Monday, November 7, 2016

What to know about golf lessons

No one ever said the game of golf was cheap! First, there’s the clubs, then the clothes and, oh about the greens fees? Unless you’re Bill Gates, you’ll probably want to make sure the money you spend on your beloved game gives you the biggest bang for your buck. If you’re a new player, you’re going to need lessons too, which is an expensive and time - consuming activity.

First, you need to find a golf instructor. You should be as careful about finding the right instructor as you would be about finding a therapist. Going to the wrong instructor will slow down your learning and dampen your enthusiasm. You need the best possible fit. Some instructors are more expensive than others. They may have more experience, more awards, or they may teach at a more upscale facility. But like anything else in life, you can find great instructors at a reasonable cost. So decide how much you’re willing to pay, and stick to that price to avoid temptation.

For a good golf instructor to be effective in improving your game, he needs only one thing. You have to practice what your instructor is preaching to get the very best out of his advice. The better player you wish to become, the more work you’ll have to do. This isn’t a race and it will take some time to get where you want to be. You can get there with a strong sense of commitment and a good sense of humor.

You’ll also need to decide whether you want private instruction or golf school. While golf schools can provide shorter, more intense instruction periods, they can overload you with too much information and not enough hands-on help. Private lessons use a building-block approach, but can take many months to complete. The best way to decide is word-of-mouth. Ask people for recommendations and you’ll probably end up with a nice short list of instructors and facilities to choose from, as well as which ones to avoid. Once you decide who you like, don’t be shy about interviewing him about his background and experience to be sure his winning philosophy matches your goals. Once you get comfortable with your instructor and your training schedule, there’s only one more thing you have to do - have fun. To find out further information about golf instruction or to find out wear to purchase the latest in golf gear, log onto the Internet today.

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