Thursday, January 28, 2016

Say goodnight to insomnia

Do you sometimes feel that you have sleep deprivation? Is the quality of your sleep what it should be or do you wake up feeling tired and lacking energy? In addition, do you have trouble concentrating and just not feeling up to par the rest of the day?

According to the World Health Organization, one third of the world's population experience insomnia at some point in their life. Of that one third, about five per cent need medical treatment.

Below are natural techniques and remedies that can help you sleep without the aid of medical intervention.

Before going to bed, take the time to just sit and relax. Listed to some soft music, and do some deep breathing exercises. It is also best to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine.

Developing a bedtime routine every evening will eventually associate the routine with sleep. For instance, you could start with a cup of hot milk every evening and a warm bath. Milk contains a protein called tryptophan, which helps to promote sleep. A warm bath or shower will lower your internal body temperature again telling your body that it is time for sleep. If hot milk is not for you, try chamomile tea, which is known to calm the nerves.

Watching TV, reading and eating in your bedroom does not promote sleep, thus your body will not associate your bedroom with sleep. Your bedroom should be dark and cozy room that makes you feel secure and comfortable. The bedroom should make you crave sleep.

It is difficult to sleep when you mind is full of things that you have to do tomorrow. In order to alleviate this, write a to-do list for the next day. Organize your clothes for the morning and prepare lunches the night before. Consider making your appointments a little later in the day if you have a tendency to worry about getting up in the morning.

Many of us have anxieties and regrets or events from the past that may still haunt us. Issues such as these affect are sleeping patterns. Whatever the issues are, today might be a good time to finally set things straight; forgive that person, forgive yourself, give back that item, start talking to that family member again (or even make that appointment to see a psychologist if necessary).

In addition, you can organize your life and chores, thus making the time for a good nights sleep. For instance, make one large supper and freeze half for another day, spot clean the house and pick up daily before it becomes a large task, plan a menu for the week thus alleviating the frustration of what to cook for supper every night. You owe it to your health and those around you to get a good night sleep. With a little bit of planning and routine, you will get to bed earlier and get the sleep you need.

As always, a balanced diet makes a balanced mind. While you are planning your menus for the week take into account that the meals you are preparing have the essential vitamins and minerals. Next, throw away all the junk food, pop and other foods that are loaded with calories but offer no nutritional value. Throw in a little exercise and your insomnia will gradually fade away with an improved mind and body.

If you cannot sleep, then get up. Laying in bed worrying that you cannot fall asleep will only make it worse. Get up, go into a different room, and do something to distract yourself until you feel sleepy.

Many medications will interfere with your sleep. Check with your doctor if you are experiencing insomnia and are also taking any of these medications - amphetamines (diet pills), antidepressants, beta blockers (heart and blood pressure), cimetidine (ulcers), clonidine (blood pressure), cortisone, diuretics (fluid), levodopa (parkinsons), methyldopa (blood pressure) and ventolin (asthma).

Stress is above all the worst cause of insomnia. By using the techniques above you can reduce stress and say goodbye to insomnia.

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