Sunday, November 27, 2016

Providence pond - book review

Author, Beresford McLean brings a new novel to his fans, this one delves into a time when British culture dominates over those within Jamaica. Providence Pond’s 500 pages are divided into four parts; each involves four generations of the King family between 1880-1920. The book closes with an afterword that provides insight into some of the issues in Jamaica over the years. Readers may want to read this section first, as it will definitely enrich the experience.

A mysterious Wiseman suddenly appears to a small group of seven individuals from Providence Pond just when matters were about to get out of hand. Asa, an aged shaman-like character, intends to begin a new branch of his “Family” within their community, and this scares some folks who are intimidated by the persecuting officials. But Asa leaves and does not return until much, much later – bringing Congo King and Miss Hene along with him. There are numerous characters in Beresford’s novel but Congo, the co-leader of the new branch of Asa’s Family, is the leading role.

When I began this project, I was under the mistaken impression that it would be about a cultural clash between two peoples. Instead, the story seems to be more about a small group of people in a rural area who have children and the children have children – the readers witnessing all the drama from adultery, romance, jealousy and greed.

Anticipation of a mistaken impression could have lead to my disappointment with some sections of the book. But the transformation of Detective Graham was something I wouldn’t have wanted to miss and I am glad that I read the book through to the end. I was certainly intrigued by the beliefs, culture and drumming – perhaps due to our home-based business, Drum-it Percussion. Sadly, the story did not delve deeply into these subjects. However, the brief glimpses were certainly bright points for me.

Providence Pond is Mr. McLean’s second novel – the first being Broken Gourds – and is currently working on a third book. He is a generous man, deeply involved in numerous charities. Beresford actually emigrated from Jamaica to the United States roughly 36 years ago, and so writing about his homeland obviously slips easily into his novels.

This book would certainly appeal to readers who enjoy rural romance.

Publisher: Anancy Books

ISBN: 0-9753297-1-5

Double whammy the effects of procrastination

Procrastination, like all of your behaviours carries consequences. Whether your behaviour is conscious or unconscious, you will eventually have to deal with the effects. The effects of procrastination are something that we all have to confront and deal with from time to time. It's only natural to procrastinate at times but, the way you deal with your procrastination patterns will determine what effects procrastination has on your life.

One of the most obvious effects of procrastination is the failure to reap the rewards that would come from taking action. When you procrastinate you simple fail to take action on the very things you know will bring you the rewards that you desire. Although you know what you want and even what you need to do to get it, you still have to take action and it's usually at this point where procrastination sets in.

Because the results that you desire are often something bigger and better than what you currently have, you must step outside your comfort zone to get it. You might have to take actions that you are not comfortable with to which your unconscious mind reacts by "protecting" you against that which is uncomfortable. Although the short term effects of procrastination might seem as "positive" the long term effects are almost always negative.

Failing to reap the rewards of taking action can have many knock on effects. Taking action on your ideas and desires is one of your most empowering gifts. It is the process by which you can make the intangible tangible. Through your actions and your behaviour you create or un-create your life. It's not only the direct results of your actions that creates you outcomes, but often the very fact that you are actually consciously affecting the conditions of your life. It not just your actions, but rather your failure to take action that will have a greater effect on the rewards you reap from life. From this point of view the effects of procrastination is not just a direct but also an indirect loss of rewards. Every action is a cause set in motion that affects and build on past and future events to the point where we can never really determine the actual effect of one specific action. More than anything else, action opens you up to opportunity.

Opportunity is rarely the result of you waiting for it. When you put yourself in line with what you want most through your conscious action you expose yourself to opportunity. It's never a case of whether you have opportunities but rather are you noticing the opportunities? But even more importantly, are you using the opportunities or are you procrastinating? One thing is for certain and that is when procrastination becomes a habit you won't even notice all the opportunities on your doorstep. You will live your life in distraction, constantly looking for short term "pleasures" to avoid the real challenges that will cause you to reap the real results. You will always "turn a blind eye" to the real opportunities. Thos who succeed are rarely the people with the most or the most splendid opportunities. They are the people who saw an opportunity where no one else saw it and then they took action to realize it.

Out of all the negative effects of procrastination and indecision the failure to spot and act on opportunity is probably the saddest. So many people with so much talent fail to live up to their true potential because of procrastination. The rewards you reap from life will be either a direct or an indirect result of your actions or your inactions. Not only will procrastination prevent you from reaping the rewards but your inaction will prevent you from even being exposed to opportunity. Opportunity is knocking but you have to take action and at least open the door. Don't let the effects of procrastination stand between what you are and what you can become. As the famous entrepreneur and businessman Victor Kiam once said: "Procrastination is opportunity's assassin."

Choosing the right sports gear and apparel

As Reese Witherspoon’s character in Legally Blonde says “Endorphins make you happy.” This statement propelled a lot of people to get into sports because aside from exercise sports also produce endorphins. In this increasingly cynic world, we all need a dose of endorphins to keep us in within a positive perspective.

There are so many sports to choose from so there is no excuse to get into sports. The perpetual I can’t can be eradicated when you are staring at hundreds of sports up for bid. The key here is to try and try until you find that one perfect sport that you will be so passionate about. In the end, more than the endorphins that will make you happy you will thank your chosen sport for an overall better life.

It all starts with trying out a sport. You can try it alone or drag along a few willing friends to make it more fun. If it does not work the first time then try it for one more time, if it still doesn’t give you the kind of passion you want to feel then move to another sport. If club hopping ahs become such a phenomenon then why not sports hopping. Eventually there will be that one sport that no matter how sore your body feels can still leave you wanting for more. When you have done hat, it is time to look for the right sports gear and sports apparel.

Just like in business, you have to suit up for when you got to the local gym or the health club. So look around and observe what the other people are wearing. If you like what you see and want to be safe then buy exactly the same set but try to accentuate it with your own touch by choosing more vibrant colors for instance.

The most important thing is that you choose a comfortable sports apparel so it would be easier to do those winning moves. As for purchasing the right sports gears, you might have to check with your trainer or any person knowledgeable about the sport you want to pursue before making a purchase.

Sports gear affect a performance a lot so buy those that are right for your level anyway you can always advance in terms of capability and by then you can already spend more gears because of more intricate technologies needed.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Unlocking the cure to peptic ulcer

Peptic ulcer is a health disorder that refers to painful sores in the lining of the stomach called duodenum, the first part of the small intestines. Recent medical studies suggest that the primary cause of peptic ulcer is a bacterial infection. Bacterial infections usually involve the presence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Although not generally not considered a serious health problem, peptic ulcer should never be taken for granted and may lead to a life-threatening condition if left untreated. This condition may bring intense pain and discomfort that may require medication to bring ulcer pain relief. There are also cases of peptic ulcers that were caused by a negative reaction to certain medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

It was once believed that spicy foods and stress were the main causes of peptic ulcers. But after careful study, researchers were able to determine that the said ailment is caused by a bacterium called Helibacter pylori (H, pylori). H. pylori covers and protects tissues in the stomach and small intestines; and then lives and multiplies within the mucus membrane. These bacteria may be transmitted from one person to another by close contact, such as kissing. It can also be contacted through food and water.

Other causes of peptic ulcers may include may include the following:

* Regular use of pain relievers. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) may cause irritation and inflammation on the lining of the stomach and small intestine. Common NSAIDs include aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and ketoprofen. Doctors advise individuals to take NSAIDs only moderately or in the right prescribed amounts in order to avoid digestive upset.

* Smoking. Tobacco may increase the volume and concentration of stomach acid and increase the risk of ulcer because of the nicotine it contains.

* Excessive alcohol consumption. Like NSAIDs, alcohol may also cause irritation and erosion of the mucous lining of the stomach and increase the production of stomach acid.

* Stress. Stress alone is not a cause of peptic ulcers, it is only a contributing factor. This may aggravate symptoms of peptic ulcers and delay healing in some cases.

An ulcer may may or may not have any symptoms. When symptoms occur, they may include burning sensation and gnawing or burning pain in the abdomen, between the breastbone and navel. Bloating, heartburn, bloating, and nausea are additional symptoms that may develop during the different stages of the ailment.

Symptoms which may require immediate medical attention may include:

* Vomiting blood

* Vomiting food eaten hours or days before

* Difficulty swallowing

* Nausea

* Black or tar-like stool (indication that there is blood in the stool)

* Sudden, severe pain in the abdominal area

* Pain that radiates to the back

* Pain that doesn't go away when you take medication

* Unintended weight loss

* Unusual weakness, usually because of anemia

The use over-the-counter medications in the form of antacids and antibiotics are the common methods that are used for temporary ulcer pain relief. Antacids can help neutralize the acidic fluids that the body produces naturally and provide relief. Antibiotics, on the other hand, are used to kill H. Pylori bacteria. These medications are equally effective although it is always important to follow the doctor's instructions to avoid any complications or side effects. Certain medications should be used to a specific number of days and may cause additional side effects if taken for extended periods.

Taking medication for ulcer pain relief should be combined with a healthy diet to prevent the progression of peptic ulcer are active lifestyles and healthy diets. A healthy diet that contains non-acidic food and beverages is essential in keeping this disorder under control. In addition to this, smoking alcohol, and coffee should be avoided when suffering from peptic ulcer. Smoking affects the blood circulation while coffee and alcoholic drinks may stimulate the overproduction of pepsin and gastric acids. The key to peptic ulcer prevention is early detection of this disease. Regardless of what one thinks about what may or may not be causing stomach pain, consultation with doctors once persistent pain occurs is important in early treatment. Nowadays, majority of ulcers may not require any type of invasive medical procedure and can be cured or eliminated through proper diets or prescription medication. Like other health conditions, the key to peptic ulcer treatment is early evaluation and treatment.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The best credit card - shopping for a credit card

Credit cards are just like any form of credit, you should shop around to find the best deal. Depending on your situation, you may want to find a card with low rates, a reward program, or a 0% APR for transfers. Make sure you look at several credit card companies to find the best deal for you.

Comparing Programs

Credit card companies offer several different types of incentives to entice you to open an account with them. These rewards can save you money or earn you trips or cash back. If you plan on always paying off your monthly balance, then a reward program, such as airline miles or cash back, may be for you.

If you plan on carrying a balance on your new credit card, then look for the lowest rate. You will want a no frills card with no annual fees. You can also choose a card with a low introductory fee, usually lasting six months to a year, if you plan to pay off the balance soon.

For transfers, look for offers of 0% APR. These offers typically last for six to twelve months, but they can save you a bundle on interest. However, be aware that rates on these cards can shoot up after the grace period.

Finding Credit Card Companies

I’m sure you have received several credit card offers in the mail this week, but you can find better deals online. The major financing companies offer special reward bonuses and special programs for students or small business owners.

Look at what each credit card company is offering along with their rates. You may also want to choose a card that you don’t already have. While American Express and Discover offer excellent rewards, they aren’t accepted by everyone. Plan on having at least two different types of cards.

Always Watch For Deals

Once you have your credit card, continue to look at credit card offers. You may find an especially low rate or a good rewards program. You can easily apply for the card, then close an old credit card account. While having several different types of credit lines are good for your credit history, too many open credit card accounts can hurt your score.

Fight cancer with these 10 foods

More than a third of all cancers could be prevented by changes in diet and exercise. One of the most important things you can do to reduce your risk is lose excess weight - and one of the best ways to lose weight is through a filling, fiber-rich diet including plenty of fruits and vegetables.

But that's not the reason why the National Cancer Institute recently approved the dietary guidance: "Diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of some types of cancer and other chronic diseases." These foods are packed with antioxidants and other compounds that protect your DNA and fight free radical damage.

Since these substances work synergistically, it's best to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables rather than relying on one particular produce item to serve as a magic bullet against disease. That said, recent studies have uncovered specific benefits in the following foods that would recommend making them a part of any healthy diet.

1. Tomatoes: Lycopene, also found in watermelon and pink grapefruit, has been linked to lower risk of prostate, ovarian and cervical cancer. It also targets the free radical that is implicated in lung and digestive cancers.

2. Broccoli sprouts: One forkful triggers a cascade of antioxidant activity that lasts for days.

3. Berries: Blueberries, cranberries, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, grapes - all rich in anthocyanins that repair and protect DNA.

4. Soybeans: Isoflavones such as genistein may help prevent and treat prostate cancer and may reduce breast cancer risk

5. Tea: Both black and green contain powerful compounds shown in countless studies to lower the risk of several types of cancer.

6. Pumpkin: This unsung super-food is a super-rich source of both beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, two hard-working carotenoids that combat lung and ovarian cancer.

7. Spinach: Popeye's favorite may help ward off cancers of the liver, ovaries, colon and prostate. The active antioxidant lutein is also found in kale and other leafy greens.

8. Garlic: Allium veggies (which also include onions and scallions) work to get your body's own antioxidant defense systems in gear. This process provides protective benefits against stomach, esophageal and breast cancers.

9. Pineapple: The enzyme bromelain may inhibit the growth of malignant cells in both lung and breast cancer, while the phenolic compounds also provide a protective benefit.

10. Apples: Can one a day help keep cancer at bay? Studies show quercetin may reduce the risk of lung cancer and impede growth of prostate cancer cells. Other antioxidants together with pectin help halt colon and liver cancer cell replication.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Will ffas get me banned from google

The webmaster's nightmare. "Oh my god, my listing is gone from google!!!" or yahoo, or msn or any of the big search engines.

We all know that traffic is the life blood of any online endeavor. Without traffic you can't make sales. Search engine traffic is the most reliable source of high quality traffic. High quality being visitors who are looking specifically for the products or services you sell.

FFAs or Free For All links pages are considered low quality traffic sources. IE people randomly surfing, clicking on whatever looks interesting. Not really searching for anything and very unlikely to buy anything.

There is however another role that FFAs play. Bulk submition to FFAs or blasting FFAs creates hundreds of links to your web site. The number of links to your site is part of how google and other search engines rank your site. The more links the higher your ranking.

Now here is the problem. Traditional wisdom among webmasters, internet marketers and internet gurus is that too many FFA links. Considered low quality links, will get you banned from search engines.

In other words, the belief is that if google thinks you are trying to boost your rankings by adding a lot of low quality links they will ban you.

So will they? My only answer has to be, "not in my experience."

Here is a little history of my internet marketing journy. For the longest time I was wasting money on this traffic generating ebook and that traffic generating system. I was getting a pitance of search engine traffic and no google traffic. So I decided "So what if I get banned.". I wasn't getting google traffic anyway, how would being banned hurt me?

I started FFA blasting 3 or more times a week and guess what. Google traffic. Not huge amounts by any means, but google traffic none the less. Not only google iether. Ask. com, yahoo and many others. Even a fair amount of FFA page traffic.

So what am I saying here? It's simple. No one knows how google or yahoo or ask. com ranks web site except google, yahoo or ask. com. The search engines, like any good business, are constantly tweaking and changing their ranking rules. These rules are secret. Any internet marketing guru who claims to have "broken the google code" is either lieing out right or working off old information. Don't believe them.

In my experience making your internet foot print as large as possible is the best traffic generating strategy. Submitting to FFAs is the quickest easiest way to do this.

If you are already making a good living with free google traffic, great don't change a thing. In fact write an article so I can learn your secrets. If you are yet to get your first google hit, start submitting to FFAs. In my experience only good things will come of it.

Good luck in your web marketing.

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