer. This way, it is confined to a fabulous, fantastic, contradiction-free domain. It ignores other types of queries altogether. It is a closed, solipsistic, autistic, self-consistent, and intolerant thought system. Hence the United States' adamant refusal to countenance any alternative points of view or solutions to the Iraqi crisis.

Althusser introduced the concept of "The Problematic":

"The objective internal reference ... the system of questions commanding the answers given."

The Problematic determines which issues, questions and answers are part of the narrative - and which are overlooked. It is a structure of theory (ideology), a framework and the repertoire of discourses which - ultimately - yield a text or a practice. All the rest is excluded.

It is, therefore, clear that what is omitted is of no less importance than what is included in a text, or a practice. What the United States declines or neglects to incorporate in the resolutions of the Security Council, in its own statements, in the debate with its allies and, ultimately, in its decisions and actions, teaches us about America and its motives, its worldview and cultural-social milieu, its past and present, its mentality and its practices. We learn from its omissions as much as we do from its commissions.

The problematic of a text reveals its historical context ("moment") by incorporating both inclusions and omissions, presences and absences, the overt and the hidden, the carefully included and the deliberately excluded. The problematic of the text generates answers to posed questions - and "defective" answers to excluded ones.

Althusser contrasts the manifest text with a latent text which is the result of the lapses, distortions, silences and absences in the manifest text. The latent text is the "diary of the struggle" of the un-posed question to be posed and answered.

Such a deconstructive or symptomatic reading of recent American texts reveals, as in a palimpsest, layers of 19th century-like colonialist, mercantilist and even imperialist mores and values: "the white man's burden", the mission of civilizing and liberating lesser nation, the implicit right to manage the natural resources of other polities and to benefit from them, and other eerie echoes of Napoleonic "Old Europe".

But ideology does not consist merely of texts.

"(It is a) lived, material practice - rituals, customs, patterns of behavior, ways of thinking taking practical form - reproduced through the practices and productions of the Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs): education, organized religion, the family, organized politics, the media, the cultural industries..." (ibid, p.12)

Althusser said that "All ideology has the function (which defines it) of 'constructing' concrete individuals as subjects".

Subjects to what? The answer is: to the material practices of the ideology, such as consumption, or warfare. This (the creation of subjects) is done by acts of "hailing" or "interpellation". These attract attention (hailing) and force the individuals to generate meaning (interpretation) and, thus, make the subjects partake in the practice.

The application of this framework is equally revealing when one tackles not only the American administration but also the uniformly "patriotic" (read: nationalistic) media in the United States.

The press uses self-censored "news", "commentary" and outright propaganda to transform individuals to subjects, i. e. to supporters of the war. It interpellates them and limits them to a specific discourse (of armed conflict). The barrage of soundbites, slogans, clips, edited and breaking news and carefully selected commentary and advocacy attract attention, force people to infuse the information with meaning and, consequently, to conform and participate in the practice (e. g., support the war, or fight in it).

The explicit and implicit messages are: "People like you - liberal, courageous, selfless, sharp, resilient, entrepreneurial, just, patriotic, and magnanimous - (buy this or do that)"; "People like you go to war, selflessly, to defend not only their nearest and dearest but an ungrateful world as well"; "People like you do not allow a monster like Saddam Hussein to prevail"; "People like you are missionaries, bringing democracy and a better life to all corners of the globe". "People like you are clever and won't wait till it is too late and Saddam possesses or, worse, uses weapons of mass destruction"; "People like you contrast with others (the French, the Germans) who ungratefully shirk their responsibilities and wallow in cowardice."

The reader / viewer is interpellated both as an individual ("you") and as a member of a group ("people like you..."). S/he occupies the empty (imaginary) slot, represented by the "you" in the media campaign. It is a form of mass flattery. The media caters to the narcissistic impulse to believe that it addresses us personally, as unique individuals. Thus, the reader or viewer is transformed into the subject of (and is being subjected to) the material practice of the ideology (war, in this case).

Still, not all is lost. Althusser refrains from tackling the possibilities of ideological failure, conflict, struggle, or resistance. His own problematic may not have allowed him to respond to these two deceptively simple questions:

What is the ultimate goal and purpose of the ideological practice beyond self-perpetuation?

What happens in a pluralistic environment rich in competing ideologies and, thus, in contradictory interpellations?

There are incompatible ideological strands even in the strictest authoritarian regimes, let alone in the Western democracies. Currently, IASs within the same social formation in the USA are offering competing ideologies: political parties, the Church, the family, the military, the media, the intelligentsia and the bureaucracy completely fail to agree and cohere around a single doctrine. As far as the Iraqi conflict goes, subjects have been exposed to parallel and mutually-exclusive interpellations since day one.

Moreover, as opposed to Althusser's narrow and paranoid view, interpellation is rarely about converting subjects to a specific - and invariably transient - ideological practice. It is concerned mostly with the establishment of a consensual space in which opinions, information, goods and services can be exchanged subject to agreed rules.

Interpellation, therefore, is about convincing people not to opt out, not to tune out, not to drop out - and not to rebel. When it encourages subjects to act - for instance, to consume, or to support a war, or to fight in it, or to vote - it does so in order to preserve the social treaty, the social order and society at large.

The business concern, the church, the political party, the family, the media, the culture industries, the educational system, the military, the civil service - are all interested in securing influence over, or at least access to, potential subjects. Thus, interpellation is used mainly to safeguard future ability to interpellate. Its ultimate aim is to preserve the cohesion of the pool of subjects and to augment it with new potential ones.

In other words, interpellation can never be successfully coercive, lest it alienates present and future subjects. The Bush administration and its supporters can interpellate Americans and people around the world and hope to move them to adopt their ideology and its praxis. But they cannot force anyone to do so because if they do, they are no different to Saddam and, consequently, they undermine the very ideology that caused them to interpellate in the first place.

How ironic that Althusser, the brilliant thinker, did not grasp the cyclical nature of his own teachings (that ideologies interpellate in order to be able to interpellate in future). This oversight and his dogmatic approach (insisting that ideologies never fail) doomed his otherwise challenging observations to obscurity. The hope that resistance is not futile and that even the most consummate and powerful interpellators are not above the rules - has thus revived.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Types of baseball gloves

To buy a good glove of baseball can make a world of the difference in your play. You must buy a glove made starting from materials of quality because they will last longer and will be easier to employ. And, naturally, you ensure that the adjustment feels exact. While you can want to buy a cheaper glove - sometimes it wages right of doesn't because your play will suffer.

A thing that you must make is to seek the various manufacturers and scales of price. Discover which is lit the best blow for the male. Choose some marks which call upon you move then to the store and try on the gloves. Ensuring itself they judge that the line and the line of average relationship are important. A part of Here inclines on what to seek in various types of gloves.

Gloves Of Gloves of baseball

Is you a serious player or the disorder right around behind the dish each of time to other? This could be a great deciding factor in your decision on which the glove to be bought as good glove of gloves of baseball can cost you hundreds of dollars. If you play only several times per year, then a professional glove of category could be too expensive for you. In addition, the gloves of good quality better are made and more durable thus it will probably last you a life. The gloves of high quality will be smelled better and functioned also better.

By selecting a glove of gloves of baseball you must adapt it to your hand. The size of model of the glove is a measurement of the gloves gоtent where your wrist is jusqu with the top of the palm of the glove where your fingers start. A small glove for youths measures typically 8 with a foot, and a glove of adults has a measurement of 12 or 13 inches.

Gloves Of Baseball For Women

The isn't of baseball right for boys and maintaining the always young girls and women more than join this whole the American sport. There is a special challenge, in some manner that for women by making shopping for the equipment of baseball and particularly the gloves of baseball. The majority speed of baseball are a manufacturer motionless with the men with the spirit, and the women, whose hands are much smaller, can have one difficult moment finding a good adjustment with their gloves.

The women making of the shopping for gloves of baseball must seek gloves designed to adapt smaller and female hand. If you are equipped with a suitable glove for the size of your hand you will note that you will play better. Seek smaller stalls of finger which will give you a better order than a belt of adjustable wrist is desirable because it will enable you to adjust yourselves with the fluctuations in fluids which can make your wrist a little larger or smaller.

First Basic Gloves

Any first basic player will say to you that the first basic gloves are very important when it has suddenly played the baseball. A thing to be sought in a good glove is to buy the good kinds of materials and strap which you have need in a glove to play at the first base.

The most important thing is with the thnk about the way in which the glove feels. You should buy a size which feels good and is easy to handle. Important It that you can open and close the glove quickly and that your fingers have a comfortable adjustment but not too douillettement.

To make shopping for the glove of right baseball is as important as obtaining the footgear or the espadrilles right. Take your time and select a good glove and you could see your play improving!

Buying a house at auction is very good investment

All house prices are still rising popular areas, homes usually already under contract by the time the estate agent’s board goes up. People should also find another sources a part from estate agent

Every year around 40,000 properties are sold at auction in the UK - many at up to 30% below high street prices. Auction firms always focus on unusual, hard-to-value premises like churches and village halls, commercial lots with potential for change to residential property. Usualy properties which need renovation get sold though the auction. This is why most of the time you going to find yourself in competition with professional property developers.

To get property at auction requires very careful planning, full attention to details and good nerves.

If you succeed the reward - dream house at good price. But if you don’t do carefully groundwork then your bargain could turn out to be very costly under - the-hammer horror. It is worth know that some superficially good looking properties go to auction because they have hidden problems like dry rot, strict planning restrictions, bad neighbors

Where to start?

About 250 companies run residential property auctions every single year in the Great Britain. One, estate agent FDP Savills, holds ten national auctions a year in London and seven regional auctions. It says there is very strong demand for all types of property at auction and there is good market for flats and houses which requiring refurbishment.

Every auctioneer will send you catalogue for all coming auctions at list one month in advance. That is time for you to do you homework. Examine property; surround area to make sure it is suitable. It is also time to have the property surveyed. Ask you solicitor to check the title to the property and arrange mortgage for you. If you are successful buyer you need to plan to complete the purchase with in 25 days of the auction. The list of auctions you can easily find online. You also need to be ready to insure the property from the moment you get it.

Before you go to auction set your highest bid.

You need to estimate the total costs of decorating repairs, surveying fees, mortgage, legal and removals and any other expenses – and then work out how much you are willing to spend. Please do not forget buyer’s premium will add another 1.5 per cent on the top of selling price and also you need to pay stamp duty.

Pre-sale catalogue prices very often wildly below the real sale price to get buyers to auction. Property prices can go up and down throughout per-sale period. Please keep in touch with the agent. The actual price usually set on auction day and it will be 10 per cent

Of the reserve price which is minimum price the owner will accept. Once the price met reserve vendor legally obliged to sell the house to the highest bidder.

If you are successful bidder you will need to sign a legally binding contract after the auction also you need to pay ten per cent of the property price by cheque. Remember they do not accept cash.

Try to attend auction a few times before you start bid. It helps to get confidence. Check all local estate agent just to see at what price similar property have sold for.

Hunter season 2 dvd review

Recipient of 3 Emmy nominations, Hunter is widely considered one of the premiere action/detective dramas of its time. Much like Tom Selleck's Magnum, P. I., Fred Dryer's Hunter had a knack for attracting a TV audience to his unique persona, an onscreen charisma that carried an otherwise so-so series through a nine-season run. Created by Frank Lupo, brains behind the smash hit The A-Team (1982) and writer for the hit series Battlestar Galactica (1978), Magnum, P. I. (1980), and Walker, Texas Ranger (1993), Hunter is constructed on the overused concept of a maverick police officer who breaks the rules, but never gets fired because he's so good. Despite its formulaic approach, Hunter is pure entertainment for all those who love 1980s action dramas...

The Hunter (Season 2) DVD features a number of action-packed episodes including the season premiere "Case X" in which Dee Dee goes undercover as a prospective model when a modeling agent's clients start turning up dead. When Hunter and Dee Dee discover that the modeling agent is sending his clients to a photographer who specializes in filming porn, the two get closer to discovering the true identity of the murderer… Other notable episodes from Season 2 include "The Big Fall" in which Hunter and Dee Dee must discover the identity of the murderer who killed the star witness under their protection or else risk being pinned with the rap themselves, and "Death Machine" in which Hunter and Dee Dee must investigate a series of underworld murders ordered by a jewel smuggler who was ripped off for over two million dollars by a pair of petty burglars…

Below is a list of episodes included on the Hunter (Season 2) DVD:

Episode 21 (Case X) Air Date: 09-21-1985

Episode 22 (Night of the Dragons) Air Date: 09-28-1985

Episode 23 (The Biggest Man in Town) Air Date: 10-05-1985

Episode 24 (Rich Girl) Air Date: 10-19-1985

Episode 25 (Killer in a Halloween Mask) Air Date: 10-26-1985

Episode 26 (Rape and Revenge: Part 1) Air Date: 11-02-1985

Episode 27 (Rape and Revenge: Part 2) Air Date: 11-09-1985

Episode 28 (Million Dollar Misunderstanding) Air Date: 11-16-1985

Episode 29 (The Big Fall) Air Date: 11-23-1985

Episode 30 (Waiting for Mr. Wrong) Air Date: 12-07-1985

Episode 31 (Think Blue) Air Date: 12-14-1985

Episode 32 (Blow-up) Air Date: 01-04-1986

Episode 33 (War Zone) Air Date: 01-11-1986

Episode 34 (Burned) Air Date: 01-18-1986

Episode 35 (Scrap Metal) Air Date: 02-01-1986

Episode 36 (Fagin 1986) Air Date: 02-08-1986

Episode 37 (62 Hrs. of Terror) Air Date: 02-15-1986

Episode 38 (Death Machine) Air Date: 03-11-1986

Episode 39 (The Setup) Air Date: 03-25-1986

Episode 40 (The Beautiful & the Dead: Part 1) Air Date: 04-01-1986

Episode 41 (The Beautiful & the Dead: Part 2) Air Date: 04-08-1986

Episode 42 (The Return of Typhoon Thompson) Air Date: 05-06-1986

Episode 43 (Saturday Night Special) Air Date: 05-20-1986

Friday, November 11, 2016

Using the sun for power - how it works

With massive rebate programs and tax credits being issued by state and federal governments, using the sun to generate electricity is very popular. So, how does it work?

Generating electricity from the sun is all about converting sunlight into power. Importantly, the process has nothing to do with converting the heat produced by sunlight into energy. This common misconception leads to a lot of confusion regarding solar systems.

The technology behind solar systems is known as photovoltaic technology. Essentially, this technology involves using sunlight to create a chemical reaction. During the chemical reaction, electrons are released from the relevant material and collected by tiny wires. This process creates a direct current of electricity. The electricity is then converted to usable alternating current electricity and stored in a battery or fed into a utility grid system.

Solar platforms use this exact process to produce energy. The arrays are made up of small squares called photovoltaic cells. A collection of these cells forms a single panel and a collection of panels makes up a “solar array.” The size of your array is entirely dependent upon the amount of electricity you want to produce.

The photovoltaic cells in a solar array are where the action happens. The cells are typically made with crystalline silicon under a glass cover. When sunlight hits the crystalline silicon, the material reacts by kicking off electrons. Tiny wires built into the cells collect the electrons in the form of an electrical current. This current is then sent to an inverter, which converts it to usable electricity.

The biggest issue with solar platforms is how efficiently they convert sunlight into electricity. The answer depends on how much you want to spend. Top brands will convert at roughly 15 percent efficiency. Less expensive brands will convert at 5 to 10 percent efficiency. The more efficient the panels, the fewer you will need.

It has become clear that our reliance on fossil fuels is only going to lead to further problems, whether political, environmental or economic. Advancements in solar technology as well as incredible tax breaks and rebates make using the Sun as an energy source a viable solution for you.

Descriptive terms in real estate ads - more definitions

If you are buying or selling a home, the chances are good you struggle with the meaning of descriptive real estate terms. Here are explanations and definitions for more terms.

“Shed Dormers”

These are often seen in Dutch colonial style houses and are flat roofed dormers. Sometimes these dormers are single windows, but often they are two or three windows side by side with one flat roof.

“Blind Dormer Window”

Sometimes builders construct fake dormer windows to add architectural interest to new houses. They are at attic level but can’t be seen from the attic because the roof of the house covers access to them.

“Oversize Garage”

Ads often say how many cars a garage will hold. Then they add the word “oversize” as in “oversize 2-car garage.” What is usually meant is that there is room for storage, or a work bench in addition to space for the cars. Occasionally it simply means you can open a car door wide enough to actually get out with both cars in the garage!

“Gourmet Kitchen”

This phrase is intended to convey the idea that a very good cook can happily work here. That may or may not be the case, but it does usually mean that the kitchen is fairly large and attractive.

“Great Room”

I’ve seen this used in two distinctly different ways. The first is to describe a living room, dining room, and kitchen in a very open floor plan. The area typically has a high ceiling. The second way I’ve seen it used is when what we’d normally call a family room has a high, often coffered, ceiling, a fireplace with a dramatically massive mantle, and perhaps an upstairs balcony overlooking it. I think this may stem from the idea of a “great hall” in old English houses.

If you can get the verbiage down, you’ll be way ahead in the real estate game. Look for future articles on this subject or visit our site to read more terms.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Electronic message boards how to use them

When we talk about electronic message boards, there are actually a lot of definitions that may fit to the term. Some people considered the electronic message boards as simply internet forums participated by people working in the electronic field. Others also define the term as those message boards that display messages or announcements for the students in schools; those that display the prices of the items sold in stores; or those that display the hymns for the church people. Well, in this article, I will talk about electronic message boards that are simply internet forums.

There are a lot of electronic message boards or forums available online these days. These forums primarily serve as a great place for people who share the same interest in electronics to meet and chat, and make friends. Also, the electronic message boards are a great place to learn. It is where the newbies and the experts in the field of electronics exchange thoughts, comments, advices, or recommendations. And, what makes it really a great place to learn is that you can post questions about machinery, equipments, and components for the electronic industry, and receive answers from the expert members of the board. You may even meet people from different areas in the world through these electronic message boards.

So, the question is, are you interested to find at least few of the well-known and safe electronic message boards to discuss everything electronics? If your answer is affirmative, then this page is no doubt for you. I have mentioned below a few of the most visited electronic message boards online.

Instrument Design Forum

This is the community that discusses issues and techniques relating to the electronics and physical details of designing instrumentation. Perhaps what is best about this electronic message board is that when you post a follow-up on the existing threads, their system will automatically send a notification to the person you reply to. Your follow-up therefore will not be missed, even if you post it long after the original message was posed. And, since this forum now contains a lot of messages, you are suggested to use to their site search for you to find those topics that you are interested to, thus saving your time.

Electronics Manufacturing and Automation Forum

This place is but a discussion forum designed for all those who are interested in electronics factory automation and process aspects. The discussion threads contained in this electronic message board were first opened in year 2000, and the threads are still open up to these days. Therefore, you can post follow-ups and make contribution to the knowledge base contained in the archives.

Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Forum

Another well-known electronic message board is the Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Forum (MEMS). What actually sets this forum unique from the other electronic message boards online is the fact that it limits its coverage on topics about polysilicon sensors, actuators, and microstructures. However, the members of this board can also discuss about bulk and surface micromachining technologies, fabrication process, and physical principles. Note that electronic message boards that tackle these topics are only few these days.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What is the so fascinating about magazines

Have you ever stopped to wonder why we are so addicted to magazines? What is so fascinating about it that makes us want to fork out so much more money than we have to for a newspaper, which can be said to serve the same general purpose of providing readers with up to date information? Here, we shall shed some light on this phenomenon.

Firstly, the colorful pages of a magazine strongly appeals to the reader. The excellent color contrast used in the magazine ensures that magazines are extremely easy on the eyes. The use of appropriate bright colors further stimulates the interest and grabs the attention of the reader.

In addition, magazines provide more in-depth coverage of a certain topic, as compared to newspapers. This can be attributed to the fact that newspapers cover news on a daily basis and often on a wide range of topics. Given the constraints posed by tighter datelines, it is often not possible for newspaper journalists to do extensive research on the subject matter. Moreover, the broad based coverage of newspapers also means that there is restricted column space for write-ups pertaining to any single category. In contrast, magazines are often highly focused on a single topic, which enables it to better cater to its targeted customers. With more time available for the conducting of background research, magazines are also able to offer more extensive coverage on topics that are of interest to the reader.

Also, magazine writers often write in a more conversational tone than you would normally find on newspapers. Newspapers are often bounded by its serious facades. On the other hand, magazines generally use more colorful language, which enables it to connect to the readers better. In fact, reading newspapers can be likened to a one-way dialogue, while reading magazines can be seen as a two-way conversation. Naturally, the reader would be more absorbed and engrossed in reading something that he or she can relate to and communicate with. This is the reason why many of us enjoy reading magazines more than newspapers and serves as the cornerstone to the success of magazines.

On top of these, magazines come in more user-friendly sizes, as compared to the traditional bulky newspapers. This is where the magazine again has an advantage. It is designed to fit snugly into your palms so as to facilitate easy flipping and hence reading.

Last but not least, carrying a magazine does not dirty your hands, unlike holding newspapers. Newspapers are generally printed at a very speedy rate with a mineral oil ink. As newsprint is not heated, the ink has little time to dry. Instead, this ink is absorbed by the inner fibers of the sheets of paper and does not evaporate completely. This explains why some of the ink can go onto your hands. Magazine ink does not stay on its pages because it is often completely dried during the print run and is printed on a different type of paper.

The next time you are at the news stand, maybe you will better understand why you are browsing through magazines instead of newspapers!

Mlb tickets in the nl east - it s the mets and everyone else

Although there was a swap of positions in the middle of the division standings over the past few weeks, MLB tickets are only relevant for the rest of the 2006 season in one or possibly two cities. The Mets are just a game or two away from clinching the division, and we’ll examine their postseason prospects. The Phillies also remain somewhat alive, so we’ll examine them and the outlook for 2007 for everyone else.

New York Mets


The Mets have basically won the division on the heels of a tremendous season by Carlos Beltran and decent pitching. Not to take anything away from them, but this is a relatively weak division as well, and the Mets have feasted on their lack of competition. This is a veteran team that knows how to close out a race, and that’s exactly what they’re doing as of this writing.


The Mets are getting Pedro Martinez back just in time, and he along with Tom Glavine need to be strong in the postseason. Beltran also needs to maintain his high level of play, or else the Mets will struggle. As it is, they’re as good a bet as anyone to get to the World Series.

Philadelphia Phillies


It’s been a strange season for the Phillies, as they appeared to give up on the season only to surge into contention for the Wild Card spot. They’re still barely hanging on in the chase, but they need to turn it on now, as they’re running out of games to catch the Padres. The story of the season has been the emergence of Ryan Howard, and baseball fans everywhere want to root for a “clean” player as he puts up historic HR numbers.


The Phillies could possibly land in the postseason, but regardless, they need pitching and another bat in their lineup to take the next step.

Florida Marlins


The Marlins took over third place in the division and moved over the .500 mark as of this writing with a 19-9 month. This is a team that’s slowly but surely getting better with another young nucleus that could challenge for big things in the coming season as these players mature. The Marlins have talent behind the plate and on the mound.


MLB tickets should be a hot item in South Florida in 2007, as the team looks to only get better as their young team puts another year of valuable experience behind them.

Atlanta Braves


The Braves’ incredible postseason streak is ending this year, but what they’ve accomplished in recent times should not be overlooked. The 2006 season was ruined by injury and age, and the Braves have struggled to maintain any type of consistency.


The Braves always seem to be stocked with young talent, and they’ll need that next generation to come of age to contend in 2007, as Andruw and Chipper Jones aren’t getting any younger.

Washington Nationals


The Nationals have been a bit of a disappointment this year after reaching the .500 mark in 2005. Their downfall was due to two things: bad pitching and no one besides Alfonso Soriano in the lineup that was a threat to produce runs.


The Nationals need another bat in the lineup and more pitching. If they get that done during the offseason, MLB tickets will again be a hot item in Washington, D. C.

Marriage financial planning needed before the wedding

When you are thinking about getting married, it is also time to think about your financial plans. When you plan your wedding, you spend a lot of time deciding what you want in personalized wedding favors, wedding accessories, bridesmaid and groomsmen gifts, bridal apparel and even the honeymoon, but haven’t yet planned for the day to day finances after the marriage. Many couples go into marriage with no idea on how to manage their money. Conflicts over money are the number one problem reported by married couples.

Before the wedding, the couple should get together and work out a financial plan. First of all, they should decide which partner should handle the day to day financial affairs. It is common for one spouse to have a good aptitude for money management and organization, while the other spouse does not. It is important to recognize which one has the better skills, and let them keep track of the finances on a daily basis. This would include paying the bills, reconciling the bank statements, and working within a budget or spending plan.

There must always be open communication between both spouses on all financial matters. This is a key point that many couples miss. With the union of a marriage, what was once “yours” now becomes “ours.” A married couple needs to look at their total income, debts and savings as belonging to both of them. In a marriage relationship, two become one; this includes all aspects of your life. You become one in your emotional, physical, spiritual and financial relationships. There is no more “mine,” it becomes “ours.”

Many couples ask if one makes more money than the other, or has more assets than the other, whether those assets should be protected with a prenuptial agreement. It is good to think about how your assets should be distributed in the event of your death, and a prenuptial agreement could address that, but the purpose of a marriage is not for one spouse to be financially independent and the other one not. If you want to have financial peace in the household, then you must communicate together and share equally all financial matters. This does not mean that one spouse cannot spend more than the other spouse, such as on hobbies, if it is agreeable to both spouses.

There is no need to have separate saving or checking accounts. Separate accounts would be more like a roommate relationship. You are not roommates; you are in a committed, lifetime relationship when you get married. Do not keep secret accounts that your spouse does not know about, because sooner or later, the other spouse will find out about it. Putting your money in joint accounts is the best arrangement in most cases, and by having joint accounts with the right of survivorship (JWOS), there are other benefits as well. In the event of a death of one spouse, the ownership will pass directly to the surviving spouse, without having to go through probate and the cost, time, and public record required for probate. So, it is a good idea to have a joint owner or beneficiary on every account.

Working up a budget, or a spending plan, is a very necessary part of financial management. Too many couples have no idea how much they spend each month, compared to how much they earn in income each month. They then end up getting in trouble by running up credit card debt, and other debts that their income cannot pay for. If you have a budget or spending plan, this will help make sure that you are not going to spend more than you make, and will help you achieve financial success, and create the ability to save for things you want in the future, such as for college tuition or retirement. Your housing expenses, including your mortgage payment or rent, insurance, taxes, utilities and repairs and maintenance should be no more than 40% of your gross income. Then allocate your other expenses, such as food, clothing, medical, transportation, and entertainment among the remaining amount you have to spend. You need to build up an emergency saving fund equal to six months of income for emergencies that may arise, and then set up a long term saving and investment plan. Remember to include church and charitable contributions in the plan as well.

Couples must work together in managing their finances in an open, committed relationship so that the two become one in a lifetime, loving family unit.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Basic principles of theory of evolution

Evolution theory teaches that survival is for the fittest living organism.

What is life? What is fit? And what does it mean to survive?

Well, there are many definitions of course. A useful definition, in scientific perspective, is the one that allow us to analyze myriads things with fewest principles. So here they are.

A living organism is a class of objects that share 3 traits.

1. Reproduce. Living organism can make copies.

2. Inherit. Living organism, in the process of reproducing, will inherit traits to the offspring.

3. Mutate. Living organism, in the process of inheriting, will make small mistakes.

That seems like a reasonable definition. If we look most living things around us, like dogs, cats, pigs, birds, fido, virus, etc., they all share those traits.

However, based on those definitions, God is not alive, while computer virus, religious doctrines, ideologies, and ideas are alive.

I don’t think God will mind though. It’s just a definition.

The practical aspect is that we can use evolution theory to explain the sort of humans, cats, dogs, germs, doctrines, ideologies, and ideas that are common nowadays.

Different living organism performs those 3 traits differently. Those living organism that reproduces a lot becomes plenty. Those that reproduced a lot, become common.

That’s the basic of evolution theory.

For example, we see that peacocks tend to have long elaborated tails. From this, we can guess peacocks with long elaborate tail must have made more peachicks. Perhaps, peahen love peacocks with long elaborate tails. It’s true.

Suppose it were true. Then peacocks with longer tails will mate with more peahens. Those happy couples will then produce more peachicks.

Male peachicks will inherit long tails. Female peachicks will inherit preferences for long tail. So, peahens like peacocks with long tail.

It looks like a circular argument. It is. The truth is we don’t really know for sure, at least just from the reasoning, why peacocks have long tail.

However, we do know that traits that lead to gene pool survival through sexual selection tend to be positive feedback.

Those are traits that either enhance gene pool survival through regular means or signal capability to survive on the females. Samples of the former are Cheetah’s speed and men’s wealth. Samples of the latter are peacock’s tail and sport cars.

The more peacocks have longer tail, the more peacocks in the future, will have even longer tails. The more peahens in the future will get turned on by long tail even more.

Now, most males are poor. Does that mean women like the poor? Does being poor serve gene pool survival?

The answer to the first question is no. The answer to the second is, well, sort of due to various unnatural sex laws against consensual sex. It’s tricky.

Computer forensics training

Computer forensics is the investigation and analysis of a crime using a computer to help solve the case. Computer forensics is used to investigate crimes with high tech programs. Computer forensics can also be used to prepare digital data suitable for inclusion in a criminal investigation.

A wide variety of methods are used to discover data hidden in a computer system. Specialists are sometimes used to help recover deleted, encrypted or damaged file information. Any or all evidence obtained can be used for discovery, depositions or actual litigation. People who are specialized in computer forensics are sometimes referred to as a CCE or a Certified Computer Examiner. Computer forensic training involves a training program with online exams.

Most computer forensic courses equip a student with a full range of computer forensics skills. Students learn to build digital forensics toolkits. They also develop skills to track an offender on the Internet, define proper evidence handling procedures and learn how to work with law enforcement agencies. The students learn to apply proven investigative strategies and are finally awarded their CCE certifications.

Computer forensic training programs cover issues like networks and protocols and the architecture of operating systems. They also include crime analysis and crime scene management and courtroom/expert witness skills.

Computer forensic training also educates cyber crime investigators in techniques of computer forensic investigations. Students are eligible for a Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Certification or CHFI.

Government agencies and private sector companies have seen an increased demand for computer forensics in the last decade. Computer based evidence is often used in cases where incriminating documents are likely to be found on a computer like financial fraud and child pornography. Civil cases make use of business and personal records found on computer systems for fraud, divorce, discrimination and harassment cases.

In order to keep pace with the ever-changing technology and advances, course materials for computer forensic training are constantly upgraded to keep candidates updated on the latest techniques and skills in the field of forensics.

Improve your golf swing fundamentals and watch your game transform

Most golfers are aware that by focusing on the golf swing fundamentals, one by one, they stand the best chance of dramatically improving their game. This is because the golf swing fundamentals make up the golf swing which is at the heart of the game of golf.

Golf swing fundamentals are to be found in the three segments of a proper golf swing which are the backswing, the downswing and thirdly the impact and follow through.

The backswing is one of the important golf swing fundamentals because every shot begins here. If the backswing falls short, so will the resulting hit. At this stage, focus should be placed equally on body rotation and club and arm extension.

Moving to the downswing as another golf swing fundamental, this movement actually starts in the legs and the hips, rather than the arm. There should be a clear transfer of body weight from back to front with the knees, thighs and hips all beginning to move forward. This should be the correct movement in every proper golf swing.

The impact and follow through are the golf swing fundamentals that complete the entire swing. At impact the body weight should be on the outside of the forward heel and the inside of the rear foot.

The entire awkward movement of the golf swing is unnatural to the body and this is why the body resists and it becomes very difficult to develop all the smooth movements that go into the proper golf swing fundamentals.

Even endless practice may not be as effective in developing your body muscles in such a way that the golf swing fundamentals come as natural as possible. This is where exercise comes in to play a key role. Many golfers have successfully used golf-specific exercises and conditioning to improve their golf swing fundamentals.

Monday, November 7, 2016

What to consider when choosing a kailua hotel

Have you recently made the decision to stay at a Kailua hotel, while on a Big Island vacation? If so, have you already made your Kailua hotel reservations? If you have yet to do so, it may be a good idea to examine how you should go about choosing the Kailua hotel that can best fit your needs. Although it may not necessarily sound like a difficult process, it sometimes can be. That is why it may be a good idea to familiarize yourself with what you should be looking for, when choosing a Kailua hotel to vacation at.

When choosing a Kailua hotel, one of the most important factors that you will want to take into consideration is the size of the space that you will need. For example, how many people do you plan on vacationing with? If you are traveling with a large group of individuals, you may need to reserve more than one room, but is that really even possible? If you are on a family vacation and you are traveling with a large party, you may find it a little bit difficult to make the accommodations of a hotel work. Of course, you can also split up the adults and the children, but you may not necessarily want to. If this is the case, a Kailua hotel may not necessarily be the right accommodation for you. Realizing this ahead of time, before your vacation is set to take place, will help to save you money, as well as an unpleasant vacation.

In addition to the sizes of the accommodations found inside a Kailua hotel, you will also want to examine the cost of those accommodations. With Kailua hotels, you will find that different hotels, as well as different rooms cost different amounts of money. In all honesty, the cost of booking a Kailua hotel will all depend on the hotel in question. Additional factors that may have an impact on cost include the hotel’s distance to the beach, as well as the size of the room or rooms that you will need. Knowing exactly how much you can afford to spend on a Kailua hotel will help make it easier to find a Kailua hotel that you can afford, as well as one that can offer you the accommodations that you need.

As previously mentioned, the distance between a Kailua hotel and the beach may have an impact on the cost of reservations; however, that distance may be a deciding factor when choosing a Kailua hotel to stay at. If you are like many other vacationers, there is a good chance that you came to Hawaii for its beautiful beaches. If that is the case, there is a good chance that you want to have a beach themed vacation; one that include sunbathing, boating, fishing, snorkeling, scuba diving, or swimming. If that is the case, you may want to find a Kailua hotel that is located right along the beach or, at least, a relatively short distance away from it. The same can be said for other attractions, such as particular restaurants or airports.

It is also a good idea to keep availability in mind. In the Kailua area, there are a large number of overnight accommodations to go around, including Kailua hotels. This means that regardless of when you choose to book your Kailua vacation reservations, you should be able to find a place to stay, while on vacation. Despite being able to find a place to stay, you might not just want anyplace; you might have something particular in mind. If you have your heart set on staying at a particular Kailua hotel, it may be a good idea to book your Kailua hotel reservations in advance, especially if you are planning on staying at a popular hotel. Making your reservations in advance is easy to do and it could help to ensure that you don’t get stuck in any ole hotel, but with Kailua vacation hotel of your dreams.

What to know about golf lessons

No one ever said the game of golf was cheap! First, there’s the clubs, then the clothes and, oh about the greens fees? Unless you’re Bill Gates, you’ll probably want to make sure the money you spend on your beloved game gives you the biggest bang for your buck. If you’re a new player, you’re going to need lessons too, which is an expensive and time - consuming activity.

First, you need to find a golf instructor. You should be as careful about finding the right instructor as you would be about finding a therapist. Going to the wrong instructor will slow down your learning and dampen your enthusiasm. You need the best possible fit. Some instructors are more expensive than others. They may have more experience, more awards, or they may teach at a more upscale facility. But like anything else in life, you can find great instructors at a reasonable cost. So decide how much you’re willing to pay, and stick to that price to avoid temptation.

For a good golf instructor to be effective in improving your game, he needs only one thing. You have to practice what your instructor is preaching to get the very best out of his advice. The better player you wish to become, the more work you’ll have to do. This isn’t a race and it will take some time to get where you want to be. You can get there with a strong sense of commitment and a good sense of humor.

You’ll also need to decide whether you want private instruction or golf school. While golf schools can provide shorter, more intense instruction periods, they can overload you with too much information and not enough hands-on help. Private lessons use a building-block approach, but can take many months to complete. The best way to decide is word-of-mouth. Ask people for recommendations and you’ll probably end up with a nice short list of instructors and facilities to choose from, as well as which ones to avoid. Once you decide who you like, don’t be shy about interviewing him about his background and experience to be sure his winning philosophy matches your goals. Once you get comfortable with your instructor and your training schedule, there’s only one more thing you have to do - have fun. To find out further information about golf instruction or to find out wear to purchase the latest in golf gear, log onto the Internet today.