Sunday, October 30, 2016

The secret - when you can walk on water take the boat part 26

In a short while, we arrived in the Big City. It was, as always, impersonal. We parked the car and walked through the never-ending crowds to a waiting cab. Gideon handed the driver an address and a few minutes later we stepped out in front of a tall building on an obscure side street. We walked up to the door, entered the lobby and were soon on our way to the thirty-third floor.

We stepped out into a long hallway. I took a few moments to straighten my tie and comb my hair. At times the winds of the Big City could be exceedingly fierce. At the end of the hallway was a large door bearing a sign that said: “G & M Enterprises, Inc., World Headquarters.”

“These are the people you work with, right, Gideon?”

He was a bit more relaxed now. “Yes,” he said.“It’s about time you got to meet my boss. There’ll also be another friend of mine here. You remember Marla?”

“Marla will be here, too? Oh yeah, I forgot that she works for this company, too. It’ll be good to see her again.”

There was that twinkle in his eye and I knew that he was back to his old self, again. He pushed open the door as we walked into a reception area that was both simple and, at the same time, elegantly decorated. There were paintings of strange symbols on the walls. A receptionist looked up and smiled. “Hello, Gideon, and welcome to our office, John,” she


“You look well, Mary,” replied Gideon.

“Won’t you sit down, please. Marla is here already. It will only be a few minutes,” said Mary.

In a short while Marla joined us and we renewed old acquaintances. She seemed quite pleased to see me there. The receptionist left for a few moments and when she returned, she announced, “The chief will see you now.”

She escorted us through the main area to an office with a sign on the door that read: “President and Chairman of the Board.”

“Gee, Gideon, you know the big boss,” I teased. As the door opened he said, “You’ll enjoy this meeting, John.”

We stepped into an office thickly carpeted in celestial blue. The office was luxuriously decorated and contained several lush plants dramatically placed throughout the well-lit room. On the far side was a large, ornate desk behind which sat a rather imposing figure. We walked over and Gideon proceeded with the introductions.

“John, I’m pleased to introduce you to our chief executive officer. He is president and chairman of the board of G & M Enterprises.” I noticed a tremendous respect, but no fear in

Gideon’s voice as he continued, “I want you to meet God.”

To read the rest of the story visit spiritual-simplicity. com

A brief history of pocket watches

Everything has its beginning. And if you believe that time starts from somewhere, also consider the beginning of time measurements.

Early people have devised a system to tell the exact date. But a device that exactly tells the precise time comes much later. Water clocks, sundials, and candle clocks are the earliest instruments that somehow manage to tell time but accuracy is far from achievable.

In the 13th century, weight-driven clocks were developed. It used gears while hour hand was already used while the minute hand was an indication of luxury and wealth. The weight-driven clocks were publicly displayed on church towers, city halls, and monasteries.

In the 16th century, clocks were produced using spring instead of weight. The portable clocks or the pocket watches were the first timepieces that the public can own. During this time, the only persons who can own them were the rich and owning one signified the status, authority, and wealth of the person. Often, portable watches were placed on the wall of the house. The term “portable” though did not mean it could be carried on your pocket. The term changed its meaning some years later.

The first transportable watches or pocket watches was used also in the 16th century. This time, clocks no longer had to stay at one place. Pocket watches can already be worn around the neck or carried on a pocket. The same era also brought revolution to the development of pocket watches. Mechanisms were introduced to bring time-telling precision. Some packet watches even had an alarm.

The entry of the 17th century made pocket watched even more desirable. The box-like image was removed and was replaced by more rounded and slimmer cases. Clockmakers also became instant artists as they infuse designs and craftsmanship to every pocket watch the made.

When Christian Huygens discovered the law of pendulum, which for your information was different from Galileo’s, clock had yet again moved one step further. The law proved to be very helpful in the development of pocket watches.

In the 18th century, pocket watches continued to evolve. This time, jewels were used as bearings. Diamonds became part of some pocket watches that boosted the price of a single pocket watch to the ceiling. Oil was also became part of pocket watches during this period. This was to lubricate and smoothen the movement of the watch’s hands. In the second half of the 18th century, pocket watches were produced with three hands. Contrary to the inclusion of the minute hand during the 16th century, second hand made sense since accuracy in telling time was far better.

In the 19th century came the glory days of the packet watches. This era brought the several watchmakers into the picture. Names such as LeCoultre & Cie, Ulysse Nardin, Minerva, Heuer, IWC, and many others were established in this period. The quality of pocket watches became better than ever.

By the turn of the 20th century, certificates were issued to those watchmakers that created precise watches. Unlike the previous years, issuance of certificate became more of a requirement than luxury.

And as the years gone by, the popularity of pocket watches diminished as wristwatches became more popular.

Although pocket watches are not so much used today, it has served as one of the important instruments for several centuries.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Remarkable growth in demand for payday cash advances

The demand for payday cash advances has experienced remarkable growth over the past few years. Cash advances are becoming more popular as people come to realize that the process is safe and efficient. And when used properly, cash advances are an excellent way to deal with short-term financial crunches. The application process is fast and straightforward and most important of all, it’s secure. But are these reasons fueling the remarkable growth in demand for payday cash advances?

If not, then what is? Many people would blame this rapid growth on the economy. Rising prices on everything from gasoline to clothing is stretching people’s budgets. The only thing that’s not rising is salaries.

Easy application and approval

While it’s true that times are tough, it’s not enough to explain the rapid growth in demand for payday cash advances. What may be driving the demand is the fact that this type of short-term funding is so very easy to obtain. Search the Internet or drive down any busy road and in seconds you’ll find countless business offering cash advances, payday loans and fast cash.

Regardless of what you call it, anyone who receives a steady paycheck and is at least 18 years old can apply. Approval isn’t dependent upon a solid credit history and in most cases approval takes less than 30 minutes. Applicants need only provide a few personal details and select the cash advance amount they require. If approved, funds typically are wired into an applicant’s bank account the next business day. Applicants repay the cash advance on a schedule that coincides with their next payday; usually in about 10 – 14 days.

Fees are reasonable

Something else that’s behind the remarkable growth in demand for payday cash advances is the realization that the fees charged for this type of advance are generally lower than the fees people are charged when they’re late making a credit card or utility payment or when they’ve bounced a check. Besides these fees, late payments and insufficient funds can seriously damage a person’s credit. It simply doesn’t make sense to pay that kind of money and risk damaging your credit just because an emergency came up and your paycheck happens to not be enough to pay your bills this month.

No restrictions on money usage

Could the fact that there are no restrictions on how you use the money be fueling the growth in demand for payday cash advances? It’s quite possible. When you apply for a car loan, you have to buy a car. When you apply for a mortgage, it’s to buy a home. But when you apply for a payday cash advance, you can use the money any way you need. Use it to pay off higher than usual credit card bills like those that arrive after the holidays, or to pay for emergency auto or home repairs. Since the money is yours to use as you choose, you could even use it to go away on vacation! Perhaps that explains the remarkable growth in demand for payday cash advances.

Herbal stress management rule regular exercise healthy diet

The very concept of herbal stress management, reveals one fact - inevitability. Well, come back to Nature! Man, you have no other alternative!

Many individuals and institutions have taken up to the herbal path for stress management, with remarkable success.

Well, there is none without stress today! But the management of stress skills may be different.

A major avalanche starts with minor disturbances! Similarly a minor symptom, which you are likely to ignore, might be the cause of a major stress in the offing! Be vigilant and act well in time. Prolonged stress is nothing but a serious disease. A person with stress cannot give his best output in any area of activity. You could not derive joy in your day-to-day activities. You would not feel like participating in social activities and functions. You may take to smoking, drinking and even drugs in your efforts to get over stress, but in reality you know well that the remedy is worst than the disease.

A fit, healthy body and a cheerful mind are the assets of an individual. The positive qualities of life come to the forefront again. Try to know and practice correctly the time-tested relaxation techniques: breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, sincere prayers, listen or practice music, read a good novel, participate in a social or spiritual program, talk to the people with whom you enjoy talking, view a humorous TV episode, and the list can go on and on…Nature has created many avenues to enable you top manage the stress in the most natural way-the herbal way!

My dear sir, when was it that you had a laughter session? Did it cost anything? Laugh, to your heart’s content! Laugh without any reason! You will feel your nerves giving up tension.

Are you disciplined? Do you have a fixed time in going to bed and getting up? These are not unimportant matters. Whose cause you are serving by watching the late night movies and going to bed at 1:00 PM. Your family doctor’s?

Remember the golden rule: Regular exercise and healthy diet! And if you don’t follow the rules, please do not brag that you have undergone a herbal stress management course. Yours is only verbal stress management!

Friday, October 28, 2016

The african safari company will turn your dream adventure into a reality

The African Safari Company is a company which truly takes pride in being able to offer hunters absolute professional and personalized attention. They are a company which was established in 2001, and it is an owner run operation.

The leading directors are Ian and Mary-Linda Gloss, and they have been the directors since the origination of the company. Collectively the two have 23 years experience in the hunting and tourism industry and they both have their roots firmly set on the African soil and as well are both Zimbabwean born and raised.

More About The African Safari Company

The African Safari Company offers various different safari tours, with the two most popular being the Botswana safaris and the Zimbabwe safaris.

The African Safari Company states on their website about how Botswana is one of the most politically and economically stable countries in Africa and that it has no history of war, and that thus it is an absolutely wonderful spot in Africa to go on a safari tour.

They also speak about how it is a landlocked country in Southern Africa which is situated between Namibia to the west, South Africa to the southeast and Zimbabwe to the northeast. They tell of how the country’s self-sufficiency is largely in thanks to its large diamond reserves and as well about how the wealth of the economy largely contradicts its undeveloped and haphazard infrastructure.

In regards to Zimbabwe, they speak of how it is also an absolutely wonderful destination, particularly for a safari tour. They tell of how it is a beautiful country with a sub-tropical climate and how it is a country which is blessed with vast riches of mining, agricultural and tourism potential.

As well it boasts a greatly diverse topography with trout filled lakes and misty mountains to grassy plains and large rugged magnificent rivers and of course the renowned Zimbabwe valley, home to the Big Five.

The African Safari Company is, without a doubt, one of the best safari tour companies out there today, and so if you are interested on going on a safari tour in Africa then you are definitely going to want to strongly consider going with this company over any other.

Just make sure that you call to book far ahead of time, as they often have a waiting list and you want to make sure that you are able to get in for the time period that you want to.

Learning spanish for adults

Have you ever thought of learning Spanish but never had the time and right opportunity to do it? You don’t need to worry about “how” to actually do it but what you want to think about twice is if you really have the dedication and interest to learn the Spanish language.

Learning for adults does not come easy any longer compared to how children and teenagers learn. This is true because there is a certain point and range of interest and learning skills each age group has and as a person gets older, the ability to learn depreciates. Think about young children, learning a different language to them is easy as learning A, B,C’s.

Now the next question comes into mind…how do I learn a foreign language fast? We all know that it takes a while to learn new things. It also takes great enthusiasm and interest over something to be able to learn it well and apply it to normal day to day activities. Also, a good memory is built from a vivid event. Findings show that we tend to store in events or images that has a strong impact towards the senses in our memory. This is also why it’s recommended to imagine silly and outrageous images in learning foreign languages because the words can be easily remembered this way. A human brain can certainly not erase these images.

By now you should be able to realize that whatever you have seen ever since you were small is all still registered in your brain. So the next time you see something familiar, be aware that you haven’t completely forgotten what it is or what it is for but just that the image might have not been too interesting at the moment you saw it and in turn, didn’t alert your attention as you were absorbing it to your brain.

So to give you an example how pictures can create an impact in learning a foreign language, we’ll take the English word morning and maсana in Spanish as an example. Imagine this sentence as it happens: Every morning, the postman delivers mails and packages to houses with family names of Manny in a successive order. By associating the words in a scenario as you imagine it happening makes it a lot easier and fun to learn the Spanish language.

Try learning other Spanish words by visiting this link learn-spanish-program. com.

It s okay to shine

I've certainly had days when I wanted things to happen that just were not happening. Having come through so many frustrations though, I can honestly look back and tell you one thing that stands out as I've moved on from each of them.

Playing a Game

Looking back at where I was I can see that when I was stuck and frustrated I was playing a game. I've given that game a name. It's called 'Playing Small.'

When I played 'Playing Small' I believed there were barriers in front of me, stopping me. The usual barriers (some of which you might recognize) are the barriers such as time, money, resources and qualifications.

Many of these barriers have been deconstructed by my coaches and mentors. Once when I needed to make more money, my business mentor broke down what I needed to do into simple mathematics. That was all I needed to know. From their I could work out the rest and stopped playing small.

Another time, I was in a quandary over a family matter. I was sitting with my spiritual mentor. He just threw his head back and laughed at me. 'Why are you making your own life so tough,' he asked?

That was all it took for me to realized I was holding from back something bigger and better, by a petty process I'd put in place.

My coach helped me straighten out a head full of confusion. I had so many ideas and was using them as an excuse to procrastinate. 'I don't know how to construct this idea,' I told him. 'Easy,' he said, 'Stop playing the game of indecision. Make what you're doing simple and get on with it.'

That was all it took for me to stop playing small again.

Letting You Out

What my coaches and mentors have all done well is common amongst them all. They saw what I didn't see and helped the real me to be let out.

I see this time and again in my coaching. It doesn't matter if a client wants to run a successful holistic practice, gain promotion or control of their kids. As a coach, I see things they don't see.

Simply put, a coach sees the bigger picture, doesn't get caught up in all the 'stuff' of playing small and guides you towards your goal.

When you Shine, the World Shines with You

In the last month, (half of which I was on holiday) I've heard at least four 'Oh my God' gasps from my clients as they've just seen things they didn't see before on the other side of playing small.

Instantly goals became achievable.

One of the things I've noticed is that when an issue is put before a wise person, the light they shine on the dilemma transforms it. That's why I invest time and money with people who I deem to be wiser than me.

By investing in this way my life transforms faster with less time and energy wasted, worrying or wondering.

With Love and good wishes


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Know your choices when it comes to car loans

The biggest factor that can make a difference when it comes to getting the cheapest car loans is your credit rating. A low credit rating will mean that very few lenders will give you the loan and even if they do then the repayments for the borrowing will be probably be sky high. If you want to get the best rates of interest on a loan then it does help to have a very good credit rating. Whether or not you do have a good credit rating, you do have to know your choices for car finance.

When looking to get a loan for a car it is essential that you first decide how much you can realistically afford to pay and do not be tempted into going over this amount. Along with the amount that you wish to borrow you have to remember that interest will be added onto this and this over the term of the loan will boost it up considerably even with the lowest rate of interest. You also have to give some thought as to how much you can afford to pay each month. To keep the repayments down you can take car loans over a longer period of time, however this means that you will accumulate more interest on the loan. You have to come to a compromise where you can afford the monthly repayments while at the same time keeping the loan down to the minimum length possible.

One way of cutting down how much you have to borrow to buy your car is how much you can afford to put down as a deposit for the car. The more cash that you can afford to pay the fewer years you should be able to take the loan over and the lower rate of interest you will get on the borrowing.

Of course when it comes to actually taking out the loan it is important not to take the first you come across. However by searching yourself you are not sure to find the very best deal with the lowest rates of interest possible. A much easier and quicker way to makes sure that a through search has been made of the UK car loans marketplace is to go to a specialist website and allow them to conduct a search on your behalf. The specialist will know where to look when it comes to getting the cheapest car loans for your particular circumstances in the shortest time possible.

All that you need to do is to give a specialist broker the information regarding the loan you are looking for and the terms of the loan and following this you will be given quotes which you can then study to decide which would be the most suitable for your circumstances. Whichever car loans you are choosing between from the choices be sure to read the small print and key facts of the policy which the specialist broker should include in with the quotes that you are presented with.

Who says you can t work while on vacation audio conferencing says otherwise

Give the travel brochure a once over and take the next plane to Finland. You deserve a break after being at the beck and call of your boss. Well, he can’t say no because you can use audio conferencing while taking in the Northern Lights after a cold swim.

Grasp the Break By the Neck

Before the long flight to Helsinki, you’ll have to review your schedule. Your boss wants another meeting on a Monday and by that time you’ll still be in Helsinki taking in the sights. The boss has already assured you that his secretary will set up the necessary audio settings to enable the live meeting via audio conferencing. All you have to do now is synchronize your clocks.

No, you are not a polar bear (that’s what the winter swimmers are called). You’re a curious chap eager to try something new and extreme, like swimming in negative 20 degree Celsius with no wind. You’re a swimming novice but willing to risk a lot for the adventure. So, mark your calendar on the date and time of the audio conferencing, and say goodbye to all that’s warm and sunny before you take the next day’s early morning flight.

Winter swimming

In Winter, Helsinki is terribly cold and the lakes are frozen. For winter, swimming in a round hole is tapped, and swimmers dip themselves into the water for about 30-60 seconds without submerging their heads, avoiding the risk of hypothermia. Those who can do this feel so accomplished, sans the trophy.

In your case, you want to get rid of arthritis. Winter swimming advocates boast that taking a dip into the icy water builds body resistance to colds, improves blood circulation, and relieves arthritis. So, it is holiday plus a quest for a cure that had you taking this trip.

Your First Dip

Your first dip was truly a chilling one, one that went straight to the bone, and it took quite some time before you lowered yourself into the hole. It would have been easy to back out of the challenge, but the pain in your knee tells you you’ve got to do it.

The shocking contact of cold water on your toes is your first taste of the swim. Determined, you go down deeper into the hole and stay for 30 seconds – the longest 30 seconds ever. You scuttled up the ladder for the warmth of your fleece throw blanket and rush to the warmth of the car waiting for you.

It’s amazing how the fresh feeling stayed with you the whole day. The swim invigorated your tired muscles and you longed for sleep. Then you get the beep – the audio conferencing marathon will soon begin. The moderator announces and gives you the bridge number. At 9:30, you connect and learn that there are 10 people in just one line.

Next scene, the Northern Lights

You know that a visit to Helsinki is not complete without watching the dance of the Northern Lights. Take a plane to Ivalo. Its distance from city lights makes it the perfect viewing place for the atmospheric phenomenon. You take the trip once the audio conferencing and reporting is over. You deserve the break.

Men s wedding rings a recent phenomena or should a man wear a wedding ring or not

Strange as it may seem the use of a wedding ring by men was not common until recently. Whereas women have worn wedding rings for eons, men have not. The use of rings as a symbol of everlasting love enshrined in marriage can be traced back thousands of years. But not so much for men.

It was, in fact, during the second world war that the use of wedding rings by men became more common. (Note that mens wedding rings and mens wedding bands are interchangeable, both meaning the same thing.)

It became the custom for US soldiers going to war to publicise their marital status by the wearing of a man’s wedding ring. They were happy to make public their commitment to their wife by the wearing of a public symbol that declared that commitment to all. Given that this habit of wearing mens wedding bands was reasonably new it was all the more creditable that these men were willing to forego the marital obscurity available to them from not wearing a ring and actively chose to make a public statement about their choice.

Men’s wedding rings have become increasingly more common since that time. Today it is probably as common for a newly married man to wear a ring as not. This may be due to several factors. The modern man may consider it his duty to choose to make the same public marital statement as his wife will. And his wife may well consider it a condition of the marriage that he do so. After all, in these days of equality, if she is prepared to make a statement then should he not do so as well?

Despite the fact that the wearing of a ring by a woman is a matter of choice, it is in fact almost obligatory due to the fact that it is so common. Many women do not even consider the possibility of not wearing one. Often, however, a man usually considers the wearing of a man wedding ring very carefully.

There are a number of issues to consider. Firstly, is he concerned about a public display of his marital status? Some men, whether rightly or wrongly, are threatened by this. Others are not in the least concerned.

Secondly whilst the wearing of jewellery by women is so common as to go unremarked that is not necessarily the case for men. For many men the wearing of mens wedding bands is just a case of being asked to wear jewellery. Men often do not feel comfortable wearing jewellery and in many cases have never done so before. Whilst some men see their wedding band as different to wearing ordinary jewellery, others feel just the same as if they were being asked to wear ear rings. “It’s just not done by men”. The author, for example, wears a man wedding band, but would never consider wearing any other form of jewellery.

And as many men have never worn any form of jewellery before they have no idea what it will feel like to have something permanently on the finger. Is it heavy? Does it rub? Silly as it may seem to women this can be of concern to some men.

(If this genuinely is of concern it is quite possible to find a cheap jewellery shop, buy the cheapest ring available and wear it for a while. See exactly what it feels like. And find out your size at the same time.)

Men’s wedding rings are, in the eyes of some men, effeminate. “Real men” don’t wear rings or jewellery at all. This is becoming less of an issue as the wearing of a man’s wedding ring becomes more common, but is still an issue with many men.

Culture is also a consideration. In many cultures the wearing of wedding rings by men would never be considered. Men must think about how their particular culture, and also their religion, would view the wearing of a wedding band.

There are also practical considerations. Many men are engaged in trades where the wearing of a man wedding band would be downright dangerous. Although unlikely it is quite possible for a ring to get caught in machinery. In some jobs a ring cannot be worn on the job, and must be removed. This can also apply to women.

Ultimately though, the wearing of a men’s ring is just one of the many choices the man will have to make once he makes the commitment to marry. And it is often a choice made by the couple together, maybe one of the first they make in conjunction about their wedding.

Which finger is the ring worn on, and why?

Generally a man’s wedding band is worn on the ring finger, the same as for women. The ring finger, for those unmarried men not familiar with the concept, is the fourth finger of the left hand. This is considered to be the finger closest to the heart.

This notion came originally from the ancient Greeks who believed that this finger had an artery which flowed straight to the heart. Whilst anatomically incorrect this makes for good fable.

So you have both decided that he will wear a men’s wedding ring!

Once the man or couple have made the decision to purchase a men’s wedding ring for him there are still choices to make. Do they want to wear a matching set? Or does he prefer that his ring looks quite different to his wife’s. It is perfectly possible for a couple to buy a ring set where the style of the rings match perfectly, or even with matching engraved messages of love.

Generally though, even where the couple are to wear a matching ring set, the two rings are different. It is more common for the man’s wedding ring to be wider than the woman’s. This is because men’s hands and women’s hands are different. A woman usually has narrower finer fingers, and so a narrower band suits her hand. A man on the other hand has wider chunkier fingers and so a wider man wedding band is more suited.

This often results in the mans ring costing more than the woman’s ring even with matching styles, as the mans ring uses more, often expensive, material.

There are many innovative styles available now. Many men prefer a simple unadorned band, however others enjoy highly decorated styles which make a loud statement. The wearing of, for example, very wide and highly adorned Celtic rings is becoming much more common.

When considering the styles of men’s wedding rings it is well worth thinking about the personality of the individual. While different men have very different personalities different rings will suit different personalities as well. A loud outgoing man, for example, can wear a loud outgoing unique men’s ring.

There are many different ring materials which also reflect the personality of the individual. Titanium or Platinum are both becoming much more popular. Whilst diamonds are not, of course, as popular with men as with women, they do make a clear statement which pleases some men who choose them. Diamond men’s rings clearly say “I can afford it” or at least the big ones do. But it can be a brave man who chooses to wear a large diamond band.

Ultimately there are no rules about choosing a man wedding band. It is up to either the man or the couple together to make a decision. Will he or won’t he. There are a variety of considerations. First, will he wear one? Once that decision is made in the affirmative then there is a whole world of choice about styles, widths, materials and the type of statement the ring makes, both for the man and the woman.

But once he has his ring on it is rare that he decides that he doesn’t like it. And even if he doesn’t, it is rare that the woman will let him take it off!

Monday, October 24, 2016

The island off stony point - book review

Keith Sinteris and his wife Malena (the brains of the operation) hire three skilled accomplices (Stony, Bartolo and Duane) to kidnap three hostages from a monastery along with the holy tabernacle containing consecrated "bread". For all her planning, Malena had no way of knowing just how awry the hostage taking could go.

Detective Jessica Harding and FBI Agent Rob Dexter are on the case. Strong willed and quick witted, Jessica puts the FBI agent in his place from the moment the two were introduced. Intrigued, Rob cannot get her out of his mind. With so few clues, the odds are stacked against the two "good guys", yet they struggle on while the immense ransom demands continue to haunt the Catholic Church.

This is a well-told story line involving a mysterious home on an island that has a distinctive secret. The author uses scenes such as the fantastic cave hideout, the lung-busting chore of stashing loot and a magnificent storm to heighten interest.

There are several unique aspects to this suspense-filled novel over others in the adventure crime thriller genre. For one thing, the two women are the strongest characters - both leaders and quick thinkers, but on opposite sides. The Island off Stony Point certainly conveys the inherent goodness of people but also shows the great lengths that desperate and driven people will pursue. I also thought it was interesting that this is actually the second novel involving the leading hostage character, a Father Martin – who was in Regis’s first novel, The Oculi Incident.

Kudos to author Regis Schilken for this excellent novel!

Author: Regis Schilken

Publisher: Bridgeway Books

ISBN#: 1-933538-13-9

Pages: 220

Herbal breast enhancement pills very quickly method of breast enlargement

These herbal breast enhancement pills are very quickly becoming the most talked about method of breast enlargement. The most popular alternative method to surgical breast enlargement is breast enhancement pills (also known as bust pills). If you have seriously tried all the other methods such as breast enlargement pills, then maybe this method. Research the ingredients in any breast enlargement pills you are considering. You will want to know the ingredients of any breast enlargement pills so you can research it for safety. As with any supplement, you should research and talk to others who have used a breast enlargement pills.

With a breast enlargement pills, you can stop taking it when you reach your desired size. Discover if breast enlargement pills can increase your bust size, or if herbal breast enhancement is the right alternative to cosmetic surgery. Search the internet for breast enlargement and you will find many sites that sell a breast enlargement pills. A quick Internet search on "breast enlargement" comes up with thousands of products, including creams, pills, lotions, exercise devices, and hypnosis tapes. Information about breast enlargement pills, exercises, creams, pumps etc.

This category generally includes pain killers, aphrodisiacs, weight loss solutions, penis enlargement pills, breast enlargement pills, cancer and AIDS cures, etc. Most breast enlargement pills are merely vitamins and herbs, which do little more than give your body nutrients. Most breast enlargement pills contain phytoestrogens which are naturally occurring non-hormonal plant estrogens which stimulate female body to produce new breast tissue growth. Product reviewed range from natural breast enlargement and enhancement pills and products to acne & rosacea remedies.

Pueraria Mirifica Pills KWAOTIP THAI FDA. G. 187/42

Kwaotip is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula derived mainly from White Kwaotip Krua (Pueraria Mirifica). After many years of research from Dr. Wichai Cherdshewasart, the studies indicated that this herb shows estrogenic and rejuvenate effects to the female body especially at the breast, hip, facial skin, body skin, hair and vaginal epithelium. Thus elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

ALL Natural Dietary Supplement

Hight Phytoestrogen (especially isoflavonet):

*Increases sensitivity and vitality

*Promotes silky shiny hair, keeps hair pattem bone calcium accumulation

*Enhances breast and skin appearance

*Serves as a anti-wrinkle agent

*Enhances physical and mental ability

*Serves as a fountain of youth

Ingredients: Pueraria Mirifica and other herbs (60 capsules per box)

Recommended Dosage: Take 2 capsules after breakfast and dinner.

Precautions: - Not for women under 20 years old.

- Women with developing cyst at the ovary, breast, and uterus.

- Pregnant women and breast feeking mother should avoid taking this product.

- Women who are taking birth control pill should not take this product.

Refinancing and home equity

Refinancing has been the best option for others where the client refinances the first mortgage by making another loan and receives an amount equivalent to the difference between his old debt and new debt before it is foreclosed.

“Cash-out refinancing” is applicable when there is a drop in mortgage rates and a surge in the value of properties.

As an example, your house cost $150,000 when you bought it a few years ago and have paid of $40,000, you now owe only $110,000. However, the value of your home has doubled to $300,000 since then. You can now go for cash-out refinancing for $200,000 and pay-off the $110,000 that you owe and have $90,000 in cash. This is only advantageous for you if you could afford paying off a $200,000-loan.

This is highly beneficial when mortgage rates have fallen since your first mortgage and now you will get a lower rate for refinancing. Interest rates will be lower accompanied by lower monthly payments.

Lower monthly dues may also be lowered if you lengthen the span of time that you will pay off the debt. However, this means that you will end up paying more interest. On the other hand, the total interest can be lowered by shortening the span of time to pay off the debt. Fewer but bigger payments will save you more money in the end because of reduced interest costs. One plus point is that your equity increases faster than when having longer loan terms.

You must think through your decision carefully. You must make sure that taking this new loan will come out cheaper in the end. Some refinancing systems require prepayment penalties that may offset the amount you could have saved if you refinanced in the first place. You must be able to compute if the prepayment penalty is worth the refinancing you are planning to make.

Also, homeowners with bad credit may also go through a long, tedious process that may not be worth all the bother.

Therefore, going for a loan is worth thinking over hundreds of times. Choosing the right kind of loan is just as important. Refinancing may just be the answer for your worries right now but you have to carefully weight the pros and cons. Do careful research on the lenders and their terms before making a decision.

You can use the internet to find out the real numbers behind the deals and make sure you read all the fine print before you sign anything, this is one loan you need to consider carefully, since it is taken against your home, and it is used as collateral, you will want to make sure you have a strong financial plan to back your payments.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

How to promote your coaching business online

Many of my coaching clients are coaches themselves, and quite a few of them have asked me how to promote their coaching business online. Here is some of the information I have shared with them. Use these tips and ideas to promote your own coaching practice online, get more clients and make more money:

- Have a Professional Web Site. In order to attract online clients, you need to present a very professional image online. People who find your web site will equate the professional look and feel of the web site to your own professionalism, since the web site is the only piece of information they have to evaluate your business.

The web site should have professional look and feel and have information about your business, as well as your products and services. There should be a way for customers to contact you, as well as subscribe to your newsletter.

- Explain What You Do on Your Web Site. Not everyone knows what a coach is, so in addition to calling yourself a coach, make sure you explain what a coach does. For example, if you are a dating coach, explain that you help men and women find that one perfect person.

If you are a career coach, tell your web site visitors that you help them figure out the perfect career, and then you help them find a job that reflects their career choice. And if you are a business coach, tell them how you can help their business succeed.

- Publish a Newsletter. Not everyone who comes to your web site will immediately become a coaching client. Not everyone who comes to your web site will buy your products immediately. You need means to keep in touch with people who come to your web site, but are not ready to hire you or purchase your products.

A newsletter is a great tool to keep in touch with your web site visitors, share information with them and educate them about your products and services. Make sure that you have a newsletter subscribe form on every page of your web site, and that you offer a compelling reason for your web site visitors to subscribe to it.

- Optimize Your Web Site for Search Engines. Search engine optimization is the process of modifying web page content and meta-information to improve the search engine ranking of the page. Successful search engine optimization will greatly increase the number of visitors that come to your web site since over 70% of people who are looking for products and services use search engines to locate them.

- Publish Your Articles Online. Publishing articles is a great way to show off your coaching expertise, as well to drive traffic to your web site. When you write and publish your articles, other web site owners pick them up and publish them on their web sites, while giving you a link back to your web site.

Use the five techniques we outline above to drive targeted clients to your coaching practice. Effective promotion of your coaching practice online will make a difference between your coaching web site sitting idly and a coaching web site that drives leads and clients for your business every single day.

Seo - where to find hot niche keywords

If you're interested in creating "niche sites" and want to see the top ten lists and top 50 lists that describe what people are interested in on the Internet check out these helpful web tools online. It is also possible to buy lists off the Internet.

Lycos 50 Daily Report: This site gives you the top 50 search terms as well as the top 50 sites that are being viewed for a 24 hour period This may give you some inspiration as to what types of sites and keywords might attract buyers in the future. One caveat is that the keyword or topic that is most popular today is not necessarily the most popular one for tomorrow. Using your gut instincts and marketing savvy is still necessary to determine the next big thing.

MetaCrawler: - This site gives you the top searched sites in both a filtered (family friendly) and filtered modes. These show you what searches are happening in real time so you can pick up on hot and popular trends. Like the Lycos 50 site you need to be a good predictor of trends once you know the present trends.

These keyword sites can help you decide what is hot, not only in terms of products but also in terms of creating an informational site. Many Internet marketers build entire sites around one popular key word. Remember that you want to use the keywords that are used the most often by web users to determine the nature of an informational product or a new site but you don’t want to necessarily use them as your keywords in your copy. The number of times a term is searched in a month is defined as keyword popularity and a word that is too popular in terms of copy is not good for business as it brings traffic but not necessarily buyers to your site.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Make money with information ebook products the other end

I don't like thinking of myself as the kind of person that has made it rich on the internet, but in some ways I am. I started out like most people, signing up for affiliate programs and promoting OTHER people's products. I'd make some money, nothing big. I couldn't help but think what it must be like for the people on the other end. I mean, think about it. They sell their item directly and then you do the work for them which rake in more sales. I wanted to be on that end of the market. So I decided to start my own website selling information products which I purchased from vendors. Let me tell you, resale rights are expensive.

I tried those stupid eBay e-books that offer resell rights but they offer them for a reason. Because they are hard to sell and usually won't make that much money. So after years of trying different products, I finally found one that works. It was a product featured at subliminalblackbook. org. I took it at the advice of a fellow work-at-homer. I figured great, another e-book with resell rights. My friend told me to try and if I didn't make 10 sales, he would pay for it. What did I have to lose?

Three months later I am now making about $100 a day selling the same product. Here are some tips. First, buy a product that sells. The one I purchased at subliminalblackbook. org was an amazing find. You can try that or another product. Just make sure it can convert. Next get a domain name that contains your product keyword in the URL. Now submit to search engines. Use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tips. Keep your keywords in your content. Write a great web copy and make sure you explain to visitors your BENEFITS not FEATURES. Example, an ROI (Return on Investment) calculator is a feature, the benefit is that it will save the consumer time and money. Keep our site professional and offer an email or phone number for help always.

Follow these tips and you should be getting traffic and conversions in no time. Let me know about your progress by contacting me.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Getting married - is it expensive

Getting married can change your finances for the better or for the worse.

If you're going to get married, the last thing that you want to think about is the potential for divorce. However, when it comes to personal finance, getting married is a major step that can have good - or disastrous - consequences, depending on how it is handled. Divorces are usually very difficult for all parties involved. Therefore, you should try to make sure that you know exactly who will get what before you marry. That way, if you ever do go through a divorce, there is already a pre-existing agreement to fall back on, and the divorce proceedings can be finished as quickly as possible.

Before you get married (though this does not need to be used as a determination of whether or not you should marry) you should sit down and go through all of your personal finances. You need to find out how much money you currently have, compare the living expenses that you will have as a couple, and determine what your combined income will be.

After you have determined what you will have after you get married, you should also think about what you and your future spouse will want to have later on. For instance, if you're planning on having children, this should be factored into your financial plans - since you need a lot of money in order to make sure that you will have enough to raise your child.

It's not necessary that you have a signed prenuptial agreement in most cases, though you might want to if you want to be completely safe. However, talking things over before you get married will help you know what to expect if things don't work out, and will give your finances some direction.

Other decisions that you should make include whether or not you will have a joint bank account. This will have to do with how well you trust and know your future spouse. While it is traditional to share a bank account, most couples find it easier to keep separate bank accounts, or to have separate bank accounts and a smaller, shared account for home expenses.

No matter what you decide, it's important to realize that getting married will have a major effect on your personal finances. Therefore, you should always make sure that you have a good idea of what will happen before you tie the knot.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Get easy money from casinos learn how


Casinos want to take your money, even if you are not rich and only come to the casino with 50 dollars to play the nickel slots the casinos want your money, and if you complain about something they will offer you at the very least a free meal in one of the casinos restaurants just to make you happy. The louder you complain the more you will usually get, but make sure no to get to loud or they will have you removed for making a scene in the casino.

Pretend to be a Big Shot:

Have a friend call the casino and tell them that he is your personal assistant and he is looking to stay in the casino but he has some requests. If the casino believes you are calling for someone who may spend a large amount of money in the casino they may give you a free room, stock the bar with anything you request from $1,000 dollar bottles of Champaign to bowls of only the blue M&M candies.

Free Room:

Many casinos give players free alcohol to loosen them up with the hoes they will spend more money and the more they drink the worse their judgment will get and they will lose more money to the casinos, but if a players leaves the casino gets into his car and gets into an accident everyone involved with the accident has a case against the casino. So many casinos will give a drunken player a room at no charge for the night because it is cheaper then a multi million dollar lawsuit.

Comp Card:

Casinos offer players the ability to earn free food, lodging and even money to playing the casinos with. They do this, just like everything else they do is in the hopes that you will return often to build up your comp points. The points are given out in accordance with your bets. Bigger bets will get you more points faster, but don’t blow your money just trying to get these points, in my opinion it is cheaper to pay for the meal rather then loose several hundred dollars to earn one.

Ignorance is No Excuse:

Often the casinos may make you an offer of a line of credit or depending on how well you are doing the casino may offer to get you a room for the night. If they are offering you a free room they will tell you they are offering you a room, if they offer to get you a room it just means they do the check in process for you. In the morning you have to pay for that room. The same goes for money make sure you know if they are extending you credit or if they are giving you some chips on the house. You do not want to spend the casinos money and not be able to pay it back.

Always remember the casinos bring you in with promises of riches, and if them giving you a few small items for free will make you stay longer or come back more often they will be happy to do it, you just have to ask.

There are a lot of lists out there why is craig s so popular

What is Craigslist?

Craigslist is a website that was started in 1995 by a guy named - you guessed it - Craig. What began as a place for the residents of San Francisco to find what they need from each other (i. e. a job, a babysitter, a new dresser, a Buick) has since grown exponentially. With sites for all 50 states, 52 countries, and major cities all over the world, Craigslist is the ultimate, all encompassing 'classifieds' for anything you could possibly want that's up for grabs in your neighborhood.

Why is Craigslist so popular?

Word of mouth spread the news of Craigslist so quickly that the sites in cities like San Francisco, New York, Boston, Houston and more are the premiere spots in the those cities for job seekers and employers alike. Because of the huge amount of traffic, Craigslist is also free of ads, banners, and any corporate sponsorship that could influence the content of the site.

Simple to use and easy to navigate, Craigslist has managed to keep its grassroots honesty as its grown and continues to provide a community forum to each community it serves.

What information can I find on Craigslist?

The better question might be: what can't you find on Craigslist? On the home page of each city you will find categories for your perusal including:

- Community - Here you will find childcare, a place to volunteer, classes to take, local news, lost and found, an addition to your band or artist collective, and someone to carpool with.

- Housing - This is the place to not only find a roommate, a room, an apartment or a sublet but also parking or storage rental, vacation rentals, office and commercial spaces, and someone to swap houses with. Customize your search by choosing price brackets, pets allowed, and specific neighborhoods.

- Jobs - Job listings are divided into 24 categories plus an Et Cetera section for positions that don't quite fit anywhere else. The beauty of this section is that despite the thousands of listings, you can narrow down the selection with keywords and by choosing jobs that offer telecommuting, part time hours, or availability in specific neighborhoods.

- Personals - There's something for everyone here. The best section is 'Missed Connections' where you can list a posting for that cute someone who smiled at you from across the room - or be found when that person posts looking for you.

- For Sale - Twenty-four listings plus a wanted section divides up thousands of postings of all sorts of stuff for sale. There's even a free stuff section and a place to barter. Find everything from packing materials to a new set of living room furniture.

- Discussion Forums - There are 54 categories in this section. You'll find someone to talk to who shares your same interests, whether your interests are transgender issues, haiku, kink, or gardening.

- Services - If you need someone to do your taxes, fix your computer, or give you a massage, you can find that person here.

- Gigs - If you're a computer programmer, stage hand, writer, or jack-of-all-trades, you can pick up a little side work here.

- Resumes - Post yours here or peruse some of the local talent.

- Event Calendar - Find something to do this weekend here.

How do I use Craigslist?

Go to craigslist. org, choose your country or state from the list on the right then choose your city and keep clicking until you find the apartment, roommate, job, community, relationship, conversation you've always wanted.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Quel mariage sans trop depenser

Trиs а la mode, le renouvellement des vœux de mariage est une maniиre de se faire а nouveau plaisir. Ce second mariage avec votre cher est tendre est l’occasion de vous offrir un йvиnement correspondant parfaitement а vos attentes. Le temps acquis а ses cфtйs depuis de votre premiиre lune de miel vous ont permis а tous deux de mieux vous connaоtre et de vous sentir plus proche encore que lors de votre premiиre cйrйmonie.

Alors, comment organiser cet йvйnement exceptionnel et oщ partir en lune de miel?

Las Vegas, autre ses casinos, vous permet en effet de dйcouvrir les sept merveilles du monde en un clin d'oeil. Vous voulez Paris et le charme de ses cafйs? Pas de problиme, rendez-vous au Paris Las Vegas! Ici, des votre arrivйe, la Tour Eiffel, l'Arc de triomphe sans oublier le cйlиbre opйra Garnier vous accueillent a bras ouverts! Dans une architecture trиs Franchie style Haussmannien, vous retrouvez toutes les spйcialitйs franзaises et europйennes au sein de ses fameux restaurants, sans oublier son casino.

Alors, envie de prendre le large et d'oublier tous les tracas liйs а l'organisation d'un mariage? Rien de plus simple. Du fait de votre premiиre expйrience, vous savez oh combien il peut кtre fastidieux de tout prйvoir longtemps а l'avance et les crises de larmes que cet йvиnement tant attendu puisse engendrer. Oubliez donc ces 150 petits dйtails de l'alliance а la rйservation des chambres d'hфtes. Vegas vous propose le tout pour une somme bien modique en comparaison du prix pratiquй en France, avec l'avantage de l'exotisme en plus. La, vous n'aurez qu'а choisir le chapelle ou l'hфtel qui organisera votre mariage et c'est tout. Le prix approximatif pour une cйrйmonie religieuse est d'environ $250, inclus: а la carte, robe, bouquet, smoking, alliances, musique, photos, vidйo, dоner aux chandelles pour dix ou banquet pour cent personnes.

Pour les nostalgiques d'Astйrix et Obelix et du fameux Ave Cйsar, prйcipitez vous vite au Caesar's Palace! Conзue sur le modиle de la Rome antique, le Caesar's Palace accueille йgalement des championnats du monde de boxe et des grands spectacles de vedette.

Pour les couples amateurs ou fan de boxe, sans oubliez de grands spectacles digne des aventures d'Astйrix et Obйlix, rendez-vous donc au Caesar's Palace bвtit en conformitй sur le modиle de la Rome Antique.

Mais d'autres lieux vous attendant йgalement. Lors de votre premiиre nuit de noces vous rкvier de partir sur une оle paradisiaque, mais faute de moyen, votre rкve de princesse n'a pu кtre rйaliser? Le temps ayant fait son œuvre et les professions de chacun ayant йvoluйes, pourquoi se le refuser. Las Vegas et son Strip mettent а votre disposition le Tahiti et ses bananiers, les tropiques et le sable chaud.

Certains d'entre vous diraient volontiers "c'est bien, mais rien ne vaut le lieu d'origine". En effet, toutefois, beaucoup de personnes renouvelant leurs vœux ont dйjа une famille а charge. Leur manque alors le temps et Vegas leur permet dиs lors de rйaliser vos rкves les plus enfouis et d'exйcuter un mini tour du monde en un laps de temps donnй. Et voyez l'autre avantage, au vent les disputes infantiles et pertes de temps sur le choix d'une destination prйcise oщ l'autre conjoint aura d'avantage l'impression d'avoir capitulй pour faire plaisir а l'autre. Ici, chacun trouvera ce qui lui convient et aidera mкme les couples а avoir un avant-goыt de leur prochaine destination.

A Las Vegas tout a йtй conзu pour vous amenez а domiciles les merveilles du monde les plus connues, au dйtail prиs et en grandeur nature. L'avantage est que les amoureux n'auront donc pas la sensation d'avoir йtй lйsйs oщ que ce soit. Qui ne rкverait pas de pouvoir tout voir sans trop dйpenser et se dйpenser? Alors lancez vous!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The important role of brokers

Brokers are professionals who play an important role in mediating between a lender and a borrower. Brokers collect personal information about the client for the lender including employment and medical history. They also provide the clients' financial and credit information to the lender.

There are many different types of brokers. Below are the more sought-after brokers:

Mortgage broker: mortgage brokers guide customers through the process of selecting a suitable mortgage package with competitive package offers. They also offer financial advice on mortgage and property. Their job is to find a mortgage package that meets the borrower's needs, and to help the client process and complete their mortgage application form. In the United States, mortgage brokers negotiate over 80% of home loans issued. Banks go through brokers to effectively outsource the job of finding and qualifying borrowers.

Real estate broker: real estate brokers finds buyers for those wanting to sell real estate and finds sellers for those wanting to buy real estate. Real estate brokers help sellers market their property and sell it for the highest possible price; they also help buyers purchase property for the best possible price. Once the broker successfully finds a buyer, the real estate broker receives a commission for his or her service. In the U. S. a 6% commission is usually the case for residential real estate and is usually paid by the seller. This is generally split 50/50 between the listing agent and the selling agent.

Forex broker: forex brokers are firms or individuals, who assist individuals or firms to trade in the foreign exchange market. Forex brokers make money from pip or "spread." A spread is the minimum price increase in currency. For instance, in Euro/US Dollar, a shift from 0.9007 to 0.9008 is one spread. In US Dollar/Japanese Yen, a shift from 127.40 to 127.41 is one spread.

Stockbroker: a stockbroker is a person or company who buys and sells stocks on behalf of another person or company, and tries to match up buyers and sellers. Many people seek the advice of and pay for the services of a stockbroker to help them in making informed decisions about their finances with the knowledgeable and interactive guidance of a licensed stockbroker.

Insurance broker: insurance brokers source contracts of insurance on behalf of their customers. An insurance broker will help you to choose the best to fit your needs.

An investor looking for an investment avenue will benefit greatly from using a broker, as brokers tend to be more up-to-date with trends and happenings in the market. Also as per law the broker has a fiduciary duty to advise the customer in the customer's best interest.

Coping with back pain

The back muscles are attached to the spine. The spine consist of bones called vertebrae. The vertebrae are joined together by the facet joints. Softer disks separate the vertebrae. They allow the spine to bend and flex.

They also act as cushion in between the vertebrae and absorb shock and vibration produced by walking and running. Nerves connecting the brain to the body make up the spinal cord. The vertebrae protect the spinal cord.

Nerves branch off from the spinal cord to various organs and muscles including those in the arms and legs. The nerves carry instructions from the brain to the muscles, organs, and limbs. They also carry sensations such as pain from different parts of the body to the brain. The spine is joined to the pelvis, or hip, by the sacroiliac joints.

The disks in the back act as cushions between vertebrae. A disk contains a central area called the “nucleus pulposus,” which means soft center. Disks are usually moist, like a sponge with water in it. As a person gets older, or after a disk gets injured, it starts losing water and becomes stiffer. The disk becomes less useful in cushioning the back. This is known as disk degeneration.

The most common cause of back pain is muscle spasm. An awkward movement of the back can lead to a severe muscle spasm. The muscle spasm causes the back to “lock” and can cause severe pain. A muscle spasm can occur after a simple sneeze or cough. It can also occur after an awkward bending or twisting motion.

A movement as simple as bending to tie a shoe or twisting the back to turn and face in a different direction can cause such a spasm. Muscle spasms can also occur when a heavy object is lifted incorrectly.

Muscle spasms tend to get better over time. Severe cases of muscle spasm can be treated with physical therapy and medication. Long lasting back pain can occur after accidents that have resulted in injury to the disks, the facet joints, or sacroiliac joints of the back.

Back pain is one of the most common medical problems. It affects most people at least once in their lifetime. If not taken seriously, back pain can last for a long period of time, and can become disabling.

The best way to prevent back and leg pain is to regularly exercise the back. Back strengthening and stretching exercises are recommended at least 2 or 3 times a week.

The following are some examples of back exercises: partial sit-up (With bent knee, slowly raise your head and shoulders off the floor, and hold for 3 minutes), knee-to-chest raise (lie down;slowly pull knees to chest, relaxing your neck and back, hold for 10 seconds;repeat 10 times), press-up (lie down with hands near shoulders and pelvis on floor;press up painlessly, hold for 10 seconds, and repeat 10 times).

These exercises strengthen the back muscles, which allow them to withstand the rigors of everyday activities. If you have had previous back pain or medical problems, make sure to check with your doctor before starting these exercises.

Back pain will affect most people at one time in their lives. Action can be taken to prevent back pain or postpone the degeneration of the spine and disks. Preventive measures include strengthening of the back and adopting good body techniques.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Best credit cards be ready to be spoiled

Depending upon the credit worthiness, and the repayment ability, as also the character of the individual, a user can either get basic credit cards or the high value cards, which are also known as Best credit cards. The basic deciding criteria in providing best credit cards are the income of the individual. An individual may be provided with the basic credit card which would have very low credit limit and the credit period also of a lesser duration. Besides, the interest on outstanding amount, if the amount is not paid in full, would also be large. The up gradation in cards starting from silver to gold to platinum to titanium is walk through commonly available metals to more exclusive ones, the metals defining the value of the best credit cards. Best credit cards in business are platinum and titanium credit cards and they come loaded with benefits.

First and foremost benefit that accrues if one gets amongst one of the best credit cards on offer is the reward points that one accumulates from the usage of the cards. Depending upon the nature of the credit cards, the reward points also increase in the same proportion. If one has got the best credit cards available, then first and foremost advantage that one gets is of the longer period of credit, which can be extended to around fifty days as well. Period of fifty days on the best credit cards can be enjoyed if the purchase is timed around the statement due date or just one day before the statement of the credit card is to be generated. The cards are categorized into the best credit cards owing to certain tie-ups that the credit card providers enter into with merchant establishments.

These kinds of best credit cards are called as co-branded credit cards. The most popular category amongst the best credit cards of these kinds is the fuel cards, where the credit card company enters into a tie-up with a petroleum company. For every refueling that is done using this co-branded credit cards bonus points are accumulated which can be redeemed either by way of purchasing fuel or accessories. Another form of best credit cards on offer is the co-branded airlines card, which have come into vogue to cater to the frequent travelers traveling for business purposes.

As these kinds of trips are increasing, the credit cards have tie-up with various airlines. Now if one books a ticket through a co-branded airline credit card, apart from getting bonus flying miles, you also get free tickets and free hotel accommodations as well. The airlines also provide bonus flying miles, if the passengers check-in using the telephones. For a frequent flier, there is always a possibility of getting two-three return tickets free as a reward for booking tickets through credit cards.

Another variant of best credit cards that have come into vogue on account of advent of malls is the co-branded shopping cards. These variant of best credit cards are issued by the owners of the shopping establishments in association with a bank, which gives certain intangible benefits to the customers. Every time a best credit card which is a co-branded card is used at that particular departmental store, you get more bonus points, as also freebies are ensured along with certain purchases to reward loyalty.

To develop brand loyalty another new trend has come into vogue. The owners of different forms of best credit cards are also rewarded by various ways. This is done by extending an exclusive offer to shop during the times of sales before the sale is thrown open to the general public.

The importance of planning your retirement and the consequences of not

Bob is a 65 year old graphic designer that is very financially secure. His colleagues, friends and family define him as a prosperous “fly by the pants” kind of guy. From as far back as he can remember, Bob has always hated planning and believes that his “spontaneity” and ability to think creatively while implementing new ideas has made him successful. For the past 30 years or so, Bob believes that his non-planning methodology has worked well for him. Well, Bob is now tired of the working rat race, and decides that it is now time to retire and have some fun. He doesn’t know what he’ll do exactly when he retires in 6 months other than have a good time. However, he knows that he won’t plan his days and will do whatever pleases him.

Let’s take Sam, a 60 year old attorney who is also financially secure. He is a “plan it to the bones” type of guy that loves planning and believes that his impeccable organizational skills have enabled him to accomplish all of his goals. Some might say that Sam is a bit anal but he disagrees and believes that his planning methodology has served him very well the past 35 years or so. His motto is “great planning makes a great man.” Like Bob, Sam is ready to retire. He’s had enough of the hustle and bustle of being a senior partner in a big law firm and is ready to retire so that he can pursue one of his lifelong dreams of becoming a volunteer for several organizations. Unlike Bob, Sam has already started planning out his goals, activities and has designed a “downsizing plan” that will enable him to retire in less than 6 months to pursue his dreams.

Now, let’s flash to the future. It is 6 months later. Bob is retired and is downright bored. Although he initially enjoyed not planning his retirement and found much pleasure in doing things on the spur of the moment, he is getting a bit bored with bar hopping, going on weekend fishing trips, and hanging out at the health club. He is also getting bored with himself and is starting to wonder if there is more to retirement than simply having fun. He is even considering going back to work or perhaps taking on some work projects to give him something to do. On the other hand, Sam is having the time of his life. He’s right on schedule. The first few months, he rested and relaxed and enjoyed himself immensely. Now however, he has transitioned to his non paid volunteer activities and has become a valuable resource to two prominent nonprofit organizations. Sam is truly enjoying his retirement and looks forward to a busy, scheduled day of providing volunteered activities.

So, what has this taught us? It has taught us that planning for your retirement is more than simply deciding that you have enough money to retire on a certain date. It is about planning how you’ll spend your time while accomplishing your goals. In fact, according to Christina Wright, a Retirement Specialist, “Many professionals don’t actually plan for their retirement. Although they evaluate their finances and are sure that they can support their lifestyles, they don’t plan how they’ll actually spend their time day in and day out. This “lack of planning” often leads to intense boredom and dissatisfaction with their newfound freedom. As a result, many of these professionals go back to work part or full time, not for the money, but to obtain some mental stimulation and excitement in their lives. This could have been avoided by simply planning out their goals and working hard to accomplish them”

With this in mind, we’ve talked to hundreds of successful retirees and found that like them, you can accomplish your retirement goals through the implementation of these five easy steps:

1. Have a positive mental attitude. You should have a positive mental attitude about this new phase in your life. You must know what retirement means to you and be willing to do whatever it takes to make you happy.

2. Be committed to your goals. You should make sure that you are 100% committed to living your life the way that you visualize it every single day.

3. Transition slowly and visualize success. You should be willing to transition yourself from a working professional to a retired person. You should visualize how great your life will be in a lifestyle that will give you the satisfaction you desire once you retire. For example, if you see yourself as lounging around all day, you have to ask yourself some hard questions like; will this truly make me happy? Can I see myself doing this for the next 25 or so years? If I find this isn’t fun, are there any activities that might make my days more fun? If so, what are they?

4. Plan your days. Regardless of whether or not you intend to lounge all day or are involved in many activities, it is always a great idea to plan out your days. This doesn’t have to be a mind-boggling task and you don’t have to use a fancy planner to be successful. Instead you simply have to think about your activities a day or week in advance, and plan how you’ll spend your time.

5. Find pleasure in accomplishing your goals. Find satisfaction in actually accomplishing your new life’s goals in retirement whether you are volunteering at your favorite organization or going fishing with a friend.

In conclusion, taking and maintaining control over your retirement is up to you. By having a positive mental attitude, being committed, transitioning yourself, planning your days and finding pleasure in your accomplishments, you can make your retirement dreams come true!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Use a deck of cards for an aerobic workout

The Deck of Cards.

The first time I heard about this was an in article about Clive (Iron Fist) Myers. It was one of his favourite routines.

The idea is very easy to put into practise and will help build stamina, strength and energy. All you need is a deck of cards and some space to exercise. You could do this routine while on vacation if you want to maintain peak fitness.

First you need to decide on 3 exercises to do 1. Chest 2. Legs 3. Abdominals.

1. push ups.

2. Free standing squats.

3. Crunches.

Each exercise will be done in strict form with no cheating.

For the push ups, start in the low position and push up with slow steady motion until the top of the movement and then slowly lower back down under control. Breathe in as you go down and in as you push back up. This is one rep.

Free standing squats, fold your arms across your chest and perform deep knee bends slowly, under full control. At the bottom of the movement push with your thighs and come back to the top position. Breathe in as you go down and out as you come up.

Crunches, start by lying on your back on the floor with your feet on a bench or chair. Hold your hands beside your head (NOT BEHIND). Raise your upper body from the floor as high as you can. Breathe out as you raise and in as you lower your upper body. Do not hold you hands behind your head and pull as this will put excessive strain on your neck.

Now take the deck of cards including the jokers. Give it a good shuffle and turn over the top card. Whatever the value of this card is the number of reps for the exercise. Face card values

Jack 11

Queen 12

King 13

Ace 14

Joker 15

With each card you turn over, do that amount of reps for the exercise, and then turn the next card over and move onto the next exercise.

When you are starting you may be unable to do a full deck of cards. No problem. Start with the number cards up to the eight. Add one more card at the beginning of each workout until you can use the full deck.

Make sure to breathe regularly as you perform these exercises and do not hold your breath at any time.

Shuffle the deck of cards each time you work out as the will randomize the number of each exercise.

You can change the exercises if you are unable to do the ones recommended. There are a multitude of variations on free standing exercises that can be performed with little or no equipment. If you do change the exercises try to do one upper, one middle and one lower body exercise.

The main idea is that you move from one exercise to the next as quickly as possible to keep up your heart rate and build up aerobic endurance.

When you have done this routine for a while you will be able to complete this workout in 20 minutes. If you want to you could add another deck of cards or two.

I recommend that you do this routine every other day to improve your health. There is no reason why it could not be done daily if you wanted to.

The purpose of this workout or any other fitness program you undertake is to make you fitter and healthier. If you start to feel unwell or have any pain while working out, slow down and listen to your body.

As with any new program it is recommended that you start slowly and build up gradually as you gain experience. Even Arnold had to start with low weights and learn from more experienced bodybuilders.

This article is provided as entertainment and no responsibility can be taken for loss or injuries incurred during physical exercise. If you have not undertaken any form of exercise for a while, please consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

Fitness is not a competition with anyone else. It is just for you, so find what you enjoy and go have some fun.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

The hepatitis b virus

Hepatitis B is what we used to originally known as just simply serum hepatitis. Hep B has been recognized as this new name since World War II. The virus is responsible for current epidemics in parts of Asia and Africa. Recognized as endemic in China and various other parts of Asia, the Hepatitis B virus has infected over one third of the world's current population.

Hepatitis B is in the Hepadnavirus family. Meaning that it consists of a proteinaceous core particle that has the viral genome inside of it in the form of double stranded DNA. It also has an outside lipid-based envelope that contains embedded proteins. These envelope proteins on the outside are involved in viral binding and release into susceptible cells. Where as the inner capsid refinds the DNA genome to a cell's nucleus where it transcribes viral mRNAs. Although HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and Hepatitus are not related they are both viruses that use reverse transcription process. This also include HTLV. Hepatitis B's genome is DNA, and reverse transcription is one of the latter steps of the entire process which results in making new viral particles. HIV on the other hand has an RNA genome and reverse transcription is one of the first steps in replication of the virus.

Hepatitis B is most commonly transmitted through direct exposure to bodily fluids that contain the virus. This is a wide category but in most cases includes:

- Re-using contaminated needles and syringes

- Uncleanly Blood transfusions

- Unprotected sexual contact

- Direct transmission from mother to child during childbirth

The dominant mode of transmission depends largely on the prevalence of the disease in a given area. For example if areas such as North America drug abuse and unprotected sex are the primary mode of infection. Where as in areas such as such as China where Hepatitis B is very prevalent, the vertical transmission (mother to child) is the most common. A mother who is positive for the Hepatitis B surface virus has a 20% risk of passing the infection to her offspring during birth. That percentage can rise to as high as 90% if the mother is also infected with the hepatitis B e antigen.

The older a person is at the time of infection, the greater the risk that their body will not clear the infection. Hepatitis B infection can lead to a permanent inflammation of the liver, the result of this inflammation leads cirrhosis. These affects largely increase the likelyhood of developing liver cancer.

Amateur satellite radio

When OSCAR was launched into space on December 12, 1961, the opportunity for amateur satellite radio transmissions from space was achieved. The satellite belongs to the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation which is an organization that is centered on educating the world about things that occur in space and the technology behind the satellite transmission unit's capabilities.

Many people had already been using amateur radio signals to talk to each other on Earth, but with the addition of radio frequencies from the high altitude offered by Space, the ability to communicate was easier and the quality of the transmissions were greatly enhanced. The network of amateur satellite radio enthusiasts are involved in developing communications technologies and in contributing to the research associated with outer space.

The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation uses the time and efforts of volunteers who are devoted to developing amateur satellite radio technologies to report any observations that they have that come from space exploration. All of the hardware and software that is used in the amateur satellite radio network were created by volunteers.

The amateur satellite radio network provides a necessary service to the United States military through the radio centers when Navy ships are at sea. The American Red Cross uses the free services of Amateur Satellite Radio transmissions to deliver health and comfort messages to crewmembers, and the vessels are kept appraised of weather conditions through the weather satellites advisory messages that are transmitted through the amateur satellite radio network.

Unlike their satellite radio counterparts, the Amateur satellite radio network relies on the generosity of strangers to perform its mission of educating the world about space and the technology used to study anything related to space. The donated resources may come from any location in the world, and when help is needed, the people of the amateur satellite radio are more than willing to devote some time into figuring out a solution to a problem that deals with Space.

The first amateur radio satellite was placed in the Smithsonian to allow people to view the advancements of space technology firsthand. The satellites that are launched into space today for the amateur satellite radio network are by far, the most technologically advanced pieces of machinery in space today.

The amateur satellite radio satellite is capable of transmitting signals from space, and the amateur satellite radio transmitter will usually track objects and send scientific data back in the form of photographs. The latest mission by NASA to the International Space Station was observed by the amateur radio enthusiasts and photographs of Atlantis undocking from the International Space Station can be viewed on the Amateur Satellite Radio Corporate website.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Ecommerce ensuring delivery

In the early days of ecommerce it was more likely that you would have direct interaction with an online business. Before the advent of shopping carts and online credit card transactions you might have been advised to call the online business phone number and place your order over the phone. Packages may have arrived with a hand written mailer and a note of thanks enclosed. As a customer you might have even been saddled with the task of sending a check and then waiting for the product to arrive once payment cleared the bank.

As ecommerce business has expanded, so too have the methods of payment. With the payment issues moving toward an automated accounting system we have seen the fulfillment of orders move toward a more automated function as well.

This is the typical order of product fulfillment with major online companies today.

1) Product ordered through online store using standard shopping cart.

2) Autoresponder used to confirm order placement and payment information.

3) Order added to a fulfillment database.

4) Autoresponder used to alert customer to the successful shipping of the product.

5) Tracking information provided to allow customer to follow the delivery of their product.

There may still be room for human error, however this type of product fulfillment takes into account the needs of the consumer, the advantages of current technology and a more efficient means of follow through with customers.

Defining your shipping policy in your Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section may be a very positive way to help customers know what to expect from your ecommerce store.

It could be your online store provides customized gifts or services that may find benefit from personal interaction with your clients. In some cases it may be wise to adopt a positive human touch when working with your clients. However, as your business grows you may discover it is time consuming to keep up with every order personally. This is when a more automated delivery system may be in order.

Customer service is a prized component to any ecommerce business. If a customer has to remind you to make a delivery it is possible you have lost that individual as a customer.

I had a situation where a software product was ordered, but was not delivered. The company found the information, discovered the shipping error, and sent the product to me overnight and added bonus software. Their response to the issue was what allowed me to feel comfortable returning to their ecommerce store for additional software purchases.

If you make a mistake – make it right – make it better than right – and do it quickly. A reputation is hard to gain and easily lost.

Turning up the heat without it costing you a penny more

Fancy Cheaper Utility Bills this winter?

Switching gas and electricity providers can be a great way of achieving cheaper utility bills this winter. Typically if you never moved gas and electricity providers you could save about Ј100 a year, according to watchdog OFGEM. But how do you do it and who are the best providers?

How do I find a cheaper provider and how much could I save?

We have extensively researched the whole gas and electricity market to help you find who provides the best rates for you. It compares all tariffs from all gas and electricity suppliers. Take the 5 minute challenge and get cheaper utility bills at energy. moneyexpert. com/

Once you find the best supplier for your needs you can usually apply online. It then usually takes about four weeks for the new supplier to arrange the transfer of services on your behalf.

In theory you can change suppliers as much as you like as long as you bear in mind the time it takes and that some discounts may only occur when you have been with a supplier for a specified period of time.

What tariff options are available?

Energy and gas providers offer a number of ways to pay.

Dual Fuel - If you still use separate suppliers for your gas and electricty you may be missing out on some substantial savings.

By choosing one supplier for both your gas and electricity you can benefit from having just one bill and a bigger discount by choosing one supplier to provide both your gas and your electricty.

Capped Tariffs - These guarantee the amount you will pay for your gas and/or electricity, until a specified date. These are perfect for you if you want to protect yourself from price rises.

Online Sign-up - Some energy providers offer cheaper tariffs for online customers as the suppliers pass on some of the savings they make from the reduced administration fees.

Online Billing - Much as with the above if the supplier saves money from not having to produce and post out a bill the tariff is usually cheaper.

Direct Debit - Although direct debits can sometimes be tricky to set up they can save you money in the long run as most energy suppliers offer you a discount if you select this payment method.

Cash/Cheque - This is often the most expensive way of paying for your gas and electricity due to the administration involved in sending you out the bill and processing your payment.

Economy 7 - With this tariff a meter is used to split your electricity usage into day and night with different tariffs for each.

Prepayment Meters - This is where your electricity and gas usage is paid for by putting money onto a meter first.

Green Energy - Even though the energy you receive is the same, the company that provides is will generate the equivalent used through renewable means.

Making your home more energy efficient

Another way of gaining cheaper utility bills is to make your home more energy-efficient. Below are some top tips to help you do this:

* - Shower instead of taking a bath as this can use up to a third less energy

* - Use heat-generating appliances such as washers, dryers or ovens during the cooler hours of the morning or evening as it can help to heat the house.

* - Wash only full loads of clothes when possible

* - Start using energy-saving settings on refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, and tumble dryers.

* - Turning your thermostat down by 1єC could cut your heating bills by up to 10 per cent and save you around Ј40 per year.

* - Is your water too hot? Your cylinder thermostat shouldn't need to be set higher than 60єC/140єF.

* - Close your curtains at dusk to stop heat escaping through the windows.

* - Always turn off the lights when you leave a room.

* - Don't leave appliances on standby and remember not to leave appliances on charge unnecessarily.

* - Replace your light bulbs with energy saving recommended ones: just one can reduce your lighting costs by up to Ј100 over the lifetime of the bulb - and they last up to 12 times longer than ordinary light bulbs.

What Next?

We have extensively researched the whole gas and electricity market to help you find who provides the best rates for you. We compare ALL tariffs from ALL gas and electricity suppliers.

This means in less than 5 minutes we can help you find the best supplier for your energy needs.

Take the 5 minute challenge and see how much you can save: energy. moneyexpert. com/

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Hidden advantages to an online it degree

Some people mistakenly assume that a traditional IT program with on-campus classes is somehow more marketable or accepted in the working world. Nothing could be further from the truth. Online educational programs have come a long way in the last ten years and today some of the top schools in the country offer distance education programs through the Internet. In fact, getting an online IT degree can give you some hidden advantages when you actually get out to search for a job.

One hidden advantage of an online IT degree is that it is very job-focused. Many traditional in-classroom degrees are simply not that transferable to the working world. Degrees may take a long time and may focus on theoretical, abstract ideas rather than skills that are readily transferable to an actual job. An online IT educational program, on the other hand, is specifically designed to give you the skills and knowledge you will need in a career. Many faculty members in these degree programs have real-life experience in the field rather than just academic credentials. They really understand the exact skills you need to succeed in the field and are happy to pass these skills onto students. When you complete your program of studies, you will have a number of highly desirable skills that translate seamlessly into a job. With your education, there will be no need to explain how your degree is significant for a job.

Another hidden advantage is that an online IT degree saves you time. There is no superfluous time wasted on abstract theories and less-than-useful subjects. You will not be taking subjects outside of your field simply because they are compulsory. Also, when you enroll in an online IT degree program, you will not have to learn the same things over and over again. Not only might you be able to get credit for courses you have already taken at the college level, but your course of study will also be carefully structured so that you will not be duplicating material. This is one reason why your program may take months rather than many years. At the same time, there will be no social programs and distractions so that you will be able to focus just on getting the degree that will land you an excellent job. It is important to keep in mind that there is no need to feel isolated. Many educational programs hosted online offer plenty of interaction with faculty and other students, so that you can enjoy all the benefits of being part of a learning community.

Students who have already gotten their online IT degree often speak very enthusiastically of their educational experience. That's because this sort of education has many advantages. If you are shy, for example, being able to learn in a virtual classroom is often much less stressful. Many students find that virtual classrooms are also much more student-friendly. The adults who learn in these environments are often very motivated to study and current technology means that learning is interesting and easily accessible. It is also important to note that online learning can be very discreet. No one has to know that you are studying for a new career unless you choose to make that information public knowledge. If you are not ready to tell your boss or your friends about your career decision, they simply do not have to know.

An online IT degree provides the maximum level of flexibility and quality; two traits that most adult learners demand. If you want to enter the IT field, there is no better way to study than to learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home.

Life advice a lost friend speaks

When my friend sensed that in a few weeks the light of life was about to be extinguished, and that there was no more hope for him, he called me to his side and said, "If only I had lived my life differently, I might not have felt such an emptiness now. Promise me," he caught my hand, "Promise me that you won't make the same mistake." And when I asked him what mistakes, he asked me to get a pen and paper and to jot down his last words. Here they are in condensed form:

1) Talk less; listen more.

2) Listen to your grandfather's stories about his youth. When he's gone, you will relive the bond through these memories.

3) Invite friend over for a snack or dinner even if the house is a mess.

4) Eat popcorn in the living room even though its messy.

5) Invite the friends who have children home. Don't worry about their children creating a mess.

6) Sit on the grass even though it dirties your pants.

7) Never buy something just because it lasts for a long time or because it is practical.

8) Stay in bed and at home when sick and stop pretending that the world cannot go one without me for a day.

9) Light up the wonderfully crafted candles and let them burn out. Better this than they accumulate dust in the closet.

10) Share life's responsibilities with a partner, not only expenses.

11) (Meant for Women) Instead of waiting for the pregnancy to get over, cherish each moment in your heart. Understand that the life in you is the only chance you will get to help god create magic.

12) Let your children hug and kiss you whenever they wish to. Don't stop them by saying things like: later, go wash your hands first, we have to eat dinner.

13) Say the following two phrases as often as possible: "I love you" and "I am sorry."

14) Stop worrying about who loves or and who doesn't or about what others have or don't have.

15) Cherish all personal human relations.

16) Play with a pet every day. Laugh and run with it and take part in all its antics.

17) Spend more time with the people who love you.

18) Stop sweating because of all the small details and problems of life.

19) Grab every moment, look at it and live it. That moment will never return again.

Her name was Susan, and she had one six year old daughter. Susan taught me these few basic ideals that I have tried to follow in honour of her memory. It has made me a better man, a much nicer husband and in general, a happier person. Even now I can hear her say that God has blessed each and every one of us, and that we should accept these blessings and strive to become stronger both physically, mentally and also emotionally. I will always remember what she said to me the last time we met: "Jack, you are lucky. Don't blow it."