Monday, April 25, 2016

Seo - branding and your keywords

If you are starting a home base Internet business you might be thinking, “What does branding have to do with me.” You are never too small as a business to start thinking about branding. For one thing, your brand should reflect two or three keywords that people search for when they look for products or services on the Internet. Branding is an important concept to grip simply because it summarizes everything about your business that will leave a lasting impression. Very often the titles and phrases that you come up with to brand your site are exactly what your customers will be looking for when they do that search, so taking the time to focus your brand and define what your company is about really helps make your SEO goals clear. Yet another intention of branding is about making your customer remember you even if they visit your site and decide not to buy anything that particular day. If you are branded properly then they will remember and come back for a second look and likely a sale.

A good example of a good brand is Kleenex. It is hard not to think of facial tissues without thinking about Kleenex. Another classic example is Coca Cola. It is hard not to think about cola without that brand name coming to mind. You need to think long and hard and with the creativity of an experienced market advertising executive to come up with the name, catch phrase or clever URL that will stick in the memory of a potential customer. A cleverly designed site or a memorable logo can perform the same kind of function.

Branding is an essential component of all sales and marketing strategies and it is best not to ignore it. Branding is what makes you unique and differentiates you from your competition. You might not think, especially if you are a small Internet business, that branding does not really apply to you. However branding is the very foundation of marketing and also SEO techniques.

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